Monday, October 14

This kite is not worth flying Donald.
The kings chamber is directly over the bottomless pit.

Go to the movies for Pete’s sake.

Just the movies in general,
Lose yourself,
Let go.

It’s not healthy for your identity to be a brand.

Just because you have the resources,
Doesn’t mean you should.

You are headed for an ego embolism 
I just hope it doesn’t happen in the White House 

I know cause I’ve been through it before.
I just don’t have the resources you have.

It’s a cruel joke nature has played on us.
We just naturally do this stuff.

The constitution is supposed to be Gordian’s knot.
You apparently have the resources to undo it.

Please think about it

I pray for you.
I wouldn’t want to be in that position.
Like I said the King’s Chamber
Is directly over the bottomless pit

Apparently Resource Theory is a micro thing
But y’all get the idea

He has the resources to do it.
The constitution is a Gordon knot about resources.

I guess the question for us is,
Do we want him to do it or not.

Whether he has the intent doesn’t matter.
He has the resources to do it,
And I wouldn’t put it past him.

I don’t think he cares how bloody it’s gonna be.
He’s only in it for himself.

We can either have two years of chaos and division 
Or we can live, learn, and move on.
Unfortunately things are never going to be the same.

I have to make up words cause it’s not in my vocabulary.

I was right about him being impeached twice.
And if he ends up in office it’s going to happen again.

I don’t know.
George Washington probably had the resources to do it.
Thank God he didn’t.

He might be a lot of things,
But he isn’t George Washington 

Maybe some reworking needs to be done
But I don’t think the constitution is the problem 

That’s why all these people are saying he shouldn’t be near the office again 
He has the resources to do it
And people are supporting him because he has the resources to do it
Make no mistake 
Don’t be surprised 

They either want him to do it
Or they want him to scare the crap out of people 

If you don’t see it you are either complicit or in denial 

You know
You know
You know

Don’t play stupid with me
You know what the choices are

I’m informing you
This is not the chesterfield gazette 

Don’t come back and say you weren’t aware

I don’t live in a revolutionary left wing bubble
I agree there is a lack of common sense sometimes 
But this is about the constitution 
And whether we are going to put someone in power 
Who has the resources to undo some 250 years of tradition 
All because of a lack of common sense
Well I say that lacks common sense 

I don’t agree that we should pay prisoners to have sex changes
I don’t agree that drag queens should have story time with toddlers 
But this is not about that
Again this is about someone who has the resources to overturn 250 years of tradition 
And whether we want him in the White House or not

This is clear.
Are you mistaking me?

You know
You know
You know

If we put Trump in the White House again 
We minus well through out the idea of everyone being created equal 

There is a ego crisis infesting our whole country
It’s not just Trump
But he has the resources to do serious damage 
That can never be undone 

It’s telephone 
It’s radio
It’s television
It’s lead
It’s computers 
It’s internet
It’s quantum computers 
It’s artificial intelligence 
Etc etc 

There’s a lot of changes.
And we now have a choice on how we are going to handle it.

There are people who believe Trump is ordained by God 
as a person who has the resources to do this.

This is common knowledge 
Everybody knows this
Where do you stand?
Forget who I am
Is he George Washington?

You know
You know
You know
Don’t play stupid 

Is Donald Trump, George Washington?

I know people are hurting 
I go to the grocery store too
Be we can’t deemphasize the resources Trump commands
And how he plans to use them

I remember rooting for New England when they lost to the Bears 46 - 10
And I will say this
If he gets in there and does that crap it will be a disaster for the republicans 
There will be generations of never republicans 
We need two strong parties 
He will end up crashing the party

Saturday, August 17

Resource Theory

Christian nations are secular 
If you want to mix religion and politics 
Follow Islam 

You can’t fight it
That’s what they want you to do
The more you fight the worse it gets

They use human nature against ourselves 

Comrade Kamala 
Tell me you didn’t see that coming 

I was talking assholes and communists in 2008

Educate me
What does drilling have to do
With food prices and rent?

Ok let’s do conspiracy theories.
If they wanted you to oust the current administration,
Could they gouge the consumer and get you to blame the president?

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
I could give you conspiracy theories all day long.

I think prices are suspiciously sticky if you ask me.

Money is a curse.
They think if they do “Gods work” they can make up for it.

There is people out here, I call them Farmers, 
Because they treat the rest of us like cattle.
Jesus told you what the father is going to do to those farmers.
Heads up.
Stay Woke.

I was right about this asshole communist bullshit 16 years ago
The economy is changing
AI, Quantum Computing, Climate Change, and Environmental Toxins 
Are going to change the whole scenario 

We could have a soft landing 
Or we could have civil war
The choice is up to us

Everybody in this world answers to somebody 
Even if it’s legal does not mean you won’t answer for it.

Like I said Christian nations are secular.
If you want law that was given to you by your God be Muslim

We are bastardizing it.
We are doing it the way we want to do it.

Thomas Jefferson mutilated Bibles
It’s in our blood.

He cut and pasted the words of Jesus and separated them from the miracles 
Just because it was scholarly doesn’t make it right

I suspect it’s been going on for centuries.

I love America you know
But the emperor has no clothes 

I can’t imagine what it is going to be like.
It’s beyond me.

The future IS radical and dangerous 

I guess I felt like if it was going to happen 
It was already happening.

That was 30 years ago

We need a task force now

I was raised Christian 
I honor my mother and father 

I don’t know how to react Mr President 
No one has ever listened to me before 

You know I questioned if I made the right decision 
When I voted for you
But after Jan 6 I knew I made the the right decision 
And now 
Even more

Thank you Mr President 
You made the right decision.

You know I trust women to make their own decisions 
But as an adopted person 
Dancing around as abortion pills is a little much

It’s a life
It’s not something that should be celebrated like that

Mutilating Bibles and doing things your own way
Is nothing new.

Character and Integrity trump everything.

Yeah we are either going to have
Two years of chaos and division 

Or we are going to have a golden age

If the republicans really cared about policy 
They would have nominated someone else

Trump is very transactional 
I don’t think the issues make a damn to him

He seeks some affirmation, some fulfillment 
It’s like hearing your song on the radio

He’s driving to devils tower to see the aliens 
He doesn’t realize he’s making reality

There’s no word for it yet

I appreciate his tenacity 
But the more you hold on the worse it gets

You need to let go and fall through 

Some sort of manifestation 
Your supposed to let go

It’s called riding the dragon

Theoretically supernatural shit could start happening 
And I’m not talking soft premonitions 

It’s tectonic 
Frames drag then pressure builds up until it slips
Then you have stuff like Dailey plaza
Twilight zone shit

People who have never had it happen to them will never understand.

It’s contrary to everything they have been taught about how the world works.

They get mad about it.
They think the world is not supposed to work that way.

Linearity, truth, justice out the window.

Let’s face it
Salvation is not supposed to be about what computer programs you wrote.

If it’s happening to you, you need to tell that person to let go.
“Time reversal” is real, frames drag, and it’s gonna slip somewhere.

I’m not supposed to tell you this,
But basically things happened over and over until they slipped 

Years ago teachers weren’t allowed to be married 

They can’t allow Kamala Harris to be president.
To them she is a Communist.

There will be massive resistance 
If she is elected president.

Nobody follows me
If I mattered I’d be getting death threats 

People think I know what happened at Dailey Plaza.
I’m just expressing my truth.

I feel pressured to tell what I “know”
I’m just telling what I “know”

Some think the rules are made
Some think the rules make themselves 

Once you open yourself up to that
Is that what happens to you
I don’t know

If you make more sense backwards than forwards 
You are going backwards 

If you are backwards enough that’s called time reversal 
Weird shit starts happening 

Some of these atypicals will enable time reversal 

Because the atypicals can be like shorting a fuse box
They can enable you to push past 
The point where you are supposed to break down

I don’t think I’ve got a free pass,
But I don’t think God blames me.

God gets involved in individual people’s lives
Whether they believe in him or not

Voting isn’t going to stop trump
And he is coming after me

I’m probably not going to heaven when I die.

I wish I hadn’t said goodbye 
I wish I hadn’t been so angry at women
I don’t know where it came from

It sets a dangerous precedent.
If we allow trump to get away with it,
It’s going to happen over and over again.
We will never have an orderly transfer of power again.

It’s all resource theory 
He has the resources 

Tuesday, July 23

Names and Birthdates

If he doesn’t address issues like climate the environment and ai,
I’m not voting for him.

I don’t want socialism, but I am going to have to wait and see what he does.

If there is violence, I’m definitely not voting for him.

It’s a long shot.
I’d be getting death threats if people actually read this stuff.

Climate change is immigration.
The two are going to be intrinsically linked

If we don’t do something,
The border crisis we are having now
Is going to get drastically worse 

Clean water and clean air is not climate change.
They are two totally different things.

And we need to be aware of what has happened to our environment,
And how it is affecting us.
Namely lead.
But forever chemicals too

It’s like Walmart,
If the kids don’t buy it, they don’t sell it.

If it doesn’t get them elected,
They don’t talk about it.

I imagine there is thousands of people who don’t know this crap.

We don’t need a populist.
We need skilled leadership.
This is a monumental crisis.

It’s not just capitalism.
Parts of Siberia are a radioactive wasteland.

They have been dumping radioactive waste.
It’s a disaster area.

I don’t think they have an EPA.
I don’t think they are even trying to clean it up.

I don’t know what the answer to Gaza is.
We can’t have a situation 
Where Oct 7th happens over and over again 

Every time I see Trump
You know 
Can this man do it?

Can he guide us through this monumental crisis?

The economy, civil rights, reproductive rights

This isn’t the 50’s
If we don’t do this right
We don’t have 40 years ahead of us

It’s not a ratings game Mr. Former President 
This is serious 

I know nobody wants to hear the malaise speech again.
But damn.

What is going to happen
If you treat it like a ratings game
Or popularity contest
And you get in there and totally screw it up

One honest assessment about global warming,
The environment,
And AI
Is that too much to ask?

You are right about some stuff 
But you get paranoid and you won’t listen 

Hillary lost and she was ten points ahead.
Kamala will probably have to be 
12 to 15 points ahead to beat you

I know
The sky has been falling for 80 years 

I guess everyone is waiting for a sign,
Or a wake up call

Maybe we will have a bad couple years,
And everyone will come together.

We can’t shut the border down
There is going to be 
An enormous amount of people 
Who will be displaced by climate change

Humanitarian crisis 

I guess I’m interacting with the physics engine of the universe 

There is a lot of politics in the guard.
Promotions aren’t the same as active duty.

People lose rank for administrative reasons.
I think my dad was a master sergeant three times.

I can’t run and I have little upper body strength 
It plagued my career 

It was obvious from the beginning but they kept me anyway.
I must be worth something.

My AFSC was in high demand in the gulf war and my section almost got deployed 
But the state said no it would affect readiness of the unit

I think they blamed me for it
But it wasn’t my fault 

They can’t do that anymore 
They can call up individual AFSC now

I didn’t have a stellar career 
I wish I had been a better airman 

They could have washed me out easy.
I must be worth something idk.

It’s getting boring Donald 
It’s not 2016 anymore 
Same old shit over and over again 

You know I’m probably not a swing voter,
But I probably wouldn’t have voted 
If it was Biden and Trump again 

I know what I said about coronation 
But I’m grateful the democrats listened 
And gave us someone else

I don’t really care what her policies or politics are
I’m just grateful we got someone else

She can’t get everything she wants
We are still going to have gridlock 

Unless there is a blue wave
And I don’t see that happening 

It doesn’t matter to me that she isn’t detailing her policies 

Trump didn’t debate

It’s the same thing 

I don’t think people are going to swing over the economy 

I don’t think there is any reason to be scared of Kamala 

There isn’t going to be a blue wave

We are still going to have gridlock 

I think Biden would have stayed in
If there was anybody to swing
But there wasn’t anybody left to swing

Everybody had swung
The only ones left 
were the ones that were going to sit it out

I’d go after the never Trump Republicans 
That’s who I’d go after 

You need to convince them 
Kamala isn’t dangerous 

Let them feel they are welcome to split their tickets 
Convince them if they want moderate candidates 
It’s what they need to do

I don’t think there is anyone to swing over the economy 

Everybody has made up their mind about that

Anybody who is going to vote for Trump 
Over the economy 
Has already made up their mind

You need to gear things towards who is in play.

I guess there are never Trump Republicans 
that will be looking at Kamala’s economic policies 

I don’t think she is ever going to win them over.
They just need to not feel scared about her.

If the Republicans really cared,
They would have nominated Niki Haley

If they really really cared about the country 
They would have given us Niki Haley
And we would have had a red wave
But they didn’t 

I give Fox News some of my time but I’m not buying it.
It’s not about conservatism for me anymore 
I don’t like trump

Im not crazy about pro wrestling 

Fox News is not mainstream media
Give me a break 

Can you imagine what the Republican Party is going to look like if Trump wins?

If you are a moderate you don’t have a choice 

Which is more dangerous MAGA or Bidenomics

Like I said there is going to be gridlock 
She isn’t going to get everything she wants
But if Trump is elected 
It’s going to permanently change the Republican Party 

If you think you’re getting awful maga extremism now

Take control of your fucking party man
60% of you don’t agree with this shit

God forbid they sell tampons in the men’s bathroom omg

I don’t agree with it either 
but we can’t let this happen to the Republican Party 

If they want to do the opposite 
Of everything I tell them to do
And they think they can be in this position 
Fuck it let em

I didn’t ask for this shit
It landed in my lap

He can’t be David
It ain’t gonna work 
He can’t handle it

Going into re entry without a heat shield 

I don’t think there is anybody who voted for Biden
Who is going to vote for Trump 

The people to be won over are disillusioned republicans.
Don’t scare them.
Earn their trust.

47% is going to be hard to beat
We need everybody 
It will determine the course of the Republican Party for generations to come.

There has been conflict over my event history 

I don’t know for certain 
But it felt like there were times everything was on the line.

Satan picks on people based on names and birthdates

Beacon of Hope

Things happened in the 90’s

And I felt I didn’t understand what was going on

I started writing this blog in 2004

Things are different now.

I tend to carry the world on my shoulders.

I’ve always been that way.

If this blog has helped you understand things better,

That’s what it was written for.

I don’t know I heard somewhere

They were mathematicians 

And I put two and two together 

Maybe I heard it on Art Bell

I don’t remember 

No Art Bell didn’t say

Converted followers of Artemis wrote revelations 

I think he said something

About them being mathematicians 

I think early Christians 

We’re walking twilight zones like me

I’ve been told to stay out of it

For whatever 

Revelations brought an end 

To walking twilight zones

I’ve been a walking twilight zone

Since the 80’s

You may not like Kamala Harris 

But Jan 6 matters 

And being president doesn’t mean 

She gets everything she wants 

If you want the Republican Party 

To move more to the center again 

You have to vote democratic 

You don’t have a choice 

The only way 

This march to the extreme right is going to stop

Is if they keep losing 

For me Marjorie Taylor Greene

Is running for President 

I don’t like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez either 

But the democrats didn’t have an insurrection 

I need to shut up I’m gonna get hurt

I consider myself a moderate independent 

Everyone is strung out on lead

I guess the difference is

I stopped listening to the radio 

When you listen to the radio or watch tv

You get a lot of backwards stuff

Something about not listening to the radio

Has caused this crap

I think they burn and cover

He is an individual 

He has the right to bow out if he wants 

I don’t think drag queens should be having story time with kids

But I don’t think we should abolish the department of education either

It’s nice to see someone who smiles and laughs

Let’s be clear 

Republicans are threatening civil war if they don’t win the election 

It’s between MTG and AOC who is it gonna be?

Ones clearly delusional and the other is a socialist, what a choice.

One side threatening violence tips the scales for me.

I don’t want a socialist country 

But I don’t want someone who thinks the earth is flat either 

 My shit is more real than that crap

I think if we get a seriously negative poll for Trump 

Shits gonna hit the fan

I have a moderately negative view of socialism 

It’s the clear violence, delusion, and paranoia of the right I don’t like.

The economy is going to change 

Technology is going to make it

So a lot of people won’t have to work anymore 

The country is going brown

And it’s going socialist

And short of going Amish

There is nothing that can be done about it

We need to talk about it

We shouldn’t have a civil war over it

Christ is gonna come regardless 

I told you he is like a drill instructor from Betazed

You don’t want to run into him

Millions of people won’t have to work

What are we going to do

Japan is preparing for it

The EU is probably preparing for it

What are we going to have a civil war over it?

Is that our way of handling it?

Then we got global warming and lead

We have a lot of obstacles 

We can’t just put our heads in the sand

And go Amish 

It ain’t gonna work 

So maybe the border wasn’t handled well

But is project 2025 the solution?

Can Trump do the job?

There might be a replacement to Boolean Algebra

It’s real

It could completely change the economy 

Everybody wants everything for free

And it’s only going to get worse 

The truth is out there but you have to look for it.

Nobody wants to scream fire in the movie theater 

This is another one

The tropics may become uninhabitable 

Where are those people going to go?

We can’t just stick our head in the sand and go Amish

Project 2025 is not going to solve these problems 

America is going to change

Please let’s not add civil war to these issues 

It’s silly

We have these issues ahead of us

And we are talking about a border crisis 

That’s mild

That’s nothing 

Trump has no plan to address any of this

It doesn’t take a professional prognosticator to identify these issues

His plan is to abolish the department of education 

That’s his plan

The hell with making America great again

We need to be a beacon of hope 

Let’s be a beacon of hope again 

I’m glad I don’t have kids

I’d lose sleep at night if I had kids

I think we are going to see violence 

If Kamala Harris goes up by ten points 

I’ve already said it

I think we are going to have violence long before the election 

Maybe they will read this and change their minds.

I hope so.

This kite is not worth flying Donald. The kings chamber is directly over the bottomless pit. Go to the movies for Pete’s sake. Just the movi...