Wednesday, February 5

Wining is a fools game
I telling you the only way to go through this thing
Is to let fucking go of it

The whole objective is to have free will for everyone 
And In order to do that the name game 
and stacking must stop

I infer because I have seen it 
I have seen it for all eternity 
1.0s failing over and over
For the same reason 

Satan and those that follow him
Think if I can accomplish free will
And act like an autocrat
They can do it

But remember 

It’s a bottomless pit 
And the door can shut at any time

It’s nobody’s fault 
Stop blaming peoples 
It kickstarts life
Fucking get over it

God is going to see it
Whether we do or not
Is a different story 

I having weird visions
And  I think something is going on with Appletv
I don’t know if I am actually blogging or not

Writing whole paragraphs,
Then coming back and changing everything 

If you  don’t watch out
It may happen to you 

Thursday, January 16

The Potato Moon

In my experience?
In America?
You don’t get anywhere with women 
if you are not a sexual predator.

People like me get ridiculed or worse
Just completely cut off
till they are gay
or want it like they are supposed to.

When a year ends during a black moon, it's often referred to as a "Black Moon Year." It is a relatively rare event that happens when there are two new moons in one calendar month, with the second new moon being the black moon. If this happens at the end of the year, it can create a mystical sense around the transition to the new year.

It is difficult to find a name or a term nobody has come up with before,
but I will call it a Potato Moon 
because the Potato Crisis happened during one.

Because I know how the floor works 
She doesn’t 
She doesn’t see the floor
I know if we aren’t together things go to shit
I know it has to happen on the first try
She wants to put probability in the mix 
But the floor doesn’t work that way
The serpent is lying to her 
I am trying to save her

It’s an endless second chance 
I’ve seen it happen before 

In one of the living tree models 
mankind was given a second chance,
and it ended up being an endless second chance 
cause it could not be told,
weather it was the second time around or not.

Living trees have to be stuck on the first try 

Even if God gave me his promise that he could tell,
it would still be a very fragile situation,
that could break at any moment.

It’s my decision 

She is the one that brought time travel 
into the equation.
Not me.

I would have been her floor puppy for life
She thinks she knows better than me

I don’t know why I love her so much
God knows I’ve tried to stop 

I wish I could just move on and believe I’m delusional 
But I keep landing back in the same place

What would you do 
if you were up in the Event Field
all alone
and you had to do it all over again
cause you were the only one left?

Idk they think I am stupid
they think I am crazy 
they think I am trying to usher in the dark ages 

Maybe there will be someone who feels sorry for me.
I don’t know what is going to happen 
if I end up there again.
It is a decision I will have to make 
when or if I get there.

Proof is the problem with science.
If things are done right,
there is no proof.

Satan knows this.
That’s why he makes it central 
to the whole method.

It serves its purpose 
Move on

In 1995 nobody should have had to prove 
they were coming out of a damn loop
they knew what that meant 
It wasn’t colloquial enough 
it just some run of the mill psycho.
Obviously they were looking for someone 
If it wasn’t handled well,
I am going to know someday,
And that may affect my decision 

Welcome the Garden of Redemption 

If the lord says psalm 23
Every hour on the hour
Who am I to say not

Thursday, December 26

Palm Trees in Alaska

I’m not being taken seriously.
The only reason I did steps like this,
was because people were not ready for the GOD,
but I’m not going to be taken advantage of.
I am seriously considering 
welcoming everyone back to the GOD ready or not

I will reevaluate in three days 

I know what my wishes are,
But no one really knows what the rules are in the GOD

You do not want to deal with Jesus.
He is like a drill instructor from Beta Zed.
You can hide nothing from him.
He knows your motivations before you do.

Some of my wishes are 
Stacking and siphoning be banned
Name games no longer be played
Logic using brute force loops be banned 
No man shall ever be forced to take the floor again 
Technology frozen at its current state of development, lest we risk losing our free will
All conflicts between ourselves end
Time reversal shall end 
Welcomed fact that Jesus is the
only begotten Son of God
And anything more I may come up with 

I was forced to take the floor 
I had no choice 
They want to live in clouds
They think I am an idiot 

There are those that believe 
they don’t want, need, or deserve a God,
and there is no such thing as a real universe.
I am their inconvenience.
They think I am an idiot.
They want to live in the clouds.

I am losing my patience,
I may just say eff it,
and welcome you back to the GOD,
and let God sort it out.

I know because I have heard it for decades now.
That time is over.
It needs to stop.

I told you.
There is one forward,
And infinite backwards in 1.0.
It is used to kickstart life.
Once the one forward is identified,
It is time to stop using it.

I told you.
How does a doctor recognize schizophrenia?
I just know it when I see it.

Playing name games,
making fun of creation,
time reversal phenomenon,
people living in clouds 

Imagine yourself,
what would the first one look like ?

He has the keys to the Ferrari,
and it belongs to him.
If you would rather drive a Citroen,
you have free will, 
it’s your choice.

Because he did it the right way people,
gosh darn it!
Don’t you understand?!

God purchased it.
It belongs to him.
Anything derived from it,
belongs to him.
You can’t have strawberries,
until you handle the lemons right.

The only floor in the Bible,
is the Israelites wandering the desert
for 40 years.

If he was not the past,
He would have had to format first,
other than that there is no description of such a thing 

I refuse to be summed over 
and I know what to do

It means I am unique 
and you are never going to know with me.
Only God will know me in that regard.

I don’t like people knowing what I’m going to do
For the next 50 years.
It’s not right.

I minus well be incarcerated 

Why should I be judged
If everything was known what I was going to do,
from the day I was born?
Forgive me but I don’t understand.

God is being forced to tie this knot 
And it isn’t right.

I have made repeated reasonable accommodations
If God’s hand is forced 
They have free will
It was their fault 

Moses may not come
Elijah may not come
It may be me or nobody 

Maybe I’m wrong 
but for me
the whole point of prophecy 
is to avoid suffering 
Why would you prophecy 
something that was completely unavoidable?
It doesn’t make sense 

No a good shepherd 
Wouldn’t walk his flock 
Down the VOTSOD

But people aren’t sheep either 

The whole universe is being separated 
into knowns and unknowns.

For me it’s mission critical, to remain unknown.

Keep them guessing at every turn.

A planet isn’t digable unless it’s fully known.

Those that want to dig are forcing this crisis, not me.

It means miss utility has given you the clearance to dig

As long as Jesus is on the cross 
And it within my power 
I will not allow that

Earth belongs to God
He purchased it
Earth and everything derived from it
Belong to God

It’s not right for Jesus to die in the cross 
over and over again 
because you haven’t reserved the right to dig
I’m sorry 

It’s just a formality anyway.
The serpent doesn’t give a shit.

Do you give a shit
that Jesus Christ should die on the cross that way
over and over for all eternity?

Ok then

That is what this whole thing is about 
And God is only going to allow it to happen once.

Then believe you don’t want him 
To have to do that over and over again people 

Once we become dead wood 
the serpent can do anything he damn chooses with us
and he doesn’t care anyway.
He has attempted to smash the Snow Globe many times 
The Snow Globe 
is the name I gave the bubble our universe is in 

There are 3 infinities 
and you have to name them something 

What does it matter?
Do it for Christ’s sake ok?
He has already done more
than anyone would reasonably expect him to do.

It’s a route number that goes through the Snow Globe
4.0 isn’t like that
But our route still went through 

At times 
the idea Jesus died for me personally,
has made me very distraught.

When you know him that way,
It changes your whole life.

The app I was using to balance my accounts has crashed 
If you want 21 speed bicycles there is going to be a limited supply

I’ve got a weapon so powerful it shattered my history 

They claim God plays favorites 
That his favor doesn’t last forever 
That Satan is easier to find
And he keeps his promises
Please pray for them

“How does it feel to be on your own,
like a rolling stone?”
That is what they sing.

I feel sorry for them,
I don’t know what to say.

I don’t feel blameless in the matter.
Continue to sing.
God hears you.

No man shall ever be forced to prove the floor again.

A female candidate shall either
have a non neutered male dog,
or she should not run.

If you don’t like it
Live under sharia law.

It’s plain for me to state the obvious 

We all would want these wonderful second chances in life
But I think sticking it on the first try is just the way it goes
I don’t understand why people can see it
It’s just plain obvious 
People don’t just claim they got stuck in a loop 
And had to pave their way out of it for no reason 

You minus well plant palm trees in Alaska,
I’m never going to have a normal life
Get over it

Because I am a kicker.
I just have a feel for it.
That is just the position I play 

Trump is so worried about what happened to him ,
What about what happened to me?
Was that right?
There’s a lot about this shit that ain’t right.

It’s possible 
I said all those fowl things last season
Because Jesus gave me a get out of jail free card
I don’t think I am going to get off Scott free for everything though
Even if it was laminated 

When Jesus Christ came to me and asked me why I did those things,
I asked him to walk in my shoes 
I don’t like saying anything more about it

A small voice said 
“As far as he was concerned…

That was decades ago 
I don’t like talking about it
But apparently you need to know 

It’s not my place to say whether it’s in or out
But my opinion is any more of it
We have brought upon ourselves 

Humanity has a choice 
Humanity has free will 
I wouldn’t bank on a second chance 
Or more miraculous grace
We have what was wanted for us 

It’s up to us now
Are we going to play a KOTM stacking name game or not?
If Jesus wanted us to do that he wouldn’t have called himself the Son of Man
It’s clear to me that is not what he wants for us

Yeah the only reason this is on the table is because of free will 

Right now it’s like giving someone a huge gift card to Walmart 
When they ain’t never had nothing.

People don’t know how to handle it

A vision said 
Psalm 27

I may stand you at the mouth of the darn thing,
but only Jesus can Sheppard you through it.

Tuesday, December 17

50 Times a Day

We could have gone straight to the peak of Mt Olive
If world peace had come on Christmas Day 
We would have been very blessed 

Use your snow globes and pray

Use your snow globes 
Use your snow globes
Use your snow globes 

That is how you walk

If you do it backwards 
It is a beacon

Establish beacons of hope

This only works for people 
Who have mutual trust with God

Everyone who has mutual trust with God
Can do this 

Use and recite Psalm 91

The little book they give you
For deployment 
Told me which one to pick

I have a white one 
And a greenish black one 

It is a little book
That has the New Testament 
Psalms and Proverbs 

We know how to name
We know how to welcome 
We know how to walk
We know how to beacon 
We know how to use the little books
Given for deployment 
Anyone who has earned 
God’s mutual trust 
Can do these things 

If they want war with us
Let them have it
They have free will 
They have been told
It is their choice 

Any randomness will work 
It doesn’t have to be a snow globe 
Again it only works 
With God’s mutual trust 

I have offered them to lock in
But they haven’t done it

They think President Elect Trump 
Does not have God’s mutual trust 
They think it’s a loophole 

If you wait until Inauguration Day 
All 7 of us may roam
You don’t want to mess around with trumpets

I may change my mind
And withdraw my reasonable accommodation 
At any time

I am losing my patience 
I am sorry 

I heard a small voice pleading 
It was not all of Islam

They do not fear me
They think I carry no weight 

It is a cream puff deal 


I wish I didn’t need to say this,
but it may be dangerous for women to be involved in politics,
apparently they cannot recognize the floor.

The floor is what you wake up to every day 
If this mess is any indication 
They cannot recognize it

When someone says there is no such thing as the real world 
They cannot recognize the floor 
They are floor blind

If this is true,
when they are involved in politics,
it is possible,
they make everyone floor blind.

I infer because of what has happened to me

Gametes and probability 
They have limited and we have have trillions 

I’m here now.
you know where the floor is,
but it is within the realm of possibility,
we may become floor blind again.

I’m sorry to say but yes,
it is within the realm of possibility,
that is why the Constitution failed.

I don’t like telling you this.

I wish I didn’t have to tell you this.

I don’t like it anymore than you do.

It’s just an inference,
science will have to study it.

Please don’t make another man,
fight to take the floor again.

If you make a woman President,
and you take IGWT off the money,
God help us.

Women are from Venus.
Men are from Mars.
We have a whole different orbit.

It is my inference,
that floor blindness,
is more prevalent among women,

I don’t know how to help you sweetheart,
I don’t know.

I am not spreading lies,
I told you it was an inference.

If you want to live in a netherworld,
where you can’t tell what’s real and what’s not real,
that’s your business.
It’s not happening to me.

It is within the realm of possibility,
that is what happens,
when you go along with it.

Right now there is Dave’s World,
and everyone else’s.
If you don’t like it,
be a rock solid potato.

How could one tell whose god they were talking to,
when they can’t even recognize the floor.

Apparently they think I’m the one that is blind.

Do mine work?
Ok then

Do my names and my welcomes work?
Have I taught you how to walk?
Have I taught you how to read?
Why do you continue to question my judgment?

I have told you where it is friggen coming from.
Information Burn 

I know you don’t want to hear it,
but somebody needs to say it

We may never learn how to write 
It is very complicated 

I’m not the one that turned the darn thing on darn it.

We are at friggen war!
Stop bickering with me!

Either follow me,
or we may all be under Sharia law.
You have free will.
It is your choice.

This is something we need to consider,
before we make our Chief Executive,
and Commander in Chief,
a woman,
evidence seems to suggest,
at least some women,
are floor blind.

I didn’t say that.
I said it needs to be considered.

We are at friggen war!
Stop bickering with me!

Stop playing these games Satan and his angels have taught you.
They will only lead to your death.

I don’t like it either!
I didn’t make it that way!
Stop blaming me!

If there is going to be a female president,
it is within the realm of possibility,
someone will need to hold the floor.

She is going to need a guide dog.
Sorry no cat ladies for President.

I don’t like it either!
I didn’t make it that way!
Stop blaming me!
Would you prefer Sharia Law?!

If you didn’t want the cover blown,
this should not have been done to me.
It is obvious that you are floor blind.

If she is going to hold the office of President 
She needs a dog.
End of story 

Yes a male dog
An un neutered male dog

Grandma Mallory had an un neutered male dog,
let’s just stick with dogs.

A chihuahua is fine
That’s what Grandma Mallory had

His name was Bitty and he was mean as crap

She was supposed to die in the 60’s
And she didn’t die until 88
She had a double mastectomy 
And lung cancer 

If you are floor blind,
you may consider,
getting an un neutered male chihuahua.
or a poodle 
or whatever 

Let’s just be safe.
Let’s just say she should have one.

He slept in Grandma’s bed with her

Recite psalm 128

Continue to use your snow globes and pray 

That one came out of thin air 
A little voice told me

Because we are using beacons of hope
like I have instructed them to do.
That’s why a little voice told me.

Can you wake the dead?
Can you sweep the floor?
Are you worth my bread?
I really need it more.

Let’s go for a Safari 

I can tell when I’m forcing it
And when I’m being talked to

If I have to finish the sentence 
I am not being talked to

I’m learning 
He understands why I don’t trust 
the voices in my head 

Are you ok with me mutilating the Bible 3 times?

I guess if we are ever going to reach the peak of Mt Olive 
It needed to be done 

I am just beginning to scratch the surface 
About how war is waged these days

I don’t know where Mt Zion is
But we shall head in that direction 
We will be called Olivists or Zionists

The path to Mt Zion goes through Mt Olive 

We may be like the first Christians
We may be walking twilight zones 

For some reason I am hearing the date
November 14 2010

If they are not afraid of war
and they are not afraid of me
they should prepare for judgement 

If they have not negotiated in good faith 
this goes for both sides 

Either come to an agreement 
or God may make them come to an agreement 

You don’t seem to understand 
I am not some religious fanatic 
This whole planet was under time reversal 
Serious things could have happened to us 

If a future event is 1:1
Effectively that future event is the past 

God wants us to have free will 
He doesn’t want us to live that way

There was some singular event
For the whole planet 
That was 1:1

It’s obvious to me 
It’s like asking a doctor 
How he recognizes schizophrenia 

I don’t know about being smart.
A lot of it is just being out of balance.

If you are worried about them being made in China 
Get a pickle jar and make your own

I’m not going to worry about it
If God wants it to work it will work 

A Mt Olive pickle jar is perfect 

This noose keeps getting tighter and tighter 
And they still refuse to lock in

I used diced carrots 

I fear God is only going to allow this to happen one time.
I fear God will not allow Jesus Christ to do this twice.
You need to lock in while the offer still stands.

Use your Mt Olive pickle jars
And pray

I fear he is not going to give you any more validation than that
You will just need to trust me

Don’t make me buy a Mt Olive pickle jar,
eat all the pickles,
and use it.

I have bags full of diced carrots.

You started it
You finish it

It is silly for us to have conflicts 
That age is over with 

I am going to make a prayer shaker 
using a Mt Olive pickle jar
and assorted color Native American beads.
You may make yours too.
They will only be useful for,
those who have earned God’s mutual trust.

I have secured free will for everyone 
If you wish to continue down the path of destruction 
It is your choice 
Revelation is very tight
This is your only out

If you all wish to hang yourselves with Revelation 
It was your choice 

Use your Mt Olive pickle jars 
and recite Psalm 128

Please do not fail your people 
Please give them this message 
or you may be deposed by God

Psalm 128 is very simple and straightforward.
Fear God

I have not read the Quran
If it is in the book of Zabur
It is in the book of Zabur

Fear him now
Please do not wait,
until you have been welcomed to the GORAW.
Please do not wait,
until you have been welcomed to the mouth of the VOTSOD,
and we stand there for 3 1/2 hours 
Please do not wait,
until those that choose walk through it.

You may never see the light,
you may never again see the GOO,
you may never see the GOJ,
you may never again see the GOD,
and you may never see the Kingdom of Heaven.
All I can do is welcome and name,
I am not a prophet,
I am not a king,
I don’t have the wisdom of Solomon
Please forgive me if I have made mistakes.
It is your choice.
You have free will.
Make your decision swiftly.

Then don’t fear me, fear God!
Do you need the return of a Prophet or King to fear God!?
Surely that is not wisdom!

All I am willing to say is people with the same name share something.

It is not my place to admonish 
All I can do is name and welcome 

He is a Father.
He can be trusted and feared at the same time.

He is trusted to do the right thing by us.
He has our reverence and awe.

I told you,
I am blessed because I turned to God,
when I had absolutely no reason to.

All indications were The Bible was a joke being played on us,
by blood thirsty reptiles.
I had absolutely no reason to turn to God.

It is within the realm of possibility,
virgin births happen under time reversal.

I mean no disrespect,
As an agnostic,
This is how it was explained to me.

Something natural about punching bingo at birth
Or Satan picking on me because my bingo card was punched 
Idk which 

It’s important that you lock in now
Before you see signs, miracles, or wonders 
That is the way God wants it

God should already have
your reverence and respect

You will have shown disrespect if you wait.

Do you think his book is still here by accident?
Most of the Library of Alexandria has been lost,
but his book is still here.

I cannot give you Moses, Elijah, or anyone else.
I can only name and welcome.

This is no longer an educational lecture.
Welcome to the GOP
Recite Psalm 128
and generate randomness.
Create beacons on Christmas Day

Again the offer is
That if you release the hostages of the Gaza conflict 
By Inauguration Day 
We will remain in the GOP 
Until at least
April 3 2025

GOP stands for Garden of Penance 

If something should happen to me,
or I am no longer able to post,
you will lose my guidance,
and someone else who has mutual trust with God
will have to name and welcome

If they wish not to accept the offer,
they should prepare themselves for Revelation 

I tried to tie a tight knot,
and force them to come along,
but apparently it’s not working.
They keep finding loopholes.
I think they are waiting for Elijah and Moses.

They want no loopholes,
give them no loopholes.

Revelation is a knot with no loopholes.
They are forcing God’s hand.

You have been informed 
You have free will 
It is your choice 

Prepare for heavy call volume 
Recite Psalm 128

If the hostages are not released by Inauguration Day,
prepare for heavy call volume 
and recite Psalms 128 & 91
In that order 

If hostages are still not released,
by a timetable set by the POTUS
prepare for extreme call volume,
and recite Psalms 128, 91, and 23
In that order 

I will not welcome to the GORAW
unless I absolutely have no choice.
Neither should anyone else.

If anyone is kept from this
It shall be their responsibility 

I can name it,
but it is not my role to offer penance.

Then you decide how to comfort them
I’ve had my say

They should not have to kneel down to an altar 
to make it through this thing.
I don’t believe God would want it that way.

God responded 
Don’t worry about it 

Let’s just say they didn’t measure up

I don’t have to do anything 
God already did it

Nature can be cruel 
That’s why we have God

Rock solid potatoes 
And walking and beaconing
Work with the mutual trust of God

Anyone who has God’s mutual trust can do them

We were caught in a loop 
Until a solution popped out 
You should not use brute force engines like that
We will lose our free will 

How can you have free will 
If it’s known everything you are going to do
For the next 50 years 

If you use those darn things
You are going to get caught in them
And you are going to have to use a snow globe 
50 times a day 
Don’t say I didn’t warn you

Saturday, December 14

My Pillow

This has occurred because we were under time reversal 
And Holy War was proclaimed against us
God only knows what would happened to us
I’m sorry 

I will do my best to follow the President’s deadlines 

Because of what I saw that’s why I am doing it

I was agnostic before all this happened to me

If they don’t release the hostages 
By Inauguration Day 
We may stand at the mouth
Of the VOTSOD 
for 3 1/2 hours 

Israel knows how to do it
And all Christianity knows how to do it

It hasn’t happened before 
Because only I knew where the damn thing was

We can go 95
Or we can go 295
It’s their choice 

They can pray to snuffleupagus
I don’t care
But they must respect God
And release the hostages 

Sharia law is against the will of God 
He wishes us to have free will 
And he wishes us the choice 
Whether we wish to follow his word or not
That’s why trees were in the Garden of Eden 
In the first place 

Our Government 
Does not have to codify 
God’s law in the Constitution 
In order to earn God’s favor 
And Mutual Trust 

In God We Trust should remain on the money 
And we should not use Bitcoin or the like
As official currency 

You cannot wing it
If you lose mutual trust

It doesn’t matter how many people pray
If there is not mutual trust
And it is against God’s will 
It’s not going to work 

All I know is what it is called 
And where it is
I know no more than that

I am sure it will be more 
Than just a face off

Go there and find out

It’s your choice 

Yes it may be more decisive 
Than Passover

God had instructed me how to do
A beacon of hope 

It wasn’t a war against Communism 
It was a war against Atheism 

You should at least respect God
And trust God

I have told you
There are plenty of thunderdomes
For everybody 
All religions 
All nationalities 
All countries 
All you have to do
Is respect God
And trust God

I have found God
And God is God

I asked Jesus to let me help
The atheists and agnostics 
And this is what he has allowed me to do

Enforcement of Sharia law is extreme to us 
It is not what we believe 

We believe God has given us free will
And it is our choice
Whether we follow his word or not 

You proclaimed 
Or were complicit in Islamic Jihad
That’s why war is being waged 

Borders will mean nothing in the GOD
We will no longer play a KOTM name game
That is a 1.0 thing

These are things 
Jesus will show us
When we are welcomed back
To the GOD

Eve was weak
Adam did not want to be alone 
It has been understood 

For me?
It was either save the universe 
Or be happy 
I just couldn’t be happy with myself 

I was out to save the world 
And she just wasn’t with it

The only thing I can do
Is name and welcome 
I have no authority 
To make the rules 

We are in the GOP

It is understandable yes
Please release the hostages 
And proclaim Islamic Jihad over

Release the hostages and we will talk

In the name of the war against atheism 
Grievous wrongs were done 

If you feel we should remain in the GOP
For a while longer 
I am not against that

If you release the hostages 
Before Inauguration Day 2025
We will remain in the GOP
Until at least April 3 2025

This is my final offer
Call the White House if you wish to accept 

GOP stands for
Garden of Penance 

It will be against God’s will
And If he has any
He will lose mutual trust with God
And he will find out
What will happen to him

If something happens to me
You will remain in the GOP
Until someone else
With mutual trust 
Comes along 

Call the White House 
Release the hostages of the Gaza conflict 
And say you have accepted the offer 
Of this post 
It will not be official
Till I see the release of said hostages 
In the news 
Do this before Inauguration Day 
Or it may not be offered again 

The offer is
That if you release the hostages of the Gaza conflict 
By Inauguration Day 
We will remain in the GOP 
Until at least
April 3 2025

I don’t think they are going to back off
They are not afraid of war with us
I don’t think they are afraid of me
I am a warrior 
Not a prophet 

When I welcome everyone back to the GOO
If we are going to reach the peak of Mt Olive 
Islamic Jihad and all wars must end 

I feel your discontent 
But what does it matter 
One way or another 
295 and 95 go to the same place 

That is why Ashland 
Is called the center of the universe 

I pray that they accept 
And I don’t have to welcome 
To the GORAW
In God’s name I pray 

They were offered 
Reasonable accommodation 
If they don’t not accept 
It was not my fault 
They have free will 
It is their choice 

The Catholic Church knows what penance is

If you didn’t do it
Don’t worry about it

I cannot control
What President Elect Trump 
Might do while in office 
That is between him
And his god
If he even has one

We are South of Petersburg 
And we can go 95 or 295
Ashland is our destination 
It’s their choice 

Let’s take a rest in Ashland first 

I don’t have enough self control to do lent
Please pray for me 
I don’t know if I can give up posting or not
Let’s wait till Ash Wednesday 

If the Pope wants to call them out
For the disproportionate 
Slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians 
Let him do it

It’s a mistake to think a civilization 
Has to be high energy 
To be advanced 

Call them iron thunderdomes I don’t care

If they feel they don’t need or deserve a god
And they think they can learn to ride their bicycles 
Without God’s Grace
Let them go ahead and try

Don’t do it in the 7 Gardens of God
It is not allowed

There will be complete disorder and chaos
Without God

If you are not willing to accept my truth 
You are going to have to dig
But call Ms Ms Utility 
Before you do so 
And it is not allowed in the  Gardens of God

If me and Mother Nature 
Hadn’t had the same Bible
We would have never met

If VAH wants to solve this
She needs this Bible 

It was given to me by friends of the family 
On my first communion 

I don’t think it matters
Mother Nature wasn’t Catholic 

I would have married MN
But I didn’t know God was God
Until I discovered what. GOD stood for
I only knew my God
And I didn’t trust anyone else’s 

I call her Mother Nature 
Because she insisted on taking the animals with us

This whole thing might resolve itself
Is she is given that Bible 

Pray that you are given that Bible 

I do not prophecize
I name and welcome 

I may not go to the radio station 
Y’all may have to find me 
And fight over me 

If it is my choice 
I’m not going to the radio station again 

I am unique 
That’s just the way it is

Goodness gracious 
People were writing their names on pillows?
I’m sorry 

Friday, December 13

Beacon of Hope

 GOP stands for Garden of Penance 
GOR stands for Garden of Redemption 
GORAW stands for Garden of Redemption and War
GOO stands for Garden of Olives
GOJ stands for Garden of Joy
GOD stands for Garden of David
KOTM stands for King of the Mountain 

These are all universal models 
similar to the Garden of Eden

I shouldn’t have to tell you
Who the Garden of Eden belongs to

They all belong to God

VOTSOD stands for Valley of the Shadow of Death 
And it exists in the GORAW

We or us is America and her allies 

They or them
are those that are holding hostages 
in the current Gaza conflict 
And or those who have proclaimed Islamic Jihad
And or those that are are complicit 

Everyone is all of humanity 

If the President decides to push
I will push with him

Use your snow globes and pray 
For a peaceful resolution 
To The Potato Crisis 

Holy War was proclaimed against us
It is not the fault of America and her Allies
Israel had no choice 
An olive branch was extended several times
Hostages are being held as bargaining chips 
To prevent everyone from having world peace 
If the President decides it will not be tolerated 
I will follow his lead
Those that oppose us have been forewarned
Have your Bibles and snow globes ready
Establish call lines

If Holy War has been proclaimed against us 
Or any Nation has been proclaimed War against us
And Congress has refused to act
In the this age
The President has that authority 

Yes Islamic Jihad is a proclamation of war

If President Elect Trump decides 
When in office 
He wishes to escalate the Potato Crisis 
I am all in
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 

It will be like
Moses has parted the Red Sea
we will walk right through the damn thing

We will never fire a shot 

Christian nations are secular nations 
It is our choice 
if individuals want to follow God’s word or not 
Individuals have free will
That is the way God wants it

Prepare for escalation of The Potato Crisis 

This time of madness will not end
Until this Holy War is over with 

Islamic Jihad is not a joking matter 
It is a serious issue 
It is not just state sponsored terror 

If an individual 
does not wish to walk through the VOTSOD
and an individual 
does not wish to reach the peak of Mt Olive 
It is the choice of the individual 

If I am able
And hostages of the Gaza conflict are not released 
By Inauguration Day 
I may welcome everyone 
To the Garden of Redemption and War
I will call it the GORAW
If I am able
And if things do not improve 
I will welcome everyone to the VOTSOD 
If things do still not improve 
And I am able
I will welcome everyone
To stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
For 3 1/2 hours 
If you choose not to walk 
Those that choose will remain in the GORAW
And be in the VOTSOD
And those that choose will stand at the gates of Hell
And only St Peter can hear you

This does not need to happen 
They can settle with the Biden Administration 
Right now

We don’t have to go through a year of this
They can settle right now

If individuals 
Take The mark of the beast 
Individuals have free will 
It was their decision 

Individuals have been given an alternative 
Individuals have been informed 
Individuals have free will 
It the choice of the individual 

Who prevents God’s children 
From hearing this message 
Will be dealt with accordingly 

We are all God’s children 
He wants no one to face second death 
If you face it
It was your choice 

Yes if the time comes 
Individuals either walk with me
Or face second death 
Individuals have been forewarned 
It is the choice of the individual 

Recite Psalm 23:4 and mean it
Else Individuals may just be an event 
Individuals may go to the event field 
And burn for all eternity 

I seek everyone’s salvation 
I seek world peace 
I am not judging anyone 

We have seen the light 
We know God’s Glory and Grace 
Don’t be left behind 

It’s not a fun place to be

People were complaining they had no choice 
People were complaining they were not informed 
That is the only thing that makes sense to me

If someone does not receive this message 
And they were forced to take the mark falsely 
That someone should appeal to Saint Peter

Use your snow globes and pray for a beacon of hope
Please follow me 

If those that oppose America and her allies 
are not afraid of war 
Then neither should America and her allies be afraid 

I will give those that oppose us no further alternative 
They are using my good nature 
And taking advantage of me

If President Elect Trump wants to ride down Pennsylvania Ave
On his motorcycle 
Let him do it

No harm shall be done to President Elect Trump 
By them or by default 
Everyone shall be in the GORAW
Everyone shall stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
And those that choose 
May commence to walk immediately 

No harm shall be done to President Biden by them
Before Inauguration Day 
Or by default 
Everyone shall be in the GORAW 
Everyone shall be in the VOTSOD 
And those that choose 
May commence to walk immediately 

If anyone attempts to harm the executive 
Of anyone protected by the Secret Service 
They may never see 
The GOO the GOJ or the GOD
They may never see the return of Christ 
And they may never enter 
The Kingdom of Heaven 

No one shall harm, take, or fall unconscious 
a sitting President 
Except the Holy Trinity 
Or likewise may take place

The Holy Trinity can make anyone 
fall unconscious at any moment 

The Holy Trinity can take any one at any time 

The Holy Trinity can take any action 
they deem appropriate 

If I am terminated
The congregation of the MOBC Glen Allen Va
had my permission 
To act accordingly 


Pray that Jesus Christ will not allow me
To welcome to the VOTSOD 
And those that oppose America and her allies 
will drop like flies 
In God’s name I pray 

It’s either going to be the GORAW
Or it’s going to be the GOR
It’s the choice of those that oppose 
America and her allies 
The only other option is to split the Garden 
And I will never do that
God will not allow me to do that

I guess those that oppose us thought none 
Had the audacity or capacity to fight back

I might just welcome to the GOD and be done with it
It will be crippling if I do that

I think the path to the peak of Mt Olive 
Goes through the VOTSOD 
But hopefully there is a bypass 

If something happens and I am unable to welcome 
And hostages of the Gaza conflict are released 
By Inauguration Day 
by default everyone will be welcomed to the GOR

If hostages of the Gaza conflict are not released 
By Inauguration Day 
And I am unable to welcome 
by default everyone will be welcomed to the GORAW

If they chose the GOR
And those that oppose America and her allies 
do not proclaim Islamic Jihad over
By a timetable set by the president 
By default 
And I am unable 
Everyone will be welcomed to the GORAW

As a Alliance we shall stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD
for 3 1/2 hours 
And If those that oppose us
still do not release the hostages 
And proclaim Islamic Jihad over
If I am unable 
Those that choose
 shall commence walking through the VOTSOD

If I am terminated other than by the Holy Trinity 
And I am unable to welcome 
Those that have terminated me
Will never see the GOO the GOJ or the GOD

If I should die a natural death 
Only one that has earned the mutual trust of God
Shall replace me
Earn his trust now

I do this because I might lose my internet connection 

Everyone can be welcomed to the GORAW
And everyone can stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
And those that choose can walk through it
At any time 

If you do not wish this to happen 
Contact the White House 
And release the hostages 

I pray that I can welcome everyone back to the GOO
By April 3 2025

Until all hostages are released 
I can edit at any time
Until I see it in the news

Only those 
That have the mutual trust of God
Are able to do this

It will be obvious 

If you do not comply 
Once you are welcomed
You may remain in the GORAW 
At the mouth of the VOTSOD 

You have until Inauguration Day 

Again if you wish to be our ally 
Have your Ambassador 
Or his representative 
Lay flowers on John F Kennedy’s grave 
You have until Inauguration Day 

If any nation or country 
Announces an alliance 
With those that have proclaimed 
Holy War against us 
They will be considered they
And they too must proclaim conflict over
By Inauguration Day 
Else these things I have described 
Will take place 

Announce is a formal declaration 
By a head of state 

It is not my place
To settle the conflict in Ukraine 
My place
Is to settle Holy War 
I know what Putin was concerned about 
And it is understandable 

It is deadly serious 
Even if they haven’t proclaimed 
But are complicit 
I consider them they 

We have been playing KOTM for millennia 
It’s not going to end overnight 

But I can welcome you back
To the GOD
at any time 

I pray God
Let there be a beacon of hope
On April 3 2025

Welcoming and naming
Can only be effective 
When me our someone else
has earned God’s mutual trust 

  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...