Thursday, January 16

The Potato Moon

In my experience?
In America?
You don’t get anywhere with women 
if you are not a sexual predator.

People like me get ridiculed or worse
Just completely cut off
till they are gay
or want it like they are supposed to.

When a year ends during a black moon, it's often referred to as a "Black Moon Year." It is a relatively rare event that happens when there are two new moons in one calendar month, with the second new moon being the black moon. If this happens at the end of the year, it can create a mystical sense around the transition to the new year.

It is difficult to find a name or a term nobody has come up with before,
but I will call it a Potato Moon 
because the Potato Crisis happened during one.

Because I know how the floor works 
She doesn’t 
She doesn’t see the floor
I know if we aren’t together things go to shit
I know it has to happen on the first try
She wants to put probability in the mix 
But the floor doesn’t work that way
The serpent is lying to her 
I am trying to save her

It’s an endless second chance 
I’ve seen it happen before 

In one of the living tree models 
mankind was given a second chance,
and it ended up being an endless second chance 
cause it could not be told,
weather it was the second time around or not.

Living trees have to be stuck on the first try 

Even if God gave me his promise that he could tell,
it would still be a very fragile situation,
that could break at any moment.

It’s my decision 

She is the one that brought time travel 
into the equation.
Not me.

I would have been her floor puppy for life
She thinks she knows better than me

I don’t know why I love her so much
God knows I’ve tried to stop 

I wish I could just move on and believe I’m delusional 
But I keep landing back in the same place

What would you do 
if you were up in the Event Field
all alone
and you had to do it all over again
cause you were the only one left?

Idk they think I am stupid
they think I am crazy 
they think I am trying to usher in the dark ages 

Maybe there will be someone who feels sorry for me.
I don’t know what is going to happen 
if I end up there again.
It is a decision I will have to make 
when or if I get there.

Proof is the problem with science.
If things are done right,
there is no proof.

Satan knows this.
That’s why he makes it central 
to the whole method.

It serves its purpose 
Move on

In 1995 nobody should have had to prove 
they were coming out of a damn loop
they knew what that meant 
It wasn’t colloquial enough 
it just some run of the mill psycho.
Obviously they were looking for someone 
If it wasn’t handled well,
I am going to know someday,
And that may affect my decision 

Welcome the Garden of Redemption 

If the lord says psalm 23
Every hour on the hour
Who am I to say not

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...