Monday, July 21

The Last Paradigm

I haven't led her on
She is here because she wants to be here

Set, grouping, whatever we call it, nature is going to decide what it is

They think, if they make a game out of it, it will last longer.

Channeling doesn't lend itself to challenging yourself.

If I could make a real peice of music I would.

This sleek polished stuff is exactly what I am afraid of.

I feel people want me to be exactly what I am trying not to be.

Human relations is scary 
They are not going to rest until they have 120 percent of everybody.
Dissent will be pathological.

Half of them are trying to corner you
And the other half are pissed you are getting away with it.

I consider evolution may have mitochondrial assistance.

nothing exists if you don't believe in it.

they don't want you to know the voices can be pushed out.

I wouldn't get angry if I didn't value your opinion.
One day I am going to wake up and it's going to be too late.
I feel helpless.

Make them spend a lot of time on you.

If I lose control
Then the ball is not in play anymore.

Apparently it is "Eagle Nest" not "Eagle's Nest"
I hate handshakes.
People get hurt.

People think they know what the rules are.
Then people start playing dodgeball
And the whole thing goes nuts.

Don't get addicted to it
Unless you are creating something.

If it's not a positive force in your life,
you are better coping without it.

I feel they want to say addictive and predatory behavior is desirable
And it's not

I am in control.
I have control and you don't like it.
I am the epitome of everything you hate.
And there is not a damn thing
Either of us can do about it.

The sad part?
I wanted you to love me.
That is the sad part.

What is a Turing wash?

I was talking about computer addiction,
But it could apply to that too

What is a code wash?

Being insensitive doesn't require a great deal of effort.

Funny things happen when it matters

You want to know more about these things,
Come gather and consult.

I am a heretic who stumbled upon word verification.

The only thing stellar about mediocrity is the length of it.

Saturday, April 26

Nonsense microwaves

I wouldn't have the title if no one was reading it.

What is digital glow?

The same people who will accept they are only one person
and cannot change anything,
get upset if you tell them they don't matter.

It is a legitimate grouping.
I cannot force you to accept that.

I don't know.
It has some therapeutic value.

What is heat psychology?

Superstition is what happens when the floor drops out.

Until you have been at the center of the whirlwind,
I don't think you can fully understand.

There is a difference between going viral
and bleeding out.

whenever I do get an idea of why it is dangerous
it does not stay in my head very long

I thought I was doing something bold and heroic.

The crime rate went down because we stopped using leaded gasoline.

If I thought I could write a novel I would.

Thursday, December 19

I understand what they are trying to say

but I have to learn things the way everyone else does

the difference is in what i decided to learn

It is not that I want to be in control.
I just don't like being out of control.

Nothing ever goes as planned
and the blame is endless

it is not an office building
the whole wall has to be replaced

if we cant get together
what hope is there for anyone else?

I am sorry for ruining your night
I thought i could sit way in the back and watch
something is wrong with me
I may stop all this

what is fractal relativity?

I thought we were tight.
I felt we were special.
I felt like I lost my family

It means nobody likes me

Saturday, September 14

the hydrogen option

I dont think my life would have had a positive outcome
if it wasn't for my father

what is the best way to combat internet addiction

because the winner is the one who gets stuck with it

there has been a lot of tricksters
that is how they play

it was congress who created these hyper republican districts

its not just a nuclear option
it is a hydrogen option
and I think they are prepared to use it

Washington DC IS Area 51

I wanted a home run so bad I lost the game over it.

I think it is the districts too
but it is racist to say anything about it

there are no rules
it doesn't make sense
and it isn't fair

Two super massive black holes?

Saturday, June 22

it means "barking dog"

self defense doesn't make you judge jury and executioner

the rights of life liberty and pursuit of happiness trumps everything else.

If he didn't deserve it, it was a violation of his civil rights

they are trying to make a right side wrong side issue out of this

if there is nothing left to calculate
if you are fully known
you minus well be dead

2 is to 5 as 4 is to 24

the worst thing you can do to a loved one is disappear

it is an act of violence to disappear on someone

if we would only live 5 years without them,
is it our civilization or theirs?

The beginnings get lost and no one can ever identify them.

there are some things known only to God.
and even that knowledge will attempt to pluralize itself

nations were baptized by fire one by one
some took longer than others

51 37 25 18 21 27

it is just an identifier don't worry about it

I haven't played a full game in a long time
I have been getting around to it

are you gasible?
is your family gasible?
who decides who is gasible and who is not?

the lack of moral outrage does not bode well for humanity

people were more upset about KAL

maybe they could use pycrete

Sunday, March 24

they do not want a formal decision

people are like meercats
and i just don't belong

the question is
Why is it normal in the first place?

there is some sort of catalyst that affects monkey text

I guess this is the 90's

Just because it is not true,
doesn't mean it is delusional.

I don't see
as a hypothesis
a farm hypothesis
any better or worse
than a zoo hypothesis

I dont need your negativity
I dont need someone who thinks the worst of me all the time.

If nothing is real
where is the reality to argue about?

you cant say nothing is real
and then argue as to which history is real or not

it is not democratic i am sorry

Sunday, December 23

accidents and accidentals

if you know where you are going, go there.
Do not get lost over me.

My name is Clozaril
I revive the wicked

I had exposure to what I wasn't prepared for.

it is a legitimate grouping and they don't want to accept it

they are frames not variables

yes it does matter

why go to the wizard when you don't know what you want?

I guess I am here for the fragrance.

you need a big target?
shoot the moon

Id give anything to see david 17 and happy
even if it wasn't me.

it cannot be rationally explained
the more you theorize the worse it gets.

there is a difference between accidents and accidentals

you dont use it to compute yourself a universe
an infinity of those are already there
you just need to twist or jump.

there are plenty of naturals out there
and they are far superior to anything contrived

they call it cowbirding or wildcating
but it works that way

personal property doesn't evolve well

if you no longer share frame of reference
Who is to say whats going to happen

Wednesday, September 26

this is not 1987

I think Obama faced more than Carter or Reagan

I like obsolete stuff.
We could have ten dollar computers if someone would support obsolete stuff

The sad irony is that he interferes
and that he is determined to interfere
He isn't going to find hydrogen and pull the plug

wow I didnt know my computer could do that!

What would you do with someone who knew too much of what he need not know to begin with?

if we adopt string theory
do we have to through away the adam?

This aint Star Trek.
you are watching too much television
things aint always solved in an hour

you dont recognize it because it represents a pair

I dont know what to say about that.

If you have a time machine
and the time machine causes the big bang
you are stuck with your time machine

Monday, September 24

Tuesday, August 21

Tonal Impressionism

They tell me I am causing it,
then tell me I am delusional for thinking I am causing it.

you don't sit on a wall
you hang on a wall

It is not about electromagnetism.
It is about whether it matters or not.

Are human events Quantum events?
How are human events different  from Quantum events?
Why are they different?

They ask these things I am sure.
It sounds like snake oil so they stay away from it.

I don't know what will fix the economy,
but superstition aint going to fix it.
We need to put cycles into the economy.

What happens to physiology when time stops?
Just another evolutionary hurdle.

Time is saturated, time is regular
one hiccup and time freezes

Gold is pink

I told you Anton
it is a chronomally
they are real
like rouge waves

At least they got rid of the tube
it doesn't due to wear it on your head either

If there is no reality
Then who cares about the dinosaurs
Its like trash in the DNA

why are you asking for the consent of a child?

It doesn't matter
It is a brick
A take it or leave it brick.

I have my understanding
Get yours

it is only me in this chair
and I dont care that you cant see I am blindsighted

Tuesday, April 10

The Purpose Particle

if I don't come across as legit
no body else is going to

being a chronomally doesn't make me a superhero.

Fear and intimidation is not respect.
If I have spoken out of turn, let Christ speak.

It does not matter what you think,
it is the significance you give it that makes it delusional

just because you are in front,
does not mean you have learned anything

when things matter, they collide.
cats are from andromeda

Your world is not big enough for me.

It was over before it started.
I need to admit it to myself.

I don't fit into the world they believe in,
so they are trying to force it

I have had something world changing happen to me
and synchronicity is freaking me out.

It is the bitter end of a huge knot.

I couldn't get you out of my head,
but I wasn't going to jail over you

Why should I go out of my way to make him disappointed with me?

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...