Tuesday, April 10

The Purpose Particle

if I don't come across as legit
no body else is going to

being a chronomally doesn't make me a superhero.

Fear and intimidation is not respect.
If I have spoken out of turn, let Christ speak.

It does not matter what you think,
it is the significance you give it that makes it delusional

just because you are in front,
does not mean you have learned anything

when things matter, they collide.
cats are from andromeda

Your world is not big enough for me.

It was over before it started.
I need to admit it to myself.

I don't fit into the world they believe in,
so they are trying to force it

I have had something world changing happen to me
and synchronicity is freaking me out.

It is the bitter end of a huge knot.

I couldn't get you out of my head,
but I wasn't going to jail over you

Why should I go out of my way to make him disappointed with me?

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...