Thursday, December 12

Rock Solid Potatoes

 Roses are fine 
They don’t have to be wreaths
But it will only work if you mean it 

It is not my fault 
They have declared Holy War
On America and her allies 
This is what Holy War look likes
If they did not mean it
They should not have done it

There are no snakes in Ireland 

I don’t care if your people won’t allow it
If you do not follow my instructions 
The GOR may be divided 
Me and the ones I have delegated 
Reserve this responsibility 
We are not judging you
We are only doing this to avoid you from Second Death

If you are Welcomed to the DOW
Your only recourse 
Will be Ireland

They are immune from this madness 

I am sorry about last season 
I was a young child learning to walk in the Funhouse 
I have only been paving my way out of it
As long as no one turns on a quantum engine 
It should never happen again 

Lay your flowers or wreaths before Valentine’s Day

Because Virginia is For Lovers
That’s why

I’m sorry 
I cannot stop
God will not allow me or those I have delegated to stop
Until the door is shut 
I can lead a normal life
And I am back where I belong 

The serpent tempted Eve
Because Adam called him a figment of his imagination 
Adam took the fruit 
Because he did not want to be alone

It is the only thing that makes sense to me

Temptation can be extreme sometimes 

I don’t know why Adam doesn’t explain himself 
It is my understanding 
He only said
“But you gave her to me”
Or something to that effect 
I don’t remember where I heard that from 

I was not there
I did not witness it
But it is the only thing that makes sense to me

All this stacking
And all those infinites 
Caused extreme temptation for Eve

That is the only thing that makes sense to me

Essentially yes it was all created in 7 days

That was 4.0
When Adam and Eve were cast out
They were in 1.0
That is the only thing that makes sense to me

Yes it is my understanding 
The temptation was too great 
For Eve to withstand 

If it is God’s will
And we are welcomed to the DOW
Those that are not our allies 
May see wonders of the Moon and sky 

If they still do not comply 
They may face second death
And there is nothing I can do about it

They proclaimed this Holy War
This is what Holy War looks like
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 

You have until Valentine’s Day 
To release American citizens 
Or me or those I have delegated 
Me or my those I have delegated 
Will welcome you to the DOW
In the event something happens to me
Adds will be placed in the New York Times
And Washington Post

Those who do not see these wonders
Will automatically be welcomed to the Garden of Hope
And the DOW
Will remain in place 
Until universal peace is achieved 
And Islamic Jihad is proclaimed over with 

Then let Saudi Arabia and Israel make a compact agreement 

It is within the realm of possibility 
God may choose this display 
For the whole eastern hemisphere

I cannot tell God what to do
He can perform any wonder he wants
I am sorry if I misspoke 
This is only my suggestion 

But still if the American citizens being held hostage 
Are not released 
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you to the DOW

Use you snow globes and pray 

Yes it is my suggestion 
That God perform wonders of the Moon and sky
If American citizens being held
Are not released by Valentine’s Day

I am changing the schedule 
If need be
Me and my delegates 
Will welcome you to the DOW 
On Valentine’s Day 2025
If things improve
Me or my delegates 
Will welcome you
To the Garden of Hope 
On on Solar Easter 2025
If things continue to improve 
Me or my delegates 
Will welcome you back
To the GOO
On July Fourth 2025
If All wars end in the GOO
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you to the GOJ
On Christmas Day 2025
If things continue to improve 
Me or my delegates 
Will welcome you back to the GOD
On New Year’s Day 2026

In an emergency 
Me or my delegates 
Can welcome to any garden I myself have named 
At any time

If peace had not been established worldwide 
Me or those I have delegated 
Can welcome you to a Division of War
At any time

If there is mutual trust 
I may not need to delegate 
It may work for you too

It stands for the Garden of War and Redemption 
But I don’t use that acronym 

If anyone got mad at me for last season 
Please forgive me for it

Me knowing what these acronyms mean
Should be enough for them 

We can take a step down 
By welcoming you back to the GOP
Or you can be a rock solid potato 
Or we can continue to step up
It’s your choice 

You are welcome back to the GOP
We will remain here until 
Inauguration Day 

There may be a Division of Joy
If things are not resolved 

If you are not afraid of war
Me or my delegates 
Or those who have mutual trust with God
Can welcome to the DOJ
At any time
It is within the realm of possibility 
You may never see the GOD

We will have Joy
And you won’t 
It’s your choice 
You have free will 

You will not hold the hostages 
As bargaining chips
To prevent us
From reaching the GOJ
God will not allow it 
Release all hostages 
And come to the table 
By Inauguration Day 
And you may be blessed with Joy 

It is the responsibility 
Of those who I have delegated 
Or those who have mutual trust with God
To name Gardens 
And Divisions
It is not our place to make moral judgments 
If there is no sign things are improving 
We may welcome to the DOJ at any time 

They are not afraid of war 
Me or my delegates 
Or those who have earned 
Mutual trust with God
Will welcome you to the Division of Joy
On Valentine’s Day 2025
If they refuse to release American citizens 
Who are being held hostage 

They will have no hope
And they will have no joy 
It’s their decision 

They are holding hostages 
As a bargaining chip
To prevent us 
From reaching the GOJ

If this is what they were meaning to accomplish 
Or me those who I have delegated 
Or earned God’s mutual trust 
Will welcome us to the DOJ
You must do this 
You will have no hope
You will have no joy
It is your choice 

Israel has no choice 
They have a gun to their head

I changed my mind
Because I know 
They do not fear war with us

You are holding the hostages 
As a bargaining chip 
To prevent us from reaching the GOJ
And it will not be allowed on my watch 
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 

Once we are welcomed to the DOJ
It cannot be rescinded 
You will have no hope 
You will have no joy 
You may have no free will
It’s your choice 

If you wish to be
On the side of Joy
Become our allies 
You know what to do

I don’t want to divide any garden 
But if I have to
I will 

God please 
Something needs to happen 
They will not listen to me

Please perform a miracle 
They will not listen to me 

Use your snow globes
And pray for a miracle 

You are a sack of potatoes 
Jesus may microwave you rock solid 
At any time 

Release all hostages 
Stop using them as a bargaining chip 
To prevent us from reaching the GOJ
Or Jesus Christ 
May make microwave the whole sack
Rock solid 

That is the miracle or sign I am asking for

Jesus Christ can do that to anyone 
Who attempts to prevent us from reaching 

Anyone who has earned God’s mutual trust 
May do this 

Beat them with a baseball bat if you want to

We will smash you if you stand in our way 

If you are using the Quran 
To make Holy War against us
You are no better 
And you must stop
Or those that have earned God’s mutual trust 
May smash you to smithereens

Install your central air
Install a thermostat 
And install heat pumps 
In all thunderdomes

My middle name is not to be made public 
I should only be referred to
As a beloved unlucky man
Otherwise called
Say some BUM did it 

If you need to talk about it
Tell them some BUM 
Got caught in a quantum engine
Paved his way out of it
Acted like a king
And changed the whole game 

No one needs to know
What BUM stands for 

My Uncle Al called me that

President Elect Trump 
Needs to earn God’s trust and favor
And he needs to trust God
If he is going to ride his motorcycle 
In 4.0

You know what the steps are
And you know what to welcome 
Anyone who has earned God’s trust and favor 
May welcome to gardens or divisions 
At any time 
Right now that is only me
And those I have delegated 

Once we have reached the peak of Mt Olive
I will hand this responsibility 
To the President 

It will be the President’s choice 
Where he wants to ride 
His motorcycle 

If he still cannot find his balance 
Tell him to ride a horse 

All future administrations
Shall seek penance 
Before assuming their positions
In the White House 

We may have to walk
Through the Valley of The Shadow of Death 
To reach the peak of Mount Olive 
Use your snow globes and pray 

Is in the GOR
Pray that I don’t need to welcome 
Once you have been welcomed to the GOR
If all the hostages are not released in a timely manner 
Me or the ones I have delegated 
May welcome us to the VOTSOD
At any time

The only alternative is to divide the garden 
And I don’t want to do that

They are holding hostages as a bargaining chip 
To prevent us from reaching the peak of Mt Olive
And I am not going to allow that

Israel has no choice 
We have a gun to our head
They are the ones who started this mess
Don’t blame me for it

Be prepared after Inauguration Day
Once you are welcome to the GOR
me or the ones I have delegated 
Can welcome you to the VOTSOD at anytime 

Yes the Valley of the Shadow of Death

You shall read psalm 23
Establish call lines

In the event things escalate 
And there is another crisis 
Like the Cuban Missile Crisis 
The President is to go on television 
And read psalm 23

If he wishes to address 
Before we are welcomed
That is up to him

This is Holy War
They declared Islamic Jihad
If they didn’t mean it
They shouldn’t have done it

Any world leader may read psalm 23

I’m sorry 
This is the only thing they understand 
If I don’t scream at them
And threaten them
We will never reach the peak of Mt Olive
And the hostages may never be released 

I just stabbed myself 

Please God let us reach the peak of Mt Olive
I pray that all hostages are released 
I pray that I need not welcome 
To the VOTSOD 
In God’s name I pray

It may happen 
Please use your snow globes
And pray 

God has given me exclusive authority to do that
If I am eliminated 
Before we reach the peak of Mt Olive 
It will happen in my absence 

If I die a natural death
Before we reach the peak of Mt Olive
Someone else will have to pick up the cross

I’m not going to claim it
But you should know what that means 

I do not believe in the serenity prayer 
I think it is a cop out 

If you want change 
You have to do something about it

If I prayed the serenity prayer 
And worried about being happy 
This would have never happened 

You can make a difference 
All you have to do
Is be bold enough to try

You don’t have to be rich and powerful 
To make a difference 
All God’s children can make a difference 

Don’t give up
Leave your mark on society 

Satan wants you to settle for being happy 
Satan wants you to think there is no hope for world peace 

He does this to claim dominion over you

If we have to walk through the VOTSOD 
I will never allow it

Please use your snow globes and pray for world peace 

Why do I have to be the return of somebody 
I am who I am
I am not having an identity crisis 

Call me the Disciple of War if you want 
But I am not going to claim it

They claimed Islamic Jihad
It is not my fault 

I have offered them an olive branch several times
Israel has offered them an olive branch several times
They are holding hostages as bargaining chips
To prevent us from reaching the peak of Mount Olive 
This will not be tolerated 

You should have seen this coming a long time ago 

I understand all Muslims do not wish Islamic Jihad
But those that do must proclaim it over

This is what Holy War looks like
If they did not wish it
They should not have claimed it

Never declare Holy War on The USA or her allies again!
They have been taught
They know what to do 

I haven’t seen any bubbles 
I think Jesus may take the 7 of them 

They wish to prevent us from having world peace 
Their objective is world domination 

Christian nations 
Are secular nations 
They will never be subjected to sharia law 
We will not allow it
God gives us free will
And it is our choice if we wish to follow his word or not
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 

He will bake you in a microwave 
Until you are rock solid 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...