Wednesday, December 11

Welcome to the Garden of Redemption

 In 4.0
Leaders will have no sense of balance 
Without God’s Grace 

They all need to put faith and trust in God
And accept and acknowledge God’s Grace 

They have been informed 
They have free will
They cannot argue siphoning 
It is their choice 

God did not trust either one of them
That’s why he chose me

Continue to use your snow globes and pray
Do it by the hour if you have to

They lost
Because King George 
Was not trusted

Hillary lost
Because she was not trusted

You lost 
Because you were not trusted 

God placed his faith in me
Because he didn’t trust either of you

That is just the way it works 

Get over it

You want to ride that bicycle without God’s Grace 
Go ahead and try 
You have been informed 
You have free will
It is your choice 

Nobody can ride their bicycle in 4.0
Without God’s help
Don’t worry about it

It is not my place to say
I am not free to speak on moral issues 
I have no authority 
Judge not lest ye be judged 

Because if it is done right 
World peace breaks out in the GOO

Do it every 15 minutes 
And place it on an almanac 
If you have to

4.0 is not as friendly as 1.0
It will not be like your first administration 

It is has become rare we have presidential elections 
Where both candidates are trusted
But it does happen 

They are called engines
Because they can be used to warp timespace

Please do not use quantum engines
We will lose our free will

Once war is over
Is printed in the newspapers 
And an armistice is signed 
Me or those I have delegated 
will welcome you to the Garden of Joy
I reserve this privilege 

Yes it is a step by step process 

In the event that something happens to me
And I am no longer with you
I have chosen my delegates

Me and my delegates 
Will reserve the privilege 
Of welcoming you to the Division of War
At any moment 
No matter what Garden we a

Continue to use your snow globes and pray

If things are going to work as intended 
Both candidates need to be trusted

I have chosen my delegates 
Because they have my trust 
I don’t care
If you don’t like it 

The Chief Justice raised the Appeal to Heaven Flag
If he didn’t mean it
He shouldn’t have done it
These are Heavens decisions 
Not mine

Radiohead asked for me to reign from a great height 
If they didn’t mean it
They shouldn’t have done it

We can use our snow globes
In our kitchens
At any moment 
No matter what Garden we are in

We can make you a potato 
And we can mash bake or fry

God gives me alternatives from time to time 

Continue to use your snow globes and pray 

All they have to do is write your name on it

God chooses who he trusts and who he doesn’t 
If you don’t like it
Be a baked potato 

If you want to ride that bicycle 
Without God’s Grace 
Go ahead and try
You have free will
It is your choice 

I have delegated a whole congregation 
They are the meek
They have inherited the Earth 

Welcome to the Garden of Penance
We may welcome you to any garden 
Except the Garden of Eden
At any moment 

We is me and my delegates 

If everything goes well
And hatred and bickering ends
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you back to the GOO
On July 4th 2025

If things continue to improve 
And War is Over is printed in the newspapers
On Christmas Day 2025
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you to the GOJ
On Christmas Day 2025

Still if things continue to improve 
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you back to the GOD
On New Year’s Day 2026

Continue to use your snow globes and pray

We know how to use our kitchen 
You may be a baked potato 
It’s your choice 
You have little more than one year 

It doesn’t matter if you make your own Gardens
If there is not mutual trust
They will not work 

Apparently this is being done
Because someone used a quantum engine 
And I had to pave my way out of it
If you don’t like it
Be a baked potato 

It doesn’t matter when
It could happen 1000 years from now

I have no proof
You are just going to have to trust me

Welcome to the GOP

This is what I was instructed to call it
If you don’t like it
Be a baked potato 

What are the odds of me calling it the GOP?

If President Elect Trump 
Wants to ride a motorcycle 
Without God’s Grace
Let him go ahead and try
It is his choice 
He has free will

The Clinton’s failed me
That’s why they are not trusted 
They should have known what was happening 
When I told the Secret Service 
I had to pave my way out of a loop
It may have stopped there
And this may have never happened 

I don’t know as women as ready to ride motorcycles 
They have a whole different experience than men do

There has to be mutual trust
In order to ride a motorcycle 
In a Garden
Or anywhere else for that matter 

Women get very angry 
At stuff like this

They bring life into the world 
And they don’t like it

They have vivid dreams 
They cannot tell the difference 

They don’t recognize the floor

This is my conjecture 
Based on what SV did

It may happen someday idk

In time
Jesus may sweep the floor 
And welcome us to the Kingdom of Heaven 

If this all works 
I don’t think anyone 
Will go to the event field anymore 

I may be the only one it’s ever potentially happened to

You will feel it if you are a baked potato 

If you wish to celebrate my birthday 
Call it Solar Easter

I was born on that day
33 years before 2000

I punched Bingo from the very beginning 

If wars occur on this timeline again
It is known what to do

If everything goes smoothly 
Me or the ones I have delegated 
Will welcome you back to the GOO
On Solar Easter 2026

The ones I have delegated 
May ask their denomination
To welcome at any time
In the event that something 
Should happen to me

If people fail to act accordingly 
Put their potatoes in a microwave 
And cook them till they are rock solid 

If you continue hatred and bigotry 
You will become a rock solid potato 
It is your choice 

All you have to do is use a snow globe and pray
Don’t blame me if you end up 
A rock solid potato 
You have been warned 
It’s your choice 

You will not see the return of Jesus 
In your lifetime 
If you are not welcomed back to the GOD
Before you die 

God is God
Jesus is the only begotten Son of God
Jesus is alive and well 
You will only see his return 
In the GOD
End of story 
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 
You have free will 
It is your choice 

Continue to use your snow globes and pray

It’s the only alternative to the event field for you
Do you wish Jesus to judge you!?
That is where you might go
We are saving you
We are not judging anyone 

That whole denomination 
May take that responsibility 

I chose them
Because they fell in my lap 
And I trust them 

I am week compared to Jesus Christ 
He is like a drill instructor from Beta Zed
You can hide nothing from him 
If you continue to hide
There is nothing I can do
You may be judged 
And you may go to Hell for all eternity 
It’s up to you
You have free will 
It is your choice 

If the hostages are not released in a timely manner 
Me or the ones I have delegated 
May never welcome you back 
To the Garden of Olives 
And you may never see the return of Jesus Christ 
Or the Kingdom of Heaven 
It is your choice 
You have free will

Continue to use your snow globes and pray 

I am offering you an olive branch 
Release the hostages 
Suspend Islamic Jihad
And you may see the Kingdom of Heaven 
And you may not be judged by Jesus Christ 

You cannot hide
The light of Jesus Christ will find you
You must release the hostages in a timely manner 
And Islamic Jihad must be suspended 
By Christmas Day 2025
God will not stop
Until I am home 

We are not at war with Israel 
If you are at war with Israel 
Settle your own terms 
But do it by Christmas Day 2025
Or we may take step down 

Same with the war in Ukraine 
Or any other wars that are taking place
Settle them
Or we may take a step down

Have your diplomats 
Cross the Potomac 
Visit Arlington 
And place roses at Kennedy’s grave 
And you will be our allies 

God can rapture the hostages if he wants to
They must be released by Valentine’s Day 

Don’t kill any more hostages 
Or they will be raptured beforehand 
And God will judge you 

This is final
Release the hostages by Valentine’s Day
Harm no hostages 
Or they will be raptured 
And God will judge you

I know how to split
Don’t make me do it

Welcome to the Garden of Redemption 

You have until Valentine’s Day
Or you may be welcome
To the Division of War 

They will be with God
They will never be found 
They will only be seen again 
In the GOD

Tell them God is not going to stop 
Until the hostages have been released 
And I am back where I am supposed to be

They will no longer be a bargaining chip
They can all be taken at any time 
If the President sets another timetable 
That’s his decision 

You have declared Holy War 
Against the USA 
And you are still holding 
American citizens
Release them by Valentine’s Day 
Unless our President sets another timetable 
Or you may never see the return of Jesus Christ 
And you may never see the Kingdom of Heaven 
And me or my delegates 
Will welcome you
To the DOW
It’s your choice 
You have free will

He may take all 7 of them 

If you do not comply to the President’s timetable 
God may take all 7 American hostages 
If you do them any further harm 
It is within the realm of possibility 
You may face serious consequences 
It’s your choice 

It is not my place to negotiate 
A settlement 
Between Hamas and Israel 
That is up to the General Secretary of the UN

Only if you release the American citizens 
That are being held hostage 
Will me or those I have delegated 
welcome you back
To the GOO
On Solar Easter 2025

Gardens are terraced 
That’s just the way it is

It is your choice 
You have free will

The Thunderdome 
Belongs to the United States 
A thunderdome has been given to someone else
You may only see my lecture 
In the Thunderdome 
If we can sing Merry Christmas War is Over
Santa may give them away as Christmas presents 
Santa is compiling his 2025 list now
The singular membrane belongs to God

Yes if everything goes on schedule 
And things go as planned 
Me or those I have delegated 
Will welcome you back to the GOO
On Solar Easter 2025
If we reach the peak of Mount Olive 
Santa may give thunderstorms are Christmas presents 
In 2025

I know I did major editing 
As time progresses
And each step is taken
I may do that
Until a global armistice is signed 

You have to see it
I will never make it back home 
If you don’t see it

As each step is taken
Things are agreed to

I become colloquial 
When I am woven through everything 
People don’t even know they are doing it

If they don’t comply by Valentine’s Day 
Me or those I have delegated 
May welcome us all
To the DOW
Those that are our allies 
Will see nothing 
Those that are our enemies 
May see a blood red sky
And a dark moon 
For  3 1/2 days 
If your Diplomats
From your embassy 
Lay flowers at Kennedy’s grave
You will be our allies
And you don’t mean it
It will mean nothing 
This only works when there is mutual trust

Stop using hateful coughs and handshakes and the like
You cannot hide from the light of Jesus Christ
He has a microwave too
He can make you a rock solid potato 
At any time 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...