Friday, December 13

Beacon of Hope

 GOP stands for Garden of Penance 
GOR stands for Garden of Redemption 
GORAW stands for Garden of Redemption and War
GOO stands for Garden of Olives
GOJ stands for Garden of Joy
GOD stands for Garden of David
KOTM stands for King of the Mountain 

These are all universal models 
similar to the Garden of Eden

I shouldn’t have to tell you
Who the Garden of Eden belongs to

They all belong to God

VOTSOD stands for Valley of the Shadow of Death 
And it exists in the GORAW

We or us is America and her allies 

They or them
are those that are holding hostages 
in the current Gaza conflict 
And or those who have proclaimed Islamic Jihad
And or those that are are complicit 

Everyone is all of humanity 

If the President decides to push
I will push with him

Use your snow globes and pray 
For a peaceful resolution 
To The Potato Crisis 

Holy War was proclaimed against us
It is not the fault of America and her Allies
Israel had no choice 
An olive branch was extended several times
Hostages are being held as bargaining chips 
To prevent everyone from having world peace 
If the President decides it will not be tolerated 
I will follow his lead
Those that oppose us have been forewarned
Have your Bibles and snow globes ready
Establish call lines

If Holy War has been proclaimed against us 
Or any Nation has been proclaimed War against us
And Congress has refused to act
In the this age
The President has that authority 

Yes Islamic Jihad is a proclamation of war

If President Elect Trump decides 
When in office 
He wishes to escalate the Potato Crisis 
I am all in
If you don’t like it
Be a rock solid potato 

It will be like
Moses has parted the Red Sea
we will walk right through the damn thing

We will never fire a shot 

Christian nations are secular nations 
It is our choice 
if individuals want to follow God’s word or not 
Individuals have free will
That is the way God wants it

Prepare for escalation of The Potato Crisis 

This time of madness will not end
Until this Holy War is over with 

Islamic Jihad is not a joking matter 
It is a serious issue 
It is not just state sponsored terror 

If an individual 
does not wish to walk through the VOTSOD
and an individual 
does not wish to reach the peak of Mt Olive 
It is the choice of the individual 

If I am able
And hostages of the Gaza conflict are not released 
By Inauguration Day 
I may welcome everyone 
To the Garden of Redemption and War
I will call it the GORAW
If I am able
And if things do not improve 
I will welcome everyone to the VOTSOD 
If things do still not improve 
And I am able
I will welcome everyone
To stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
For 3 1/2 hours 
If you choose not to walk 
Those that choose will remain in the GORAW
And be in the VOTSOD
And those that choose will stand at the gates of Hell
And only St Peter can hear you

This does not need to happen 
They can settle with the Biden Administration 
Right now

We don’t have to go through a year of this
They can settle right now

If individuals 
Take The mark of the beast 
Individuals have free will 
It was their decision 

Individuals have been given an alternative 
Individuals have been informed 
Individuals have free will 
It the choice of the individual 

Who prevents God’s children 
From hearing this message 
Will be dealt with accordingly 

We are all God’s children 
He wants no one to face second death 
If you face it
It was your choice 

Yes if the time comes 
Individuals either walk with me
Or face second death 
Individuals have been forewarned 
It is the choice of the individual 

Recite Psalm 23:4 and mean it
Else Individuals may just be an event 
Individuals may go to the event field 
And burn for all eternity 

I seek everyone’s salvation 
I seek world peace 
I am not judging anyone 

We have seen the light 
We know God’s Glory and Grace 
Don’t be left behind 

It’s not a fun place to be

People were complaining they had no choice 
People were complaining they were not informed 
That is the only thing that makes sense to me

If someone does not receive this message 
And they were forced to take the mark falsely 
That someone should appeal to Saint Peter

Use your snow globes and pray for a beacon of hope
Please follow me 

If those that oppose America and her allies 
are not afraid of war 
Then neither should America and her allies be afraid 

I will give those that oppose us no further alternative 
They are using my good nature 
And taking advantage of me

If President Elect Trump wants to ride down Pennsylvania Ave
On his motorcycle 
Let him do it

No harm shall be done to President Elect Trump 
By them or by default 
Everyone shall be in the GORAW
Everyone shall stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
And those that choose 
May commence to walk immediately 

No harm shall be done to President Biden by them
Before Inauguration Day 
Or by default 
Everyone shall be in the GORAW 
Everyone shall be in the VOTSOD 
And those that choose 
May commence to walk immediately 

If anyone attempts to harm the executive 
Of anyone protected by the Secret Service 
They may never see 
The GOO the GOJ or the GOD
They may never see the return of Christ 
And they may never enter 
The Kingdom of Heaven 

No one shall harm, take, or fall unconscious 
a sitting President 
Except the Holy Trinity 
Or likewise may take place

The Holy Trinity can make anyone 
fall unconscious at any moment 

The Holy Trinity can take any one at any time 

The Holy Trinity can take any action 
they deem appropriate 

If I am terminated
The congregation of the MOBC Glen Allen Va
had my permission 
To act accordingly 


Pray that Jesus Christ will not allow me
To welcome to the VOTSOD 
And those that oppose America and her allies 
will drop like flies 
In God’s name I pray 

It’s either going to be the GORAW
Or it’s going to be the GOR
It’s the choice of those that oppose 
America and her allies 
The only other option is to split the Garden 
And I will never do that
God will not allow me to do that

I guess those that oppose us thought none 
Had the audacity or capacity to fight back

I might just welcome to the GOD and be done with it
It will be crippling if I do that

I think the path to the peak of Mt Olive 
Goes through the VOTSOD 
But hopefully there is a bypass 

If something happens and I am unable to welcome 
And hostages of the Gaza conflict are released 
By Inauguration Day 
by default everyone will be welcomed to the GOR

If hostages of the Gaza conflict are not released 
By Inauguration Day 
And I am unable to welcome 
by default everyone will be welcomed to the GORAW

If they chose the GOR
And those that oppose America and her allies 
do not proclaim Islamic Jihad over
By a timetable set by the president 
By default 
And I am unable 
Everyone will be welcomed to the GORAW

As a Alliance we shall stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD
for 3 1/2 hours 
And If those that oppose us
still do not release the hostages 
And proclaim Islamic Jihad over
If I am unable 
Those that choose
 shall commence walking through the VOTSOD

If I am terminated other than by the Holy Trinity 
And I am unable to welcome 
Those that have terminated me
Will never see the GOO the GOJ or the GOD

If I should die a natural death 
Only one that has earned the mutual trust of God
Shall replace me
Earn his trust now

I do this because I might lose my internet connection 

Everyone can be welcomed to the GORAW
And everyone can stand at the mouth of the VOTSOD 
And those that choose can walk through it
At any time 

If you do not wish this to happen 
Contact the White House 
And release the hostages 

I pray that I can welcome everyone back to the GOO
By April 3 2025

Until all hostages are released 
I can edit at any time
Until I see it in the news

Only those 
That have the mutual trust of God
Are able to do this

It will be obvious 

If you do not comply 
Once you are welcomed
You may remain in the GORAW 
At the mouth of the VOTSOD 

You have until Inauguration Day 

Again if you wish to be our ally 
Have your Ambassador 
Or his representative 
Lay flowers on John F Kennedy’s grave 
You have until Inauguration Day 

If any nation or country 
Announces an alliance 
With those that have proclaimed 
Holy War against us 
They will be considered they
And they too must proclaim conflict over
By Inauguration Day 
Else these things I have described 
Will take place 

Announce is a formal declaration 
By a head of state 

It is not my place
To settle the conflict in Ukraine 
My place
Is to settle Holy War 
I know what Putin was concerned about 
And it is understandable 

It is deadly serious 
Even if they haven’t proclaimed 
But are complicit 
I consider them they 

We have been playing KOTM for millennia 
It’s not going to end overnight 

But I can welcome you back
To the GOD
at any time 

I pray God
Let there be a beacon of hope
On April 3 2025

Welcoming and naming
Can only be effective 
When me our someone else
has earned God’s mutual trust 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...