Saturday, December 14

My Pillow

This has occurred because we were under time reversal 
And Holy War was proclaimed against us
God only knows what would happened to us
I’m sorry 

I will do my best to follow the President’s deadlines 

Because of what I saw that’s why I am doing it

I was agnostic before all this happened to me

If they don’t release the hostages 
By Inauguration Day 
We may stand at the mouth
Of the VOTSOD 
for 3 1/2 hours 

Israel knows how to do it
And all Christianity knows how to do it

It hasn’t happened before 
Because only I knew where the damn thing was

We can go 95
Or we can go 295
It’s their choice 

They can pray to snuffleupagus
I don’t care
But they must respect God
And release the hostages 

Sharia law is against the will of God 
He wishes us to have free will 
And he wishes us the choice 
Whether we wish to follow his word or not
That’s why trees were in the Garden of Eden 
In the first place 

Our Government 
Does not have to codify 
God’s law in the Constitution 
In order to earn God’s favor 
And Mutual Trust 

In God We Trust should remain on the money 
And we should not use Bitcoin or the like
As official currency 

You cannot wing it
If you lose mutual trust

It doesn’t matter how many people pray
If there is not mutual trust
And it is against God’s will 
It’s not going to work 

All I know is what it is called 
And where it is
I know no more than that

I am sure it will be more 
Than just a face off

Go there and find out

It’s your choice 

Yes it may be more decisive 
Than Passover

God had instructed me how to do
A beacon of hope 

It wasn’t a war against Communism 
It was a war against Atheism 

You should at least respect God
And trust God

I have told you
There are plenty of thunderdomes
For everybody 
All religions 
All nationalities 
All countries 
All you have to do
Is respect God
And trust God

I have found God
And God is God

I asked Jesus to let me help
The atheists and agnostics 
And this is what he has allowed me to do

Enforcement of Sharia law is extreme to us 
It is not what we believe 

We believe God has given us free will
And it is our choice
Whether we follow his word or not 

You proclaimed 
Or were complicit in Islamic Jihad
That’s why war is being waged 

Borders will mean nothing in the GOD
We will no longer play a KOTM name game
That is a 1.0 thing

These are things 
Jesus will show us
When we are welcomed back
To the GOD

Eve was weak
Adam did not want to be alone 
It has been understood 

For me?
It was either save the universe 
Or be happy 
I just couldn’t be happy with myself 

I was out to save the world 
And she just wasn’t with it

The only thing I can do
Is name and welcome 
I have no authority 
To make the rules 

We are in the GOP

It is understandable yes
Please release the hostages 
And proclaim Islamic Jihad over

Release the hostages and we will talk

In the name of the war against atheism 
Grievous wrongs were done 

If you feel we should remain in the GOP
For a while longer 
I am not against that

If you release the hostages 
Before Inauguration Day 2025
We will remain in the GOP
Until at least April 3 2025

This is my final offer
Call the White House if you wish to accept 

GOP stands for
Garden of Penance 

It will be against God’s will
And If he has any
He will lose mutual trust with God
And he will find out
What will happen to him

If something happens to me
You will remain in the GOP
Until someone else
With mutual trust 
Comes along 

Call the White House 
Release the hostages of the Gaza conflict 
And say you have accepted the offer 
Of this post 
It will not be official
Till I see the release of said hostages 
In the news 
Do this before Inauguration Day 
Or it may not be offered again 

The offer is
That if you release the hostages of the Gaza conflict 
By Inauguration Day 
We will remain in the GOP 
Until at least
April 3 2025

I don’t think they are going to back off
They are not afraid of war with us
I don’t think they are afraid of me
I am a warrior 
Not a prophet 

When I welcome everyone back to the GOO
If we are going to reach the peak of Mt Olive 
Islamic Jihad and all wars must end 

I feel your discontent 
But what does it matter 
One way or another 
295 and 95 go to the same place 

That is why Ashland 
Is called the center of the universe 

I pray that they accept 
And I don’t have to welcome 
To the GORAW
In God’s name I pray 

They were offered 
Reasonable accommodation 
If they don’t not accept 
It was not my fault 
They have free will 
It is their choice 

The Catholic Church knows what penance is

If you didn’t do it
Don’t worry about it

I cannot control
What President Elect Trump 
Might do while in office 
That is between him
And his god
If he even has one

We are South of Petersburg 
And we can go 95 or 295
Ashland is our destination 
It’s their choice 

Let’s take a rest in Ashland first 

I don’t have enough self control to do lent
Please pray for me 
I don’t know if I can give up posting or not
Let’s wait till Ash Wednesday 

If the Pope wants to call them out
For the disproportionate 
Slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians 
Let him do it

It’s a mistake to think a civilization 
Has to be high energy 
To be advanced 

Call them iron thunderdomes I don’t care

If they feel they don’t need or deserve a god
And they think they can learn to ride their bicycles 
Without God’s Grace
Let them go ahead and try

Don’t do it in the 7 Gardens of God
It is not allowed

There will be complete disorder and chaos
Without God

If you are not willing to accept my truth 
You are going to have to dig
But call Ms Ms Utility 
Before you do so 
And it is not allowed in the  Gardens of God

If me and Mother Nature 
Hadn’t had the same Bible
We would have never met

If VAH wants to solve this
She needs this Bible 

It was given to me by friends of the family 
On my first communion 

I don’t think it matters
Mother Nature wasn’t Catholic 

I would have married MN
But I didn’t know God was God
Until I discovered what. GOD stood for
I only knew my God
And I didn’t trust anyone else’s 

I call her Mother Nature 
Because she insisted on taking the animals with us

This whole thing might resolve itself
Is she is given that Bible 

Pray that you are given that Bible 

I do not prophecize
I name and welcome 

I may not go to the radio station 
Y’all may have to find me 
And fight over me 

If it is my choice 
I’m not going to the radio station again 

I am unique 
That’s just the way it is

Goodness gracious 
People were writing their names on pillows?
I’m sorry 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...