Sunday, December 1

Walk in the Sunshine

I guess they felt it needed to be done

I think we got a new administration 
I think we need a new start
Now is the time to stop this burn and cover shit
Whoever started it
For whatever reason 

An able archer is enough cover
We don’t need anymore 

Now is the time to stop 

Nature goes south 
Idk why

I think burn and cover does more damage than it does good

We are going to keep having able archers
And nature is going to keep going south 
We need to educate ourselves and get over it

Do the right thing on Sunday 
And you won’t have to worry about it

I know I have a 180 reputation, and people don’t know when to listen to me
But that’s the truth 

Nature goes through it 100% of the time
And if we keep down this road
It’s gonna get weirder and weirder 

You are going to end up the boot cycle in a very small loop

I needed to get your attention 

You don’t want to go to church 
Read the Bible at least once in your life
Now is the time to do it

I know I have a 180 reputation but that’s the truth 

We aren’t going to be in the dark ages if people read the Bible 

Just after an able archer is the perfect time to do it

Because the English are singing about it

I’ve told you to do that before 

I think it was 2008 I read it

Get a Good News Bible it wasn’t a hard read
The old wine is better

I’m not getting into the nuances of which one is the right one
You are in Gods word

It’s not my fault 
I told you that in 2008

Don’t get me wrong I’m not a right wing evangelical 
But it works
You read yourself in like anything else

Who cares why
If it works it works
But it’s important to do it at the right time

It’s hard for me to worship
I have a big head
But im telling you this for your own good

Do the right thing at the beginning 

It took me about 6 weeks

If the president does it he will carry the whole nation through 

If the general secretary of the un does it he will carry the whole planet

Good news Bible is good enough 

This is your final warning 

Ideally they should be Christian 
But that’s not going to happen
Let’s deal with the issue at hand

Is there anything else that works?
I don’t like it either 

Show me something else that works 

I’m not a right wing radical 

We are not going to be in the dark ages
If the general secretary of the UN reads the Good News Bible
That’s the one I read
And apparently it works 

People are having problems with it cause it’s the King James Version 
And it comes from England 

Nature goes south

As long as Jesus is the Son of God does it matter?

How can the General Secretary read the King James Version 
It’s impossible 

If we don’t we are going to be baptized by fire again.

So yes I’m for the Good News Bible 

The whole planet would have to be under England and that’s not gonna happen 

We are going to keep going south and we are going to be baptized by fire again 

Let’s go southwest 

I’m not a right wing radical 
I’m telling you for your own good

This is the way it works 
That’s why it’s called the King James Version
If we want to carry the whole planet through 
It’s not going to work
We are going to be baptized by fire again 
We are going to keep going south
And we are going to end up in a very small loop
For the sake of everyone involved 
Let’s go southwest 

Yes that’s what eternity is
It’s your decision 

We know how to do it now
We could do it at anytime 

It doesn’t have to be done now

From my perspective it’s a joke being played on us by the reptilians 
But I know people don’t believe that
I want to carry the whole earth through 

Read what you want to read I’ve had my say

He said it’s not 

I guess it matters
I guess the UK was first

Are people ready for this

UK would have to acquiesce 
And God forbid anything happened
They would have to leave the UN

Are people ready for this?

This may take 100 years to take place

I guess the security council will handle it

Jesus says not to mix the old wine and the new wine

If we are going to go with the new wine everybody has to agree

Now is the time to do it
If we have another able archer we may never have this opportunity again 

Offer ends today 
People aren’t going to continue to take advantage of me

Have the security council meet and decide what they want to do
Offer ends as of midnight eastern standard time

I’m not going to extend my services anymore, I’m done.

Decide what you want to do, I’m done.

My calculations are finished.

Because I have a kind diplomatic nature 
And people are taking advantage of me
I can’t guarantee I’m going to be there
If it happens again 
You need to act now

We can transition I guess
But it the meantime 
We are going to be under the UK umbrella 

We can’t continue to burn and cover
It’s a recipe for disaster 
Someone is going to get hurt
Someone already got hurt

Do you want this magnified by the thousands?

Somebody needs to help these people 
Who were doing the burn and cover 
They need to stop

They need to call a priest 
Or go to confession or something 

They need to get help
It’s not too late for them 

They can read
Or they can listen too

I’m sorry I’m revealing national security info 
But this shit needs to stop

Nobody is going to believe it anyway 
Schizophrenics talk crazy stuff about the Bible 
All the time 

If you are going to use it to cover like that,
It does matter which one you choose 

This is my Bible

I have two of them

Please watch prices
We are really struggling 

If he is going to to call it the Trump Bible
And that’s the one he wants to use
Then he needs to read the darn thing

When you call it the Trump Bible that means something.
You can’t just throw that around willy nilly.

Cover to cover
Front to back
And he’s responsible for it
If anything happens 
It’s on him

And he needs to be sworn in on it too

If he is going to call it his Bible that’s what he needs to do
Otherwise he needs to take it off the market 
And all the copies need to be buried 

I’m serious 
I’m not joking

God doesn’t take you calling it your Bible lightly 

It takes about 6 weeks to read a Bible
He has time to make his decision.

It shouldn’t be referred to as the Trump Bible anymore.

I guess God Bless the USA is ok

But if that’s the one he wants to use he still needs to be sworn in on it
And it’s on him not me

It’s gonna cause a real stir if he gets sworn in on that Bible.

If he is going to use it to cover he definitely should read it.

Please get sworn in on the ones you used for your first inauguration.

You can take the oath again at any time

Please don’t refer to them as the “Lincoln Bible” or the “Trump Bible” anymore 
That’s an abomination 
Call it the “Lincoln Family Bible”

I’m sorry I thought it was called the “Trump Bible”
Don’t do that
It’s not good.

I consider it should only be used in emergencies 

I don’t like it.  I think it causes trouble.

I’ve been through a lot of cruel jokes,
And it’s hard for me to wrap my head around 
The idea getting caught in a small loop
Is a good thing 

I’m just not ready for it

He says it’s not
And I’ll take him for his word
But I’m just not ready for it

I’m hoping we will have a golden age 
And it won’t happen for a long time 

I hope the secret service reads this shit

I’m sorry I’m revealing national secrets 

I don’t know what else to do

People probably know well enough
Not to read this thing by now

My services end at midnight 

After that, whatever you decide to do,
You are on your own

I am not going to rescue anyone from another able archer again 

You know what to do
I’m not rescuing the world anymore 
I’m done

I’m probably going to keep posting 
Because I’m manic and I can’t stop
But I’m done
I’m not rescuing the world anymore 

Biden knows which Bible to swear to
If something goes wrong 

The God Save The USA Bible 

I wish we could stop this madness 
And all be under one umbrella 
But I guess the world isn’t ready for it

I pray that things don’t get so weird 
We never have this opportunity again 

I’m sorry I’m dictating to people 
But I want the world to come together 
And be under one big umbrella 
And now is the time
If we wait
Things might get real weird 
And we might never have this opportunity again 

We have all been baptized 
Now is the time

Do the right things on Sunday 
And this madness will stop

If you do it right 
Nothing ever happens 

My services end at midnight 

You are smart enough to figure it out

Do you think we are in 2024
And nothing has ever happened 
By accident?

Well I guess we had 9/11 but still 
We have managed to avoid a lot of stuff 

That’s not by accident 

Educate yourself 
If you do the right things on Sunday 
Nothing ever happens 
You are smart enough to figure it out
If you want to get caught in a small loop
You know how to do that too
Please let’s come together 

It’s time to stop this cover madness all together 

Walk in the sunshine 

Let them know you know how to do it
And let’s bring this cover madness to an end

Nature can go north and south and God has emergency control

You no longer have to stick it on the first try

But you never know when it’s going to shift 
Unless you are giving a lecture 

I’m sorry Republicans 
I know it was a golden age

The funhouse 2 model is not my intellectual property 
It belongs to God

By natural universe
I mean one that is similar to a tree or the funhouse 1.0
But is not administered by God

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