Monday, December 2

Stubborn Stragglers

Yeah just tell them you know how to do it
It’s over with 

If you want to baptize the planet again 
You can do that too

There’s nothing to be afraid of anymore 

Yeah just let them know you know how to do it

“War is over, if you want it.”

I guess things are going to happen around Christmastime

We might have a couple more before they realize it’s useless 

It’s over with 

Things will be resolved by Christmas 

“Merry Christmas, War Is Over”

Stand up to Putin 
Don’t back down 
War is over

They can baptize the planet 17 times if need be

Christmas came early this year

By the time Trump is in office it will all be over with 

Let them know you know how to do it
Be serious about it
You have saved me
It’s over with 

Don’t cede an inch
Tell that fucker to go to hell

I’m sick of being a diplomat 
This shit is over with
It was the coverage he was complaining about 
And that’s ended
So fuck off

It’s going to get to where national borders and religions 
Don’t mean anything anymore 

From my perspective it was all about the Cold War to begin with 

Jesus is the Son of God and that’s all that needs to be said about it

Do you want to be baptized again?
They could do this 20 more times 

I gave you an olive branch 
If you are getting baptized it’s your fault 

It doesn’t matter what you believe 
That’s the fact of the matter 
It’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt 

Do you want them to prove it to you again 
They could baptize you forever 

The Cold War or a Cold War or cold wars in general idk

I couldn’t do this without Jesus 

Jesus is the only way this happens 

It’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt 

We couldn’t do this without the word of God
That’s proven now too

It doesn’t matter which one you read
We aren’t covering anymore 
We are walking in the sunshine 

I gave you plenty of warning 
I told you about this stuff in 2008

That was 16 years ago

Don’t be diplomatic anymore 
The time for diplomacy is over
I gave them an olive branch 
If they are getting baptized it’s their fault not mine

You knew this was down the pike
You had 16 years to get ready for it

Push Push Push

Even Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria can all be over by Christmas 

It’s proven
They know how to do it
How much longer are we going to wait?
The time for diplomacy is over
Push Push Push

Religions and national borders aren’t going to matter anymore 

Don’t be afraid 
There’s nothing to be afraid of
Demand a ceasefire 
Nothing is going to happen 

If they are in denial of the obvious then challenge them too.

Push Push Push

I’ve extended an olive branch 
If they get baptized again 
It’s their fault not mine

I’m not telling you to go to war with Israel 
But we need to be persistent 

That’s the only thing they are going to accept 

And don’t let Trump take the credit 
People need to know this stuff

This able archer we just had
They could make that happen over and over again 
They know how to do that too
They can demonstrate it right now

They can put you in a very tight loop
And it’s going to be that way till it’s resolved 
They know how to do that
They can demonstrate it right now
I gave them an olive branch 
If it happens again it’s their fault 

Push Push Push

Things will be resolved long before Trump takes office 
The office of the president will hardly mean anything 

True power will reside in the cross

I am David Mallory 
I am the beloved unlucky man
They came after me
And I came after you

All people and all parties and all nations 
Need to accept that it’s been proven and move on

God’s Kingdom has arrived 
It has already been said 

I told you in 2008

Saying Jesus is not the Son of God is like saying the earth is flat
You are in complete darkness 
You are in complete denial of the obvious 

They came after me and I came after you

Please stop all fighting 
Its over with

What if revelations doesn’t happen the way people think it’s supposed to
We have serious problems too

It’s hard because people need to see something happening 
But if it’s done right nothing happens 

We have not averted all these nuclear wars by accident 

If you choose to go down that road
I’m not coming after you anymore 

I don’t think they are going to come after you either 
You are on your own 

They didn’t have to come after me
This is a bonus 

He has a no person left behind policy 
But if you are in denial of the obvious 
He may reserve the right not to come after you

Please get on board 
This is your last chance 
The ship is sailing 

Next time they may just leave you there
They can do that too

If you are an individual 
And you are concerned and don’t know what to do
Just start following me for now

I’m not a third head anymore 
I’ve been saved

Or call a prayer line

Please stop all fighting Its over

Please watch prices
We need relief 

Christmas came early this year

God can do anything 
He may even eliminate individuals if need be

Please get on board
This ship is sailing 

We are walking in the sunshine 
The use of umbrellas is over

My name is David Mallory
I am the beloved unlucky man
I claim no divinity
They came after me
I came after you

The age of nuclear umbrellas is over with 

They retrieved me
I’m retrieving you

Please don’t celebrate my birthday or make a religion out of this 
Thanksgiving is enough 

He has a no person left behind policy.
He sought to retrieve me at all costs.
But if you deny the obvious.
And all attempts to educate you have been made.
You may be eternally lost

Jesus will come when he decides we are ready

Go ahead launch
It’s not going to work

Is that enough for you?
Are you satisfied now?
Please stop all fighting 
It’s over

I can’t demand the cease of hostilities 
The General Secretary needs to do that

We aren’t covering anymore 
That age is over with 

People may start falling dead

Please make it happen soon

My name is David Mallory 
I am the beloved unlucky man
I claim no divinity 
They came after me
And I came after you

I need to see something in the news by the 11th of December 
That’s the only way I’m going to stop

If they refuse to accept Jesus as their savior 
Just make them acknowledge Jesus is the Son of God

It’s a crisis 
Juliet has gone over the hill

Jesus is the only way people are saved
Retrieving and saving are not the same thing

God can retrieve someone 
But it’s their choice whether they want to be saved or not

Jews were baptized before Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

They are two different things 

Hopefully everyone is baptized 
And we wont have to do it again for a while 
If ever

If they have been through this able archer they have been baptized 
It’s automatic 

All they have to do is acknowledge it’s been proven 

I’m sorry you don’t appreciate 
I’m going to let that comment slide

I insulted you too
I’m sorry 

Regarding the ceasement of hostilities 
on all fronts 
We all need to see something in the news
By December 11th

Please reach out to people 
Juliet has gone over the hill

Please let’s bring all hostilities to an end an all hostages returned 

I don’t like nuclear war 
An nature doesn’t either
She goes right through them

I’m not in the position to dictate to anyone 
It’s their abilities not mine

I guess President elect Trump played a role
Maybe if he hadn’t pushed 
Thank you President elect Trump

Please people need confirmation 
We need to see something in the news 

I’m sorry if I misled you or insulted you 
Biden could of done this on day one
I don’t know why they didn’t push
They probably knew better 
I told them 16 years ago

People need confirmation 
They need to see something in the news
It would be best if it happened on the 11th
Because I’ve mentioned that date

Yes I’m involved in presidential politics 
I don’t know how it started 
I need more confirmation 
Before I’m going to be able to stop

I need to see something in the news 
On December 11th
Little bubbles on my phone is not enough 

Please reach out if you want me to stop
Contact my doctor and he will handle it

I think we need to push
I’ve had my say

I don’t see it
I go right through 

I think that’s the way it’s supposed to be

I’m not in the position to dictate 
But it would be nice 
If something happened on the 11th

Idk I do everything upside down 
And backwards 

I guess this is what the fire clan does 
I don’t think they can do it without me

It’s been done once
It doesn’t need to be done again 

This is the way the fire clan operates 

It’s not a western tradition 
It’s a Native American thing 
I mixed the two
I can’t go back
It’s going to have to break 
Where it breaks 
If it breaks 

You aren’t supposed to mix stuff 
But that’s nature for you

Don’t call it a religion 
That’s offensive to God

Have no gods before me he says 

I think Biden wanted it to break e
I think a lot of people want the dam to break 
This only has to happen once 

We really could do it if we wanted to

I’m not satisfied 
I guess it’s dangerous to give someone validation 
This is sad 

God can perform miracles 
He can do what he wants
He knows what he is doing 
He doesn’t need me
I guess he can end it anytime he wants to

People want validation 
They need to see something 
I know Jesus said something 
About people being blessed
Who believe and haven’t seen
I guess he is giving them more time

The clock is ticking 

Jesus is the Son of God
If you believe now you will be blessed 

Jesus died on the cross and was risen again 
If you believe now you will be blessed

Don’t wait for him to prove it to you
Do It now

Eventually it’s going to be proven 
And it’s going to be accepted 
Just as the earth is round 

If it only happens once and nothing happens 
That’s going to be a grand slam
You can’t beat that

I am David Mallory 
I am the beloved unlucky man
I claim no divinity 
I mean no disrespect 
They came after me
And I came after you

Don’t wait for validation 
Believe now

It requires no certification 
You either believe or you don’t 

Do you believe the earth is round?
Do you have to prove it to anybody?
Ok then

If it’s accepted fact
We are going to go right through this thing
And nothing is going to happen 

You don’t have to profess 
Jesus knows if you believe or not

You will be even more blessed 
Because you have 
Absolutely no reason to

Just as I was

I am David Mallory 
I am the beloved unlucky man
I claim no divinity 
I mean no disrespect 
They came after me
And I came after you

If it is an accepted fact
We are going to go right through this thing
And nothing is going to happen 

If I can be saved 
You can be saved 

I was a completely forsaken person 
Who never saw nothing in his life

If all you have seen is trouble 
You will be more blessed than even me

I mutilated and burned the Bible
Three times before I turned to God

Jesus blessed me because I turned to him
When I had absolutely no reason to

I had absolutely no reason 
To believe he was the Son of God
Or that he died on the cross 
And was raised from the dead
Yet I confessed in my heart 
That I believed 
And he blessed me

You can do it too

If it is accepted fact 
We are going to go right through this thing
And nothing is going to happen 

Turn to your enemy 
Make peace 

You know I am blessed
You know I am telling you the truth 

I can do things no other man on earth can do
You know this
You know I am telling you the truth 
Turn to your enemy 
Make peace 

It’s yours
It’s waiting for you

Is there anyone else 
That can even begin to understand 
Gods physics
Like I do?

It would have never happened 
Without me

I am telling you
Jesus is the Son of God
He is alive and well
He was crucified and resurrected 
Believe me
Who else needs to tell you this

It’s yours 
It’s waiting for you 

If it is accepted fact
We will go right through 

You know I am blessed 
You know I am telling you the truth 
Please show a sign on consideration 
Make peace with your enemy 

I’m sorry about last season 
I was wrong 
I have no authority to dictate anything 
I’m sorry 

Don’t listen to me if I dictate 
I get carried away
I don’t have that authority 
I’m sorry 

If it is an accepted fact
We will go right through 

He must be
I have all the evidence I need
I couldn’t do this without him

For God so loved the world 
He gave his only begotten son.
He did it because he loves us.
Is that so hard to understand?

He only tells us things because 
He wants what is best for us

When it comes to my services I can
But I should not decree either 
I’m still learning 
This is new to all of us

I reserve the right to withdraw 
My services at any time

If it doesn’t go through on the first time
And nothing happens 
I may withdraw my services 
And head North 
This is a limited opportunity 

I may never try this again 
Unless Jesus asks me to

This is a bargain 
Show a sign of consideration 
Make peace with your enemy 
You have until tomorrow 
Or I may withdraw my services 
And head north 

I’ll settle for Gaza right now
A ceasefire in Gaza by 7pm tomorrow 

This is ridiculous 
I am not going after people who are irretrievable
They are just being stubborn 

I want a cease fire by 7pm tomorrow 
I’m not going after people who are irretrievable
If it doesn’t happen 
I’m going to go north

I’m sorry I had to edit
That’s the first time I’ve done that

It’s everybody or it’s nobody that’s the deal
Jesus will set the timeframe 

I guess we still have the flat earth society 
But it needs to be accepted fact
And it’s everybody or nobody 
Or I reserve the right to go north

I’m human 
I make mistakes 

Actually it’s a good sign 
I’m gaining my humanity 

I’m not a calculator 

Both sides need to come to the table now
They have until 7pm tomorrow 
Show that you are considering this offer
Or it will be withdrawn
It’s everybody or nobody 
I need to see something in the news 
By 7pm tomorrow eastern standard time

Yes effectively I have the power 
To withdraw the offer
By going north
It’s yours 
It’s waiting for you

It’s effectively everybody or nobody 
I can’t help stubborn stragglers 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...