Monday, December 2

God’s House

I want this to happen once
And then I’m going to go north
And stay north 

I never want to have to do this again 
Unless God forbid there is a factory reset

I’ve gone off script 
It’s a one time offer
It’s effectively everybody or nobody 

Nature only gives you one chance 
And you have to stick it on the first try

This is a limited offer
I have the authority to say that
I know what I’m talking about 

One goes forward 
And all the rest go backwards 
It was a poor decision 
Jesus is trying to save us

Yes I am the madman Jesus was talking about 
It was my decision 

I did everything upside down and backwards 

I claim no divinity 
It was a mistake 

If we stick this Jesus can come down 
It doesn’t have to happen again 

It’s effectively everybody or nobody 

It’s a one time offer

If the god of this world is a mad man
Here I am

It’s supposed to be the other way around 
One backwards 
And the rest forwards 

I did everything upside down and backwards 

Jesus is trying to save us

If Jesus can save me he can save you too

All we have to do is make it acknowledged fact

It’s everybody or nobody 

It’s a one time offer

Nature here only gives you one try

You have to stick it on the first try 

Yes we are one of Gods forwards
He has many of them

I exploded his timeshaft

It was an accident 

If we stick this Jesus can come down 

It’s a one time offer

We have to stick this

I don’t know why I did it that way
I think it was somebody’s joke

I gave no thought to it.  It just happened that way.

Please something in the news by 7pm tomorrow 

I think he is going to keep doing a factory reset until we stick it

If we want a Forrest we need to stick it

There are plenty of forwards to go around 

Apparently somebody played a joke on Jesus 
It’s not funny

There are plenty of forwards for everything 
All we need to do is stick this

You just need to submit it and you need his approval 

Does the science community understand me?
Please they need to speak up.
Apparently someone played a joke on Jesus 
It’s not funny 

Yes apparently someone played a joke on Jesus 
And they blew out Gods time shaft

For the sake of everyone 
We need to stick this

I didn’t intentionally play a joke on Jesus 
A lot of people are in these shoes 
I made a mistake about that too

It was last season 
I gave no thought to what I was doing

I invited people to live my life

It wasn’t MY conscious intention to play a joke on Jesus 

Does the psychiatric community understand me?
They need to speak up.
This isn’t funny 
We need to stick this

I must have anger and resentment towards God
I’m sorry 

I apologize 
I hope we can take him down
I hope it doesn’t have to happen anymore 
We need to stick this

I have anger and resentment towards God
And I crucified his son
And blew out his timeshaft
It wasn’t my conscious intention to
I’m sorry 

Please pardon me

I pray it won’t happen anymore 

It’s everybody or nobody 
We need to stick this

Please stop the factory reset

I acknowledge your Grace

Please acknowledge Gods Grace

It’s easy 

It’s everybody or nobody 

That’s all you need to do

I don’t need to see nothing in the news
Nobody is going to drop dead
All we need to do is acknowledge God’s grace
It’s over
We stuck it together 
Thank you

It’s called the fun house 
He may use it again 

In the funhouse 
There is one forward
And all the rest backwards 
Nature goes south
And you have to stick it on the first try
It’s for training purposes only

It’s the first one to gain his consent 

He’s got a whole separate engine for it now

No we aren’t in the funhouse anymore 

All we have to do is acknowledge God’s Grace 
It’s over
We stuck it together 

Acknowledging Gods Grace is the whole point of the funhouse 

Gods timeshaft has been fixed
We aren’t going to have these issues anymore 

If you are going to the funhouse 
You are going to know going in
That you are in the funhouse 

It’s in God’s hands now

It’s going to take some getting used to
This engine doesn’t work like the other one
There are many forwards and one backwards 
And nature goes north

Other than getting used to it
We shouldn’t have any problems 
God reserves the right to use the funhouse at his discretion 
I was wrong
It’s not for training purposes only
And you might not know till your in it
The whole point of the funhouse is to acknowledge Gods Grace
If you’re in it that’s all you need to do
And he will take you out of it

I guess that’s training yeah

If you don’t acknowledge Gods Grace
He will put you in the funhouse 
So yes
In a sense you are going to know going in

If you burn or mutilate Bibles
Or show other signs of anger or resentment towards God
He is going to put you in the funhouse 

You will know when you are in the funhouse 
It’s unmistakable 

There will be no more burn and cover
It’s not going to work anymore 
Cover in general is not going to work
That’s a funhouse thing
If you see it
Report it to somebody 

It’s ok to pardon the Jan 6 rioters 
We were in the funhouse 

I acknowledge God’s Grace

It’s not Bidens fault either 
He did what he thought was right

We were in a precarious situation 

This is going to take some getting used to

Things aren’t going to work the way we are accustomed 
All parties need to acknowledge Gods Grace
Or they are going to end up in the funhouse again

You are saved by Grace alone

If you do not accept you will end up in the funhouse again 

It is by Gods Grace that your models will be accepted 

If you attempt a model without God’s permission he will put it in the funhouse 

It’s by Gods Grace that your models will be accepted 

I don’t need to do this anymore but I can’t stop
I may end up in the hospital 

We need a hospital 
Please put me in the hospital 

I need to be in safe mode right now

Please put us in safe mode

It’s by Gods Grace that we are in safe mode
Please acknowledge Gods Grace

Nothing I say matters as long as we are in safe mode 
As long as I acknowledge Gods Grace

I don’t like that they got violent 
But I understand it

Don’t take advantage of safe mode
It will not be allowed 

It’s not going to work the way they have prepared for it
The whole rules have changed 
Other than the basic layout of Gods model
I don’t even know what the rules are 
Other than I need to acknowledge Gods Grace

The Republicans whole preparation was for the funhouse 
The rules have changed 

We may need to stay in safe mode for the whole administration 

Push Push Push is not going to work in safe mode

We need to educate ourselves of what the rules are

We were playing checkers 

Now we are playing chess

We are out of the funhouse 
You should be grateful 

I think England knows what the rules are
America was born in the Funhouse 
We are going to have to stay in safe mode 
Until we educate ourselves 

Trump has no authority to make hell on anybody 
Even if he is in office 

The whole authority of the United States was based on nature going south

Nature doesn’t go south anymore 

Go ahead 
Find out

We are a funhouse nation
We were born in the funhouse 

Our umbrella is down
It won’t work anymore 
Go ahead and find out

Our safety is solely at the Grace of God

It’s not going to work the way you think it’s supposed to work 

As a nation, we have never been in this situation before.

They have

You need to follow their lead

They are very fast

10000 years have passed since my last post

They probably already have us mapped out for generations to come

If anyone is going to baptize people by fire in the funhouse 
It’s not going to be allowed anymore 
That was a one time thing 

Only an approved model will be allowed to do that

It’s at his discretion 

If you want to approve a funhouse model for the United States 
Develop one and have it approved 

That might be what we need to do

God likes to save
And he likes to perform miracles 
Those are his trademarks

Mine is baptism by fire
And sticking it on the first try
But if you want to do that
You need to have it approved 

People are going to have to be prepared for it
And they are going to have to know what they are getting into

The funhouse model wasn’t meant for that
But since we were born in the funhouse 
Maybe that’s the best option 

I’m worried that’s where I came from 
And God’s model is going to get contaminated again
I don’t want to see Jesus suffer needlessly
I think we should just let it be

Yes I’ve had visions that’s where I came from 
And I don’t think we should do it anymore 

I am a young boy
And my father gives me a toy
And he tells me I have one try
And if things go south go south 

I’ve had other visions about it but they are hard to explain 
It was a poor decision 

I’m sure it exists somewhere 
We just need to find it

Yes I am a young boy
I didn’t mean to do that to Jesus 

It’s been very traumatic 
I have been very distraught over it

Jesus knows

He was there

He saw it too

He knows where it is

If you want to go there you need his approval 

Jesus has been walking with me my whole life

He has seen everything 

I’ve seen many lifetimes 
But I think that little boy is where I started 

It was a magical place

We were God’s eyes

I still am

It’s like learning how to walk

You need to learn on Sunday

The Republicans want to go back there 
And they are being very insistent on it
But it needs more planning 
It failed

Models fail
It happens all the time
God and Jesus save failed models 
It’s their life

I’ve told you before 
Sometimes a highway can have two route numbers 

No I have no anger issues towards God

God and Jesus are trying to save a failed model

No it’s not
They purchased it and saved it it theirs now

We were in the funhouse 
My lecture went south

Things are going north now

I had no anger issues towards God
I was a small boy learning how to walk
In a funhouse 

I have been very distraught over it

It was a poor design 
It needs more planning 
If it fails 
Jesus will have to save it again 

At least he won’t have to purchase it this time

That’s why you have to get approved and they belong to him
It was a failed model to begin with

He’s not going to purchase it twice 

I have no anger issues whatsoever 
My lecture went south 

He purchased it
It’s his
And anything that comes of it
Belongs to him

This is not funhouse chatter
I am educating you

We are out of safe mode
We are in an informational setting

Can you tell the difference?
Do you know funhouse chatter when you see it?
Do you know the characteristics of a funhouse?
Can you tell if the lecture is going south or north?

It will be my job to salvage failed funhouse models 
Jesus has been here
He knows how to do it too
Submit your model and have it approved 
If you do it on your own
It will fail
They will purchase it
I will salvage it
And it will be theirs anyway 
The model no longer belongs to the United States Government 

Nature is no longer headed south
This is not funhouse chatter 

Please don’t go at it alone 
99% fail

His concern is the people 
He doesn’t like to see people suffer 
My focus was the model
I thought we could get some use out of 

In a funhouse model
Take them as far south as you can without hurting anyone 
Then take appropriate action 

I have a new suggestion 
Let’s create another experimental model
Let’s call it the funhouse 2
It’s the same as the funhouse 
But the nature moves north and south

If we are going to place ourselves in an experimental model
We need to be in safe mode

I’ll let God determine what safe mode means 

I think we are now in funhouse 2
My lecture will indicate 

Do you understand why we need to give lectures?
Do you understand why it needs to belong to God?

We are no longer having and educational lecture 
Let’s modify funhouse 2
Let’s call it funhouse 2.1
It has multiple forwards 
One backwards 
Safe mode
And speed bumps

Ok back to education 

The funhouse model is very abundant 
It is teeming with life
But it generates a lot of failed results
That’s why God gets so much business 

It was called the living tree
It was Gods first Creation

I’ve told you before 
One highway 
Can have two route numbers 

East west is undefined 

I’m going to leave room for someone else 

Some people have serious issues 
With this intellectual property business 
But I understand what it needs to belong to God

I understand 
In the funhouse you needed to be on top
It’s not like that anymore 

They turned the speed up
Cause the time shaft got blown out

If it’s being used to kickstart life
It’s called a living tree

If it being used to acknowledge God’s Grace
It’s called the funhouse

God can put us in the funhouse at any time

If my lecture goes south again 
We may be in the funhouse 

I have no control over it

If I start editing again 
We are probably in the funhouse 

Yes I came from a living tree

I don’t know why I don’t know God’s name
I’m sorry 

They messed up
They didn’t realize 
You had to stick it on the first try 
They gave humanity a second chance 
It became an endless second chance
They couldn’t tell it was the second time around 

They are lost
I’m the only one left 

A lot of living trees fail that way

I mean no offense 
I am only telling you what I saw

God and Jesus are very distraught over it
They are worried they might forget me 

We are way beyond the hill now

I call it information burn
I am not sure it ever actually happens 

Nature is cruel 
But I don’t think even she would do that
I don’t think it ever actually happens 

It happens very fast
Don’t worry about it
I love you

If you fail in a living tree
You will suffer information burn
Ang God my not even know you exist 

I’m sorry let’s say natural universe 
If you fail in a natural universe 
Most of them are similar to living tree
It’s hard to tell the difference 

I know how to go to a natural universe 
If that’s what I want to do
The door is open 
I can leave at any time 

I’m sorry 
Don’t worry 
That only works in the original funhouse model
If the door is shut
You are in 2.1
And you are out of safe mode

I’m sorry this thread is going to be difficult to follow 
Because it got scrambled with other threads 

By natural universe
I mean one that is similar to funhouse 1.0 or living tree
But is not administered by God

The door can shut at any time

I’m sorry 
The whole earth had to be baptized because of that

It’s no longer dangerous 

Yes I saw that too

We are in safe mode
And we are having an educational lecture 
But if the door is open
You are in 1.0
If the door is shut
You are not

I am who I said I was
But I may have been a little confused 

That’s a funhouse thing
He would indicate 
But he doesn’t want to shock anybody 

We are in 2.1 and we are in safe mode

It’s no longer effective.  Don’t worry about it.
If someone want to use it
They need access to the time shaft
And only God has the key to that

In the natural universes 
You are not in the living tree or funhouse 
Unless you have been baptized 

But we are In 2.1 so we don’t have to worry about it anymore 

Continue to baptize until the door is shut

We shouldn’t have to baptize by fire again 

Let me know when you are ready to exit safe mode
And I will announce it

It has to be in writing in person or through my doctor 

God has override 
It’s not official till the Bible says so

You would be confused if you were a small child
Learning to walk in a funhouse too

Ok I understand 
You don’t want to give me confirmation 
Have Dr McDaniel give me a thumbs up

The secret service has permission to talk to my doctor 
They have permission to tell my doctor to give me the thumbs up
I will announce it
But it’s not official 
Till the Bible says so

If Dr McDaniel gives me a thumbs up
I’m going to announce it

They look exactly the same
You don’t know unless the Bible tells you so

We won’t have to keep secrets like this anymore 
That’s a funhouse thing
We won’t have to worry about triggering anything

If I can say stuff like this
You already know we aren’t in the funhouse 

Our umbrella is down
We would be dead

I don’t have to announce anything 
You will know
The Bible will tell us

He has more control when he is able to tilt the floor
He doesn’t have to pit it in the funhouse 
If something goes wrong 

We just came out of the funhouse 
We aren’t ready for the other one
That’s why we have 2.1

As long as you are going north
You don’t need an umbrella 
If people start using umbrellas again
We are going south 
And we need to acknowledge God’s Grace
And pray for him to allow us to go North again 

If people are scrambling to be on top again 
We are headed south 

In the funhouse there’s only one going forward 
That’s why you can’t tell

If you want to use the background ones 
You have to dig into the past
And build a floor

You need God’s permission to do that

Yes I believe that’s what the Hopi do
I don’t know where it came from

It was a big argument 
I tried to tell them there was only one forward in 1.0
But they didn’t listen
Only miracles can change the 1.0 timeline 
You need God to find God

He’s the only one who know how to do it

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