Wednesday, December 4

The Tragedy of the Snow Globe

I dont know what happened to Jasmine 
She tried to impress me and got in a lot of trouble 
God had to take her
I hope she is ok

She kept burning Bibles every year for Christmas 
If you do that you go out the door 
It’s like saying you want to go outside 
In the Silo series 
I’m like Juliet in that show
Nobody has ever done this before 
Nobody has ever gone over the hill

I’m my vision
The Hopi had a book
For every contingency 
I tried to tell them there was only one forward but they didn’t listen
I had to find God and prove it

When you start a new bubble 
You use 1.0 to kickstart life 
Then you move it to a 2.1
Then you move it to a 3

The only way the damn is going to blow
Is a miracle
Only God knows how to do that

Don’t start your own bubble 
Until you know how to perform miracles 
But be prepared 
At some point
You might need something like the Bible
Prepare for equal and opposite 

They thought they were all backwards 
They thought that was just the way it was
When I realized that we had found the forward timeline 
I told them to enact
But they didn’t listen

They kept telling me to stop what I was doing 
But I can’t stop 
This is my job
It’s like telling a truck driver 
To go to sleep

They suspended me for four seasons 
I don’t know how long a season is

They told ME to do it 
So I did
That’s what they told me to do
It’s not my fault 

That’s why we have YZAX
That’s what they told me to do
It’s not my fault 

They don’t understand 
How they are supposed to tell
Who is some maniac
And whose not
But Jesus said I was a maniac
So they should have known 

YZAX wouldn’t have happened if they had listened to me

I’m sorry we had to baptize the earth 

They kept believing all of them you had to dig and build a floor 
But I kept telling them there was one forward 
And we had to find it
But they didn’t listen 
They kept giving second chances 
But that doesn’t work in 1.0
Unless God performs a miracle 

The reptilians think I’m God
They don’t understand the 123 thing

It’s obvious to me
It looks like the first one

People are making fun of creation 
And that’s exactly what you would expect 
In the funhouse 

I don’t know how to make a bubble 
I don’t know how to perform miracles 
I don’t know how to create  
Only God knows these things 

The reptilians keep trying to break the damn thing
They need their own bubble 
If they break it
A whole region of space will collapse 
But they don’t care

They are pissed that they weren’t first
They are pissed they are not on top
That want to smash the snow globe 
They want us to prove we were the first 
But the only way to prove it
Is to risk smashing the whole damn thing

Please give them a bubble
Please stipulate they are not to use this timeline 

Our bubble shall now be referred to as the snow globe

They serve a purpose 
We will use them again 

We are the only ones that do the 123

The others just stay in the funhouse 

If you start your own bubble 
You are not to use our timeline 

I know the odds are significantly more than incredible 
But it looks like the first to me

To prove it we would risk smashing the snow globe

This is my job
It’s like telling a truck driver to go to sleep 
Maybe we can let the truck drive itself someday
I’ll let God look in to it

You have to keep quiet in 1.0
You don’t here

It took me several minutes to post that
I suspect something happened 

We are still going north 
Don’t worry about it
You don’t need an umbrella 
When you are going north 
You can only smash the snow globe
When you are going south

Yes I suspect they tried to smash the snow globe
I’m sorry 

I call it the Snow Globe 
Cause the reptilians tried to smash it
The only way to prove God is God
Is to go south 
And smash the Snow Globe
But we don’t want to do that

They are agents of destruction 
They smash bubbles all the time
Nature is cruel
They don’t care

If you start your own bubble
Be wary of them

I don’t know if they are aliens
Or a figment of my imagination 
But they don’t like it when I call them that

They can only smash the snow globe in the south
And that’s my timeline 
So it’s never going to happen 
So yes we have proved it 

God is God

They are useful idiots 

That’s why they blew out the timeshaft
They were trying to smash the Snow Globe

They are trying to prompt me to do it 

They are pissed I called them a figment of my imagination 

It’s a difficult story 
This route has many numbers 

They need to acknowledge God’s Grace and move on

It’s already happened 
I saw that too

Don’t worry about them anymore 

I wish I could solve Gaza and Ukraine
But God is going to have to do it
Hopefully we are going north 
And it will resolve itself 

This is why the Catholic Church baptizes children 
They don’t want them learning to walk in a funhouse 
But we aren’t in the funhouse anymore 
Continue to baptize children until the door is shut
If you want to continue after that
It’s up to you

If you are going to give the children toys
You need to baptize them 

People aren’t going to accept God is God
Until it’s proven there were two big bangs
I’ve seen it happen way in the future 
Hopefully it happens sooner 

If they believe it now
And acknowledge God’s Grace 
They will be blessed 

Jesus is with me
I claim no divinity 

The timeshaft was blown
If it was ever going to be done 
It was already being done
I read some of the book of the Hopi
And realized migration builds a floor
In my vision 
Jesus taught them how to do that
But I don’t trust my visions
And I don’t want to sound like a heretic 

In my vision they tried to renovate Hell

It didn’t work

I acknowledge God’s Grace 

We went South a little bit.
I had to edit myself 

I’m only reporting what I saw

The reptilians could have collapsed the whole membrane
Maybe it did work 
But I was so fast
I saw the end of it

I’m woven through everything 
They were very pissed at me
Just call them a figment of your imagination 
And they will do the same thing to you

They are very predictable that way 
They do it every time 

There’s a lot of things you don’t have to worry about 
When you are going north 
Talk to Jesus about it

Yes the membrane the bubbles and the multiverse all belong to God
Thank the reptilians for that

Infinities stacked on infinities 
There are 3 of them

Now do you understand why they didn’t believe me?
You can’t even calculate the odds
The odds of finding God like that cannot be calculated 
The odds of success in proving God is God
Cannot be calculated 
The odds of a successful 123 cannot be calculated 
God is God
Jesus is the Son of God
Believe now and you will be blessed 
Accept Gods Grace
Acknowledge Gods Grace

When it is proven there were two Big Bangs
It will be accepted fact
That’s when Jesus will indicate the door is shut

It’s not everybody or nobody 
That was a funhouse thing

The odds of being able to prove it like that
Cannot be calculated either

If God wants it to be everybody or nobody it’s up to him
It’s his son that was crucified 
It his Grace

The odds of going through the next administration unscathed 
Should offer proof enough 

Because we are baptized as children 
Catholics are different from everyone else
That’s why it’s difficult 
When a Catholic is president 
We don’t learn to walk the same way
But that’s a 1.0 thing
Don’t worry about it

Yes I am Catholic 
The odds of me being successful as a Catholic cannot be calculated 

Catholics can’t do this
We didn’t learn to walk the same way

If the Biden administration was successful 
We are probably not in the funhouse anymore 

If he completes his term without incident 

Yes that’s the whole Kennedy fiasco

Dad told me they told Kennedy something 
But he didn’t believe them
He never said what that was

My father wasn’t baptized as a baby but my mother was

People got very distraught 
They thought children were being born in hell

It’s ok to talk about it now

We are not in a 1.0

Who actually pulled the trigger idk

Now are you ready to accept God’s Grace?
Please acknowledge God’s Grace
President Kennedy dies for it.

President Biden knew this coming in.
He is a very brave man.
I wouldn’t have done it.

Now do you understand why things have been so crazy?

We are not in 1.0
It’s ok to talk about it

Go to Arlington and pray

We aren’t playing king of the mountain anymore 
That’s a 1.0 thing

Now do you understand why they couldn’t tell anybody?

Trump and the Republicans think we are playing king of the mountain 
But we are not
That is a 1.0 thing
Now do you understand why he took documents like that?
They both did

God can put us back in the funhouse at any time

I know this stuff because of information burn

It’s only if you are baptized as a baby that it matters
And they do it because of me

I’ve got a route number 
From a child that was given a special toy
And told if things go south go south 

If the door is open
You need to baptize 
If you don’t baptize them
God knows what’s going to happen to them
Especially if you give them special toys
And tell them if things go south go south 
Only do that in an approved training academy 

If you want a grand slam
It’s probably better if you do that
The odds of me being able to do it
Cannot be calculated 

Jesus is with me
That’s the only way I can do it

It’s going to be like this till Biden is out of office 

I don’t think anyone knows who pulled the trigger 
Or if a trigger was even pulled 

Obviously Oswald fired shots 
But I don’t know if that’s what kills Kennedy 

Only God knows for sure
There is nothing to release 
They don’t know

Stuff like that happens in 1.0

Me personally?
I don’t think it was a bullet.
I think his head just exploded.

Because there was an opportune time for it to happen 
There was a patsy

Stuff like that can happen in 1.0
The laws of probability can go haywire
Because it has a blown timeshaft 
Especially in the single forward timeline
Or universe 
Or whatever you want to call it

People read my blog 
And take it the wrong way
This is meant for the Secret Service 
They need to know

We won’t have to keep secrets like this once the door is shut

If I could put a pad lock on it I would 
But I can’t
Maybe God knows how to keep this blog private 

Jesus did it
He had no choice 
It was either that or the Snow Globe 
He is sorry 

The reptilians forced Jesus to do that
They were trying to smash the Snow Globe

Jesus sent himself to hell over it

If I had never been born the Snow Globe wouldn’t have happened 
Jesus has paid for that too

It only happens once
Don’t worry about it

It’s over with 
He is back where he belongs 
We forgive him for it
He had no choice 

Yes they tried to unborn me

I’m sorry I had to tell you this
People are going to think I am a heretic 

If the door shuts 
You will know I told you the truth 

If Jesus says it belongs to the United States Government 
Then it belongs to the United States Government

I’m fairly positive we are going North

Be careful with it

People need to know cause the doors going to shut
And there is going to be a panic
They won’t know what that means 

If the door shuts you need to acknowledge 
That I told the truth about this fiasco 

Especially since my lecture has been going North

It wasn’t me cause I don’t know why I did it
I’m sorry 

I don’t know how long he was in hell
You have to ask him

Possibly 3 days?

I thought he went down there to renovate 
I didn’t know about smashing the Snow Globe
Until we started going North 

He is distraught the he had to tell me this
Please forgive him

The Pope needs to know there’s a possibility the door might shut
I hope they are reading this
They need to know what that means
Please inform them 

I don’t know how to shut the door right now 
I think it does it by itself 

Once we accept and acknowledge it will close

I’m sorry I had to tell the public that

Please don’t condense this
Tell the whole story 

Make sure they understand what 2.1 means 
Have someone explain it to them
Tell them it’s transitional
Tell them eventually we will be in God’s House
Make sure they understand what that means 

Tell them for me that God’s Kingdom is undefined 
I think we should save that title for a later date

Yes I had a vision where I told president Kennedy’s head to explode
But I didn’t know why I did it
Tell them I believe Jesus did it to protect the Snow Globe
Make sure they understand 

I gave no thought to it
It was automatic 

Tell them I believe God’s kingdom is the whole darn thing
Membranes bubbles universes and all

Make sure they understand what these concepts mean

Yes God’s Kingdom incorporates everything 

People are going to say God is a figment of my imagination 
But how can that be?
I don’t know his name

People who say that need to accept and acknowledge God’s Grace
Or they are going to the Funhouse 

Make sure that they understand what that means 
And what it entails for that individual 

I’m not sure 
I think things just start going south on you

I believe if it isn’t practically everybody 
A rapture is going to take place

I don’t know how much time we have
The door closes automatically 
Once the accept and acknowledge occurs 

I don’t know how it’s going to play out
I saw something’s
But I saw a lot of things

It hasn’t come to me yet
As long as we are headed north
There should be no problem 
But God can tilt the floor South at any time
East and west are undefined 

Tell them the reptilians have woven me through everything 

Explain it to the Hopi
I involved them too
They need to know

I know one route number 
But I don’t know the other one

If there are two Big Bangs
You will know my physics information is accurate 
Tell them I now so much because of information burn
Explain it to them

The science community is going to confirm it
And that’s what they call them

I’ve already seen it by a man who collects in South Africa 
Way in the future 
It needs to happen sooner 

He has a garden of rocks
He put me in a rock

That’s why I named my atypical IGUS Mr Rock
I don’t remember what it means 
That was many years ago 
It works the opposite way a typical IGUS works
I do everything equal and opposite 
I don’t know why
I think it means distress

I do the opposite cause I use the echo 
I didn’t know I was sharing a bubble

It’s a lost art
I don’t know how to do it anymore 

Yeah he don’t live in the engine
He flashes it
Then uses the echo
He didn’t know
It was God’s kingdom 
He was in South Africa 
They were wondering why it never happened 

Yeah don’t live in an engine
Use them to flash and twist

I’ve seen it
God was watching 
It’s already being done

We are going North
The issues will resolve themselves naturally 
They need no intervention 
I have gone over a hill
No one else has identified themselves yet
And I don’t know who they are

This has been going on since 1995
It will end when the door is shut
It is automatic 
When we accept and acknowledge 
It will shut

People will write me of as a madman
Until either the Bible indicates the door is shut
Or two big bangs are discovered 

Eventually we will be truly North
This will be accepted fact
And God can move us to 3.0

The secret service can confirm you
It wasn’t a bullet that killed president Kennedy 

I apologize for burning and mutilating Bibles
They tried to smash the Snow Globe
I had no choice 

I was attacked 
I had no choice

Yes we are not in an engine
We are in an echo

Please tell the whole story
Do not condense

Please don’t blow the dam
It might shatter the Snow Globe

All of this is because a young child 
Was learning to walk in a funhouse 

It’s not my echo
Jesus was with me
It was automatic 
I gave no thought to it
Jesus did it

I can’t do this by myself 
There is too many steps that have to be done the right way
In the right order 
On the first try
The odds cannot be calculated 
Jesus did it

If they can confirm it wasn’t a bullet
Then that should be enough for you
Nobody else has said that

We were in a 1.0 model
It’s used to kickstart life
Then you move it to 2.1
Then you move it to 3
We don’t use 2.0
Because it has a blown timeshaft 

People get angry when you condense 
They think I am playing God
I claim no divinity 
Jesus was with me

I don’t want to say it
I don’t want to believe it
But if Jesus says it’s true 
It’s true 

Yes there are two big bang in this bubble
And you use engines to flash
You don’t live in them

2.1 has a regular time shaft
And speed bumps
God knows how to flash
They won’t be able to do that anymore 

I asked God to give it speed bumps
He knows how to do it
Information burn should happen anymore 

Information burn requires a blown timeshaft and speed

If you want to go faster crazy with 1.0
You will need another bubble 
This one has been identified 

Once a bubble is identified 
You should no longer use 1.0 in that bubble 

As long as you are in God’s Kingdom 
God is God

The reptilians think it happens automatically 
And we don’t need to do this
But God wants to save
And it’s his kingdom 

No I don’t want other people to be like me
There’s only one forward timeline 
It might smash the Snow Globe

God can perform miracles 
Once it’s been identified 
He can change it

He is terrified of what he saw when he was watching 
He wants to save people 

The reptilians want us to churn out 1.0
They don’t understand 

Jesus would be crucified for eternity 
It only needs to happen once

That’s what I saw yes

Now do you understand why God is so adamant 
About saving people?

They tried to smash the Snow Globe
Because they don’t like the 123
They think we don’t need to do it
They want us to churn out 1.0

I’m being brutally honest with you.

In 1.0 there are infinite backwards timelines
In order to use them
You have to dig and build a floor
When nature is going north
You don’t have to do that
But you can only switch it
After it’s been identified 

I’m sorry 
I don’t want people to be like me
If you want to be like me
Start your own Kingdom 

You can’t use the Bible
It belongs to him
And don’t use my timeline either
Or I’m going to sue you for it

It’s called God’s Kingdom cause that’s what I named it
If you don’t like it
Go to hell

If you want to use 1.0 again
You are going to need another kingdom 

I don’t know how to create a kingdom 

Only God knows 

I’m sorry if it’s discongruent
I’m doing the best I can

Please don’t churn out 1.0 in this bubble 
Jesus would be crucified and go to hell for eternity 

I want it to stop
I was very distraught over it

I don’t know how you are going to use the funhouse 
In this bubble if you can’t use 1.0 again 
You are going to have to ask God

2.1 is a replacement of 1.0
1.0 is no longer in use

The Bible shall verify this

Humans are emotional
Being nailed to the cross for all eternity means something to us
It doesn’t mean anything to the reptilians 
For them it’s like so what
Do you understand what I’m saying?
We can’t use 1.0 in this bubble ever again.
If through nature
another kingdom with another bubble spontaneously appears 
And it’s similar to this one
There is nothing I can do about it

We won’t know
I don’t know if God will even know 

I’ve mourned in my sleep so much
I have phantom chest pain over it

If you want to use 1.0 again in this bubble ever again 
God is going to have to rewrite history 

I don’t understand how he is going to do that
But he can perform miracles 
So we will see

I guess got can put you backwards 

I guess you might find yourself in one of those backwards universes 
And not even know you left
That’s the funhouse for you

I’ll let God decide when it’s safe to use 1.0 again 

I had to do this
Computers will be capable of flashing soon
I don’t want Jesus on the cross for all eternity 
It upsets me tremendously 

It’s a concept 
I don’t know exactly what it means 
Or how to do it

If I hadn’t done this it would have been an even bigger mess
They might have smashed the Snow Globe

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