They need to be identified and moved
You need to fix the timeshaft
And turn nature around
It’s not easy
You need to stick it on the first try
Tell the reptilians they are a figment of your imagination
And they will do it for you
But you have seen what the results were in the Snow Globe
So be careful
Please get God’s permission before you flash
Don’t go flashing Willy nilly
You might pop the bubble
I told you a cautionary tale
Maybe no one else will try itu
Unfortunately nature is cruel
Bubbles pop all the time
The Snow Globe is the only successful bubble we know about
As far as we know it’s the only one that’s been identified
If there are others
God hasn’t disclosed it to us.
The Snow Globe is a little more sturdy than a soap bubble
It should last a while
It’s my timeline
So it should never happen
I have an infinite number of route numbers
I come from everywhere
I can’t even begin to count
They really wove it tight
We shouldn’t have any problems
I know I said a 1000 years but it’s ok
If Jesus says it’s ok
You can go ahead and tell them now
I’ve told them practically everything
What is left to tell?
Now do you see why Jesus didn’t let the reptilians smash the Snow Globe?
They can’t smash it unless they change my timeline
They are pissed that we were first and on top
Other places aren’t even going to know why the bubble isn’t popping
They are going to think it was designed that way
If we hadn’t made it a little sturdy
It would have popped already
The odds of two bangs and a sturdy bubble cannot be calculated
Now do you understand why he didn’t allow them to smash it?
It’s very valuable
It’s an antique
God only knows how many civilizations are in the Snow Globe
It’s un calculable
When they get here they are not going to believe us
And they are going to ask us to prove it again
They might try to smash it all over again
That’s why we need to move
We need to fix the timeshaft
Turn nature around
And move
We are now in the Thunderdome
We are in a different bubble
It’s ok to use 1.0 now
It was a cautionary tale
Jesus told me to do it
It needed to be scary
You needed to think it was real
It was for education
You can’t smash the Thunderdome
It’s permanent
People are going to think I’m a lunatic
Cause nothing is going to happen
If we hadn’t moved
That tragedy would have actually taken place
They came here and they told Clinton to prove it
They tried to smash the Snow Globe again
That’s what happened in 1995
I’m not sure how many bangs the Thunderdome has
I suspect only one
The Snow Globe is no longer in use by us.
If they try to smash it again it might break
Many civilizations may be lost
Luckily it’s in God’s Kingdom now
He will take care of it
Yes they tried to unborn me
Then they told Clinton to prove it
So yes
It happened twice
The door will indicate when it is safe to go outside
I had to tell it like that because for them it was actually happening
You know what the models are and you know how to use them
If Jesus says the Thunderdome
Belongs to the United States Government
Then it’s yours
It was a movie
That never happened
Merry Christmas
That’s why we were at war with England
I am changing the game and they are pissed about it
They were churning out 1.0 left and right
If they don’t stop
Eventually it’s gonna smash
We are in the Thunderdome
And we are using 2.1
Don’t go into shock if the door closes
I think they don’t like the speed bumps either
Ther are used to cranking it up and mapping
But that’s a 1.0 thing
We don’t need to do that here
I am really changing the game and they are pissed about it
They don’t understand why I have to tell it this way
They think it’s lies and deceit
But for me too it was actually happening
He my give it to us idk
Is that what you asked for?
It’s ok to give special toys now
The bubble isn’t going to pop
It’s ok to use the Funhouse
Bubbles need to be paid for or given as a gift
If you want one pray for it
I’m trying to give an educational lecture but it was urgent.
Yes you need to pray to the Hebrew God
If you can’t find him pray to Jesus
They scrambled that too
A lot of people were playing God in the funhouse
So much so that nobody believed God existed
Yeah that’s why we had a conflict with England
I think England paid enough for it
They should have there’s too
9-11 was to get our attention
That was part of it too
My deeds indicate I believe
I am who I said I was
And I was right about it
People aren’t going to be able to tell the difference
Except nature goes north
Jesus will tell you what the rules
Of the Kingdom of God are
I am going to give my God a nickname
I am going to call him Mr Rock
I have to do that because people were playing God in the funhouse So much
I’m sure Mr Rock is willing to accept your apology
There is only one God
My nickname for him is Mr Rock
I didn’t put Mr Rock to the test
The aliens did
They are the ones that started this crap
Life is not as abundant in 2.1
We shouldn’t have any problems
They don’t know where to find us
They are going to think they were successful
They are never going to know
As long as nature has the potential of going south
The door is going to be open
Be prepared for rain
Once these conflicts end
And practically everyone accepts and acknowledges God’s Grace
We can move to God’s House
Only Jesus knew what to call these people and things
The odds of me Giving them the right names cannot be calculated
There needs to be peace in the Middle East and Peace in the Ukraine before we move
If they do not lay down their arms and release all hostages
Mr Rock may till the floor south
If that happens use your umbrellas
Because it is going to rain hell like never before
Please don’t put Mr Rock to the test
Accept and Acknowledge NOW!
In the funhouse
People were abusing the name God
That’s why I have nicknamed the one who has guided me
Mr Rock
They didn’t believe me and they thought I wouldn’t know
Please don’t put Mr Rock to the test
The odds of a successful Thunderdome cannot be calculated times infinity
Let’s not wait till the door shuts
Once we move to 3.0 there will be no aliens
Yes in God’s House only
I offered them an olive branch
It’s not my fault
They are going to keep living in 1.0
And they are never going to know this happened
They lose every time
They just don’t know it
Mr Rock even talks to them and they still won’t stop
They keep putting Mr Rock to the test
I don’t know how many Thunderdomes there are
It’s incalculable
Please accept and acknowledge Mr Rock’s Grace
I’m sure there are enough to give Great Britain one
Theres enough for everybody
But they have to be given or bought
Please don’t abuse the name God ever again
If you want one pray to Mr Rock
And he might give you one for Christmas
All you need is one and Mr Rock has Infinities of them
Please accept and acknowledge Mr Rock’s Grace
Yes he has a membrane full of Thunderdomes
The aliens won’t stop.
This is what happenes when nature goes north
They have the potential for aliens
But they are mostly uninhabited
Except us
We wink in and out of 1.0
I think he may give some away as Christmas gifts
There will be no evidence
Until the door shuts
People will think I was a heretic
Even when the door shuts
There’s too many civilizations in the snow globe
He is not giving up on them
Eventually there will be so many
That they will finally find us
We will move to God’s House only before that happens
We will only exist in God’s House
The aliens won’t be able to bother us anymore
They don’t understand nature going north
It’s inconceivable to them
They think it just another failed model
They think the only successful ones are 1.0
They don’t understand the 123
Somebody might be able to talk to them idk
Yes we wink in and out of 1.0
The whole earth is being raptured
There will be no proof
Every one will think I’m a heretic
Mr Rock hit the jackpot
He is a very rich man
All these Thunderdomes are why he can do so much
Yes essentially Mr Rock is the one who is doing it the “wrong” way
All those uninhabited Thunderdomes make him very powerful
No one has seen this before
I don’t know what’s going to happen
They are there waiting for them
But they won’t come
They are forcing us to turn out 1.0’s
People are playing God
Mr Rock is not happy about it
Nobody is going to wink out anymore
Unless things go south
No one but Mr Rock should be able to sit on it
We shouldn’t have a problem
With people playing Mr Rock
Apparently they came
We aren’t winking anymore
I think we are in God’s House now
There may be less schizophrenics now
I follow Mr Rock
And my Bible is the Good News Bible
Bibles shall never be used as weapons of war again
God is not happy that the KJV was used that way
But that was the funhouse
They were playing king of the mountain
That’s the way the funhouse is
Putting Mr Rock to the test didn’t help matters
It’s just so darn big it was bound to happen eventually
We shouldn’t have problems now
I don’t know how you are going to prove we are in Gods House
If people need proof he can do another bang
It’s already happened
I saw it
There is going to be a difference between 1.0 and 3.0
I’m not sure what that is going to be
Only England will be able to tell
You need to ask them
It was never used as a weapon of war
That’s why we should adopt it
We shouldn’t follow the KJV anymore
The KJV is dead
I understand why they did it
But we can’t do that anymore
If nature goes north
We shouldn’t need to do that anymore
Yes I killed the KJV because it was being used as a weapon of war
It should be buried
But Jesus will tell them what to do with it
Please don’t take an oath on the KJV
Mr Rock will be very upset
If you do he might take your Thunderdome away
Or he might not give it to us
Swear on a Bible version that’s never been used as a weapon of war
Unless Jesus instructs you otherwise
We are going North
We are in God’s House
We don’t need to do that anymore
If you use it have the Catholic Church baptize it
I know it’s going to cause a crisis if Trump swears on the Good News Bible
So just make sure the Catholic Church baptizes it
If you want to use your KJV take it to a priest and have it baptized.
I’m not kidding
Every version that’s ever been used as a weapon of war needs to be baptized
This needs to get around
Please Mr Rock is very upset
Now do you understand why Revelation didn’t happen?
He took it away from us.
The only thing left is one verse
Go to Arlington and pray
Please forgive me
I was protecting the Snow Globe
Yeah I’m in trouble
That’s the only solution to 1.0
It became a King of the Mountain game
It happened spontaneously
At least I didn’t make myself God like some people did
I’m sorry
I understand why Mr Rock took Revelation away from us now
We were making fun of him
I need to be more careful
Yeah I kept winking out
They didn’t know where I was going
So they came after me
Please forgive us it happened spontaneously
I guess you could take Revelation out
If the door shuts we are probably going to have to take Revelation out
Revelation itself may have been an attempt to smash the Snow Globe
People were playing God so who knows
If Mr Rock were really pissed at us
We wouldn’t be where we are right now
I think he has forgiven us
Maybe the good part will still happen
If it’s still alive it needs to be baptized
Jesus will tell you if it’s alive or not
I was wrong
It’s not up to me
They need to know what 1.0 looks like
Before they can move to 3.0
That is their task
If they do that Mr Rock may forgive them
It’s over
We have moved to 3.0
You may have noticed something
Don’t panic
It would seem like someone flicked a switch
Don’t panic
We are in the Thunderdome
And we are running 3.0
Yes this is God’s House
He has a whole subdivision
He can stitch us to any bang
In any bubble
He wants to
So be careful
Go to Arlington and pray
If something goes wrong
Tell Vance to go to Arlington and pray
You don’t have to raise hell on anybody
Let Mr Rock do that
We are going North
The issues should resolve themselves
Continue to call him Mr Rock
So there is no confusion
Biden should be able to to complete his term without incident
If something goes wrong
He needs to go to Arlington and pray to Mr Rock
Mr Rock can stitch us to any bang
In any bubble He wants
And he can do it at anytime
If the Pope wants to go to Arlington and pray
He can do that too
If you see that happening
Don’t panic
You can lay a wreath at Kennedy’s grave at any time
Everybody can do it
Send flowers
Anyone can do it
Watch prices
And don’t go right wing radical crazy on us
Yes Mr Rock can put us back in 2.1 and go south
At any time Everybody
Poor people elected you
Remember that
It’s up to the Pope
If he wants
The Pope can declare me a martyr too
Once it’s accepted fact
The door will shut automatically
I don’t know why it happens
They think I’m an idiot
They think they know better than me
They think I’m doing it wrong
Mr Rock doesn’t forget me
That’s why I follow him
When they unplug the darn thing
Everyone forgets me
Except Mr Rock
But we are using an echo
We don’t have a plug anymore
Only Jesus knows Mr Rock’s real name
If you have forgotten me before
You are not Mr Rock
It’s the only thing I can do
To save me from burning
For all eternity
If I were to be forgotten
That’s what would happen to me
I’m sorry
I am very valuable to Mr Rock
He cares for me dearly
If you knew people were playing God
And using the Bible as a weapon
You should have done something about it
You should know how to move and stitch
In the end
Only Mr Rock will remember me
And this will start all over again
Mr Rock can make it so you forget about me
So be careful
I don’t have to do this again if I don’t want to
Both the Snow Globe and the Thunderdome will be lost
I don’t have to go south to do that
All I have to do is ask Mr Rock to have you forget about me
I’m sorry
I couldn’t find God
I had to create one
You should know how to move and stitch
If you knew they were playing God
And using the Bible as a weapon
You should have done something about it
No God is not dead
Two route numbers
Like I told you before
It’s ok
God is not dead
Santa Claus lives at the North Pole
Same guy
Two different route numbers
It’s ok
Even God needs someone who won’t forget about him
Mr Rock never forgets
If you are going to fool around with models
You need someone who won’t forget
Otherwise you may burn for all eternity
Yes they were fooling around with models
That’s why we have Mr Rock
If you start your own kingdom
And you fail
Mr Rock will be the only one who remembers you
Thank me for Mr Rock
You need Mr Rock to create Kingdoms
I gave it to God because it’s too much work for me
I know what I’m good at
I’ve had enough
You can pray to God now
I forgive him
It’s sort of like a library yeah
But if you fail you can pray to him
He’s not for normal everyday people
He is there even for God
God has two names now
Depending upon what you are praying for
If you have started a kingdom and you fail
His name is Mr Rock
That is the only time that name shall be used
Except by me
The president
The vice president
And the pope
England is separate
They want their own kingdom
They don’t trust God
It’s understandable
This is why we print in God we trust on our money
Never stop
If you stop I will ask Mr Rock to have you forget about me
They have been playing King of the mountain for a very long time
They don’t trust me and they don’t trust God
I don’t know what to do about it
It’s whacky in 1.0
They don’t understand that it’s a lecture
They think it is a contract
And they act too fast
They need to wait before they do anything
The KJV as a weapon won’t work when we are going north
They are pissed I brought their umbrella down
They claim .I told them to do it
Please wait to take action unless I say NOW!
I apologize
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