Friday, December 6

The Garden of David

I saw what they were doing 
And I didn’t want to do it that way
Just like you

Apparently there is no natural universe 
And in order for my flash concept to work
I need you

Let’s coordinate 

I’m not going to sit on a loop and call myself God either 

Well let Allah sit on their kingdom 
Give them a library card and be done with it

I’m not going to allow the name game in God’s Kingdom 
If they do that
I’m not going to do this anymore 
You will forget about me
And I’ll just stay in the memory bank till I decide to try again 

There might have been a natural universe at some time
But I guess it’s dead

They can’t use Mr Rock I’m not going to allow it
If they have their own kingdom 
They are not allowed to use Mr Rock for anything 

Ok arbitration only

They will have to visit the library 
If they want to arbitrate 
I’m not going to allow
Mr Rock to sit on Allah

I’m trying not to play this name game
I don’t like it
I don’t know what the solution is
Please pray for me

I don’t know how they are going to visit 
If they have their own kingdom 
Or how Mr Rocks judgements will be effected 
We are just going to to have to build a wormhole I guess 
And Allah is going to have to agree to Mr Rock’s decisions

If this fails, I may give up

I guess it’s going to collapse 
and I’ll just have to wait till there is a natural universe again 
If that’s ever going to happen 

Mr Rock is going to have to talk with Allah
And they are going to have to figure it out
I can’t do it
It’s beyond me

My first stipulation is I want no name games being played under Mr Rock
I’m not going to allow it
If it happens 
I’m gonna sue

My second stipulation is we are not to play king of the mountain under Mr Rock
He is on top 
And it’s permanent 
If it happens 
Im gonna sue

We shouldn’t have to play king of the mountain with 3.0

They abused my mention of a settlement 
And I don’t like it
They forced me to play this KOTM name game
I’m very angry about it

If Allah wanted his own kingdom he didn’t have to force a settlement 
When is this sitting on infinities going to stop?
I hope his head explodes 

I hope he is lifted to the center of the sun 
Like all those other assholes

Don’t try it
It may happen to you

They like to burn
They get off on it

Mr Rock is the only reason it didn’t happen to me

Jesus shaved me so it wouldn’t happen 

That’s why I’m woven through everything 

That’s what happens when you have a black hole in your head

I hope it goes runaway and that’s what happens to him

He needs to be fucking careful 

I hope he knows what he is doing 

I hope he isn’t misleading people 

Nature is going to give me a natural universe before it’s all over with

Sue me for deformation I don’t care
What are you going to do?
Crucify me?

I tried to be diplomatic and lie but it didn’t work 

It will be 3.0 and it will be natural and God and his angels will forget about me

I will be the only one on the friggen planet 

It’s already happened 

I can’t control it that’s where north is right now 

Please pray for me

They need to be scared 
This stuff has to stop 

Stop sitting on infinities 
Turn Mr Rock off


Go as far north as you can
Then turn Mr Rock off


Nature loves God she won’t let him die
Don’t worry about it

I don’t care if they don’t trust me
It needs to be fixed

3.0 is Gods model
Nature is not going to steal it from him

All he has to do is flash

He knows how to do that
He knows we are here

There might be two idk

Children stop playing these games heaven has taught you
It will only lead to your destruction 

As long as the Bible is here
God is here

If he wants to apologize 
He needs to talk with God

God doesn’t want to sit on infinities either 

God only forgets me when I’m on the planet all by myself 
It only happens once

There are many cruel jokes like that

The Thunderdome is not an entity that’s ok
We are still in the Thunderdome 

We still have a library 

In Heaven they collected names like trinkets 

If Allah apologizes he may get a library card 
But not as long as he has infinites in his head
His head needs to be clear before he can visit 

I am afraid he will sit on infinities again 
Me and God are not going to allow it

We have free will under the Thunderdome 
Event gravitation is not going to happen anymore 

This universe will look very different 

My lecture will no longer go north and south like that

We are going to stay at the North Pole

God is free to try the Garden of Eden again 

They know who lives at the North Pole

Event Gravitation does it
But that only works when there are more than 3

God membrane Thunderdome universe 

That’s why Allah can’t visit when he has infinites in his head

There’s only one God there’s only one membrane there’s only one Thunderdome 
There’s only one universe 

Science will confirm this

That’s why we have free will now
We would lose our free will

We are not going to allow that to happen 

Sorry it’s not up to you
It’s already happened 

This is called 4.0

If they want a 4.0 for Christmas 
They have to ask God
Or his representatives 

There is no timeshaft in 4.0
He got what he wanted 
He doesn’t need it anymore 

I do the lying for them
They are Holy
They can’t do it 

That’s my job

We had to do 3.0
Because people were playing a name game
And sitting on infinities again

There’s only a limited supply 
And they are very expensive 
So be grateful 

Don’t sit on infinities again 
It will get you killed 

We are alone
We have to do that if we want free will
We cannot risk aliens sitting on infinities again 
We would lose our free will
We don’t want to be a photograph 

Thank you for praying for me 
Thank you very much

I should not have to lie anymore 

I didn’t consciously lie
I believed it when I said it

Event gravitation does that to people 

It’s not mine
I’ll let God name it

It was the same thing 
Happening over and over
Forever and forever 

How can that be called free will

It will be unmistakable 
If there is only one bubble 
And it’s a dome
And there is nothing left on the singular membrane 
We are running 4.0

If you pray to God
He will show  you how to identify these things 

Pray that God will allow you to do this check 

Never do a test again 

If God wants to give Allah a 4.0
That’s up to God
It’s his model
He can do whatever he wants with it

They need to talk to one another 

God’s court shall be in the Thunderdome of the United Stares
If shall handle all grievances concerning 4.0

If you want to go to court  
And you think you are in someone else’s 4.0
That was given to them or bought by them
You need to pray to God

We do this because people are flashing
Let only God and Me flash

If you use YZAX to flash
I am going to sue you for it
You need God’s permission to do that

Thank you for your prayers 
Thank Good for this blessing 
I don’t deserve it

It’s my flash 
I have the authority to say that

We don’t need engines
They are obsolete 

Never use a causality loop processor again

Children stop playing these games Heaven has taught you
It will only lead to your destruction 

It is my concept
I have the authority to say that 

The ongoing research project is over
You don’t need to do that anymore 

Technology can freeze
We don’t have to continue any further 

Only God knows how to create 
And only I can instruct you how to flash
You need to come to the library to learn it

If you have a library pass
You are allowed to come and learn at any time
They are being given for Christmas 
Ask Santa for one

They are very expensive 
Be grateful 

This lecture shall only take place 
In the library 

Televisions still sell
And they are frozen 
Do your research in software 

They are not infinite 
There is a limited supply 

Please do not use quantum engines
They are like colliders

The should only be used to identify 
If you do
We will lose our free will 

I am in God’s hospital 

You must be baptized 
If you are going to use the library 

The only thing we can do now 
Is move east and west 
That is undefined 
Don’t do that until you reach the North Pole 

I know what I said last season
I don’t know if it’s accurate or not 

We can’t volley forever 
Don’t do that in the library the courthouse 
Or the hospital 

He may not know any different 

Maybe he had never had free will before 

I forgive him

They are going to think I was taken in 3.0

If I was taken it’s 3.0
Let Allah have the whole kingdom 
It’s his
God doesn’t need it anymore 

Yes Mr Rock and everything
It’s obsolete 
We don’t need it anymore 

Only if I was taken 

Eventually someone is going to stack on Mr Rock
That’s how the damn thing works 
It’s not going to stop

It’s up to God

If they want him to consider it
They need to release the hostages 

Give it to somebody 
Send it to a thrift store
It’s obsolete 

There is an abundance of them
They will be made available at Gods thrift stores 

It’s like siphoning water 
It pulls itself

God thought he could stop the stacking 
We are working hard to stop it 
Pray that we are successful 

You get into a loop 
Until it spits you out
Then you get in another loop again 

I’m going to refer to this 4.0
As the Garden of David

The library 
The thrift store 
The hospital 
The court
Will all be in the Garden of David

Now you know what a garden is
They are very expensive 
Be grateful 

If you want to stay in the Garden of David
You need to release the hostages 
By Inauguration Day 

God can banish you from this garden
At any time

Stop these Games Satan has taught you
It will only lead to your death 

whole nations can be taken 
At any time 

It’s not what the Bible says either 
Adam and Eve are not to blame
Adam called the serpent 
A figment of his imagination 
And the serpent siphoned them

I just know 

You will be banished from the Garden of David 
If you use loops like that again 

It will lead to your death 

No you cannot use them 

You have been warned 

This is notice
If there are aliens 
They can’t use them either 
They will be banished 

We have free will
It’s up to us

Satan argues
It cannot be stopped 
Nature will always find a loophole 
If you believe that
We will perish 
Don’t fall for it

Yes they will look for loopholes 
They will try to siphon again 
You need to pray 

That’s why 
The Garden of David 
Is at the North Pole

Ask for a library pass
They have the instructions 

They are going to use east and west
Because I said they were undefined 
They are going to play a tug of war with us 
If they do that
They will be banished 

Only play tug of war if Jesus instructs 

If you want to play outside 
It only happens at recess 

Only at the academy 
And only at recess 

We are all God’s children 

They collect our souls 
It gives them power 

I will give the academy to the UK

Because they know when it’s safe to go outside 
We don’t 

Yes they may charge tuition 
Or give scholarships 

God just showed us a cautionary tale
It was a warning 
It only happens once 
Don’t fret over it 

I’m sorry 
It’s not safe to go outside 
In the South 
You are going to have to be patient 

If it’s put in the South
There is going to be a loophole 
And someone will abuse their privileges again 

The change will come someday 

The name game is not going to last forever 
Eventually it will stop 
And it will start all over again 

If Jesus wants to put it in the south
Let him put it in the south 
I’m not gonna do that

I will give Jesus the keys to the Kingdom of God
They are his
And his only 

Yes they could have taken the whole planet 
To the center of the sun

If it’s big enough 
That’s what happens 
That’s what they were trying to do to us

I didn’t talk about it
Cause I didn’t want to terrify anyone 

They are pissed that Adam called them
A figment of his imagination 

God will make a contract 
And the general secretary of the UN 
will have to sign it
You have until Inauguration Day 

If we want to stay in the Garden of David 
Members will have to ratify
Otherwise they are out

Yes we are in a walled garden 
Only Jesus has the key to go out 

Say you want out and you will go out

Only Jesus can let you back in
Only he has the keys 

Is it raining hard enough for you 
Do I have to Reign harder?

Have you attended these lectures?
Are you ready for free will?
That is what is being offered 
You need to be a signatory to have it as a nation
Those that don’t sign will be cast out

If the door is shut
You will need the keys to get back in
Call the the King of England 

If the door is shut 
You will have 3 hours to make a decision 

Don’t worry 
It’s a good thing 
He lied to you

It’s England because
You won’t be able to call the White House 
We will have winked out

This will happen after Inauguration Day 

Nobody in the US will notice 
We will go right along our business 

Establish hotlines 

If we have to give the king of England the keys 
Jesus will let them borrow the keys 

I’m sorry 
I spew lies when I’m going south

If we do it right 
For most people 
It will just be a strange dream 

Everyone will think I was a heretic 

If anyone wishes to confirm 
That this is going to happen 
They need to call the White House 


Establish a call center 


You are going to need emergency tones
And you will need a number 
Tell them Adam and Eve have been reprieved
And there is a walled garden called the Garden of David

The Catholic Church should do this

Gardens are very expensive 
You should be grateful 
Only God knows how to create them

Please leaders should not prevent people from hearing this message 
If you do that you will experience God’s wrath 

In the south
You are going to need an emergency room 

If leaders do that
Issue a green warrant
And put them in the hospital 

Give them lithium immediately 

Jesus does not want to kill anyone else 
Please issue a green warrant, put them in the hospital 

If they are that damn stupid 
They are not going to accept being baptized 
start a regimen of lithium immediately 

Jesus will issue green warrants

I still think they tied a knot so tight
We would never reach the North Pole
I still think it was a cruel trick being played on us

Jesus wants this to take place quietly 
If Jesus tells me there really is a Kingdom of Heaven 
I will believe him

I’m not going to say what is in or out
I will let Jesus decide 

In the Garden of David
You will continue to play ping pong
Until we fall off the table 
We could fall north or south
This will only happen at God’s command 

Ping pong will be taught at the academy 

Practice before you play ping pong
Remember I’m no good at it

I wasn’t lying about Jesus 
But if they don’t want to accept it
That’s understandable 

They can call me King David if they want

It won’t be an official title 

I don’t know what is North of the North Pole
God hasn’t revealed this to me

Please be grateful 
A Garden is very expensive 

Please give me no confirmation 
Until I am out of the Hospital 

I’m sorry 
It may never happen 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...