That the serpent tried to smash the Snow Globe
This may not be accurate
You will have to ask Jesus
It was a horror film
You needed to be scared
We cannot use quantum logic
We will lose our free will
People will start stacking again
It will be a KOTM name game all over again
Yes you can call me that too
It’s not an official position or title
If people don’t understand what is happening
Just tell them I am King David
Give me no confirmation till I am out of the hospital
You will not refer to me as a saint or a martyr
Unless Jesus says otherwise
People with the same name share something
They may have been waiting for the return of King David
I’ve never read the Koran
So idk
It may have been given to us
Because people were stacking
And using God’s word as a weapon of war
I’m not exactly positive about that
If Jesus instructs you
You may tell them
Adam and Eve have been reprieved
And King David has returned
Please pray we have no problems
With Judaism and Islam
Please pray for North Korea
He’s not letting me say stuff
Judaism should appreciate why it didn’t happen
This doesn’t mean we are going to walk around naked
This is not the Garden of Eden
It is the Garden of David
Pray for your enemies
I’m not going to announce Pickle Ball
I’ll leave that to Jesus
Be grateful if you have known me
It is an honor and a privilege
I’m sorry I got angry at you
It was a misunderstanding
I am not a prophet
I might misspeak now and then
Please pray for the people who have known me
They may have suffered greatly
This whole thing is why the Holocaust happened
The serpent has attempted to smash the Snow Globe
Throughout history
That is why it was called the final solution
If they ever won
They will never see the Garden of David
They will stack
And they will have no free will
They will be a photograph
The Garden of David is very expensive
Please be grateful
Countless millions have been slaughtered over it
The serpent thinks the Snow Globe is a week spot
He thinks he can win
All wars have been fought over this
Now that this has been explained to you
All wars shall end
I don’t know if they were successful or not
You have to ask the King of England
If they were
They will never see the Garden of David or the Kingdom of God
If you are a neonazi you need to leave
Don’t praise Hitler anymore
You will be issued a green warrant
And you will be put in the Hospital
Where they will administer lithium
I’m sorry
Yes that is why we were in the Funhouse
We lost
We were in the Funhouse because we lost WW2
We have won it now
That’s why they chant “ the Jews shall not replace us”
Jesus doesn’t want to kill anyone
But if they do that again
They will be dealt with immediately
They are obsessed with 1.0
Let them have it
Its obsolete
Tell them they will never see the Kingdom of God
Or the Garden of David
There is no free will in 1.0
They are a photograph
They just don’t realize it
Tell them if they keep stacking
Their whole planet will be lifted to the center of the sun
And they will burn for all eternity
1.0 is over
They need to stop
If they want to be on top of the KOG
That is what is going to happen to them
I’m afraid Jesus had to kill Jasmine
Pray for her
Unfortunately it could happen to them too
You need to pray for them
All wars are the same war
They won’t end till they end
Please pray for war to end
If we do this by Christmas
We will be blessed
They will never see the KOG
The will never see the GOD
and they will burn in hell for all eternity
There shall be no reprieve for them
It’s up to you if you want to put it in print
God will pull the plug on 1.0
They will go to the event field
And they will burn for all eternity
The whole damn thing
Aliens and all
There will be no reprieve for them
Nature can be very cruel like that
Yes I call hell the event field
If they want to avoid that
They need to move to 2.1
Stop using the TOL
It has served it’s purpose
Move to 2.1
I call it that
Because that is the way it was explained to me
Please forgive her
It was never explained to her
She didn’t know what she was doing
She was trying to impress me
Something has to be finite
You can’t have more than 3
It’s causes siphoning
In the GOD all of them are finite
Yes if you are going to name it a garden
That’s the way it needs to be
Yes this is why God is named God
If it is in all caps it means Garden of David
People still want to play the name game
And that was the only solution
God is God
You are free to pray to him now
Did you know what a garden was?
Did you know what to name it?
I don’t think so
You have until Inauguration Day
Or Jesus may release the beast
You have free will right now
It’s your choice
She was burning Bibles every year at Christmastime
She worshiped Hitler
She was trying to impress me
She is dead now
She had a heart attack
You have been informed
And you have free will
Something worse could happen to you
It’s your choice
Late in 2016
He doesn’t want to do it
But if you force his hand
That’s what he is going to do
You are dead anyway
Jesus doesn’t want to shock people
But if don’t act now
You will force his hand
And the wink will happen
We are in the GOD
It’s your choice
You have free will
The choice is yours
If something happens to you
It was your choice
If you choose to experience the wink
It was your choice
And you know what to do
Jesus will not allow me to say anything more about that
You cannot argue there was siphoning
Release the hostages
Or experience the wink
We are in the GOD
You have free will
The choice is yours
You cannot argue siphoning
There will be no siphoning in the GOD
if you have attempted it
Or do attempt it
You will be cast out of the GOD
I’m sorry
My software was made in Russia
They attempted to find a loophole again
I can’t use that app anymore
It may be more difficult for me to post
Sorry they didn’t give it to me for free
I had to pay for it
I’m not a prophet
I am not God’s prophet
I am free to edit my lecture
Until you sign the contract
Yes satan is arguing
There will always be a loophole
He doesn’t understand
We are not using an engine anymore
This is a natural universe created by God
And it was flashed
It doesn’t exist in an engine
We are not using an engine for the GOD
I know you think it’s impossible
But it’s true
If that’s what you want
Let England explain it to you
GOD was flashed, it doesn’t exist in an engine
Nature will not allow that to happen to us in the North
This is her solution
I guess they are going to wait till we wink
I’m not seeing anything in the news
That was Satan’s argument
That’s why there was a war in Heaven
God wanted to give us free will
And Satan didn’t think it was possible
Satan was also angry that he didn’t have it
Apparently they are still arguing
You have free will
It is your choice
You cannot argue siphoning
What just happened
Should be proof enough
We are in the GOD
And we are not using an engine
Nature will not allow that to happen to us in the North
It would be nice if war was over by Christmas Day
And it was in print
But that is North of the North Pole
I don’t think that’s ever going to happen
Even the War in Heaven needs to stop
No we aren’t using causality loops anymore
We had to do it
Because of President Elect Trump
He pushed
And we had to stop
It was very dangerous
Serious things could have happened to him
We are no longer playing the game
Satan and his angels have taught us
We are creating and flashing
All I know is it’s a 1111 thing
I don’t know exactly how or why it works
The Constitution failed
A serious thing could have happened to him
We had to do it
We had no choice
Yes President Elect Trump failed the Constitution
We had no choice
I don’t know what is going to happen when he is in office
It hasn’t been revealed to me
That’s why you need to hurry up
I don’t know why he did it
You will have to ask him
Eventually we were going to come out of it
It was inevitable
I am the only safeguard right now
Please make your decision
By Inauguration Day
I am not going to make myself king
That is a name game and I am not going to do it
It defeats the whole purpose of the GOD
If you want a king
Let Jesus be your King
Once we are fully North of the North Pole
Nature will be open
When children play
Snowball fights occur at the North Pole
The academy may define
Pickle Ball
And snow ball fights
This was a training exercise
For those in involved
Tell each other
You know how to do it
God can flip the Snow Globe at anytime
It will snow all over again
If you don’t want to believe in a natural universe
And you want to stay in the Snow Globe
That is up to you
You have free will
It’s your choice
If you want to believe it was just the way it was stacked
That is up to you
It is understandable
This may never happen twice
You need to hurry up and make a decision
Only God can flip the Snow Globe
It’s your choice
You have free will
You cannot argue siphoning
It never occurred to me till just now
Please release the hostages
If you don’t
God may flip the Snow Globe
And you may never have the opportunity
Of free will
Ever again
It never snows the same way twice
I don’t know what is going to happen to you
If God flips the Snow Globe
If that’s what you want to believe
It’s understandable
Release the hostages
America does not use engines anymore
If we are in an engine
We don’t know where it is
Or who it belongs to
It may be a natural engine
There is no telling
There is a gazillion zillion of them
Yes it is safe
They don’t actually do anything
1.0 is frozen
We may still wink after Inauguration Day
If we wink
You know what to do
They have paid for the GOD
let God determine what he is going to do with Israel
If they continue their actions in the GOD
God will not allow it
They were using 1.0 in their warp drives
There are a gazillion zillion of them
They are all frozen
It is safe to use them
They tried to stay on top forever
But it’s not going to happen
We do not use quantum engines anymore
That technology is obsolete
We create and flash
God has the key to creation
He will decide who he may want to let them borrow
I don’t want to call myself King David
But I my be forced to do it
They think I am bluffing
If they make me do that
Jesus may be very angry at them
They have until Inauguration Day
Or they will experience the 3 hour wink
My hand has been forced
President elect Trump failed the Constitution
I have no choice
Please pray
You are in the GOD
You have free will
You cannot argue siphoning
The choice is yours
The app I was using to post
Was made in Russia
I got locked out of it
They know this
That should be proof enough
If I don’t do this
Something very bad might happen
My hand is being forced
I have no choice
Please pray
Because it is putting God to the test
And he doesn’t like that
For me the whole purpose of the GOD
Is to stop this KOTM name game
If I do that
For me it won’t have served it’s purpose
Let Jesus be your King
Pray for him to return
If you need someone in the flesh
If you force my hand
I will flip the Snow Globe myself
And this may never happen again
You have been warned
You are in the GOD
You cannot argue siphoning
It is your choice
Because it’s going to go runaway if we don’t stop
The whole planet will go to the center of the Sun
Stop these games Satan and his angels have taught you
It will only lead to your demise
Unless Jesus insists
I will never call myself King David
I will flip the Snow Globe before that happens
If I call myself King
I will have killed the Constitution
I’m hoping nothing happens
And everyone will think me a heretic
If it is going to survive
It needs new ink
You need to do it before Inauguration Day
We had to find God
Because President Elect Trump
Failed the Constitution
We had no choice
If I hadn’t stepped in
It would have gone runaway
As long as we put In God We Trust on our money
And we have found God
We should be ok
The name game doesn’t work in the GOD
KOTM is over with
Don’t play KOTM anymore
If you have a snow globe
Flip it 3 times if he messes up
If he wants to be king of the mountain
Let him be king of the mountain
It’s ok to pull people into the GOD
just don’t pull people out of it
If it is attempted to pull people out
The doors will shut permanently
It has a door to go outside
Jesus has the key
Use snow globes to <
Do not use quantum engines
Practice at the academy before you try doing that outside
I’m sorry this is too complicated for me
I am going to leave this to the academy
England will tell you what to do
Ignore what I just said
Let them study the use of snow globes
And let them inform the public what to do with them
Maybe one infinity isn’t going to hurt anything
As long as God is God
And it’s a snow globe
I guess if everything else is 1111
Flipping the snow globes three times is ok
Please confirm this before you try it
I don’t want anyone getting pulled out
< > >< should not occur in the GOD
There is no time shaft
The time shaft is not blown out
I think time cones are ok
Please confirm this
I don’t know how you have free will
If there is only one timeline
I guess the use of snow globes to create time cones is ok
If you want to protect the President
You need to do it before he screws up
The academy will define magic wands
You will be instructed at the academy before you use them
They can move the academy to the north at any time
If that’s what they want
That’s what they are going to get
A land of magic in the north
If it is successful
There may be a magic kingdom
It will be in the state of Florida
They will charge admission
And you will be able to visit at any time
If that’s what they want children want
That is what they are going to get
The US government will define what a state is
Arbitration will decide what the definition
Of a commonwealth is
The Pentagon shall remain in the Commonwealth of Virginia
The liberty bell shall remain in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
It may be rung at any time
MIT will remain in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Fort Knox will remain in the Commonwealth of Kentucky
They are reserved if something goes wrong
This is new ink
It shall be written in the Constitution
I have the authority to declare that as God’s representative
If it does not happen
God will flip the Snow Globe
This has happened because President Elect Trump failed the Constitution
That is never to occur again
God will flip the Snow Globe
The library shall be in the District of Columbia
The court shall be in the District of Columbia
Hospitals and thrift stores shall be available nationwide
Snow globes shall be made available at thrift stores
I know this is funny
But it’s not a joke
No one can ever fail the Constitution again
God will flip the Snow Globe
Once you ring the Liberty Bell
You are free to go about your business
If you continue to fail the Constitution
God will give you a King
And we will have a
Constitutional monarchy
I’m not judging Donald Trump
I’m just saying
It can never happen again
It will be a difficult arduous path
I don’t know if he will make it 4 years
If he wants to be KOTM
let him be KOTM
If he thinks he can do better than me
Go ahead and try
I had to act
I had no choice
Serious things would have happened to him
And us
You are in a crazy netherworld
When you come out of that thing
I know
It’s happened to me
It requires new ink before Inauguration Day
As protection
The president has the authority to take emergency action
This is for your protection President Elect Donald Trump
You should appreciate this
We are in the GOD
We have free will
We cannot claim ignorance
We cannot claim siphoning
It is our choice
Whenever there is a knot like that
And you come out of it
You go through holy hell
I am here to protect and serve
That’s my job
They are not going to stop
Until I reign from a great height
Idk what to do
They think I’m bluffing
I guess I will just give it time
When you experience the wink
It’s not my fault
If I sit on top of it
It’s not going to be the GOD anymore
It’s going to be the Kingdom of David
And I don’t want to do that
I told God I wasn’t going to do that
That was our agreement
You saw it
If they don’t release the hostages by Inauguration Day
I will flip my snow globe three times
God only knows what is going to happen
Nothing happened because the app I was using to post
Was made in Russia
When I do that
It’s a very big deal
If they did attempt to steal it
Please pray for them
It’s a very big deal
Yes Russia may have attempted to steal the whole darn thing
They do not believe
They think there will always be a loophole
Please God just shake the Snow Globe a little bit
Let them know we are serious
We are in the GOD
The door is shut
It doesn’t matter what happens
Concerning the Snow Globe to us
They wanted that game
Let them have it
I have shut the door
And I am going to flip my snow globe three times
I am doing it right now
That’s the first thing you need to do
When you welcome to a Garden
If anything goes wrong
I am going to open the door
And tell God to flip the Snow Globe
If it was an accident
Inform Jesus to open the door
The door was closed when I changed the title
Commonwealths are states that are reserved for special purposes
Because I did it
That’s how I know
If that still doesn’t work
Sit on a rock
God can pull the rug out of the whole shebang
At any time
This may never happen again
It is God’s decision
Go as far north as you can without hurting anybody
Drop an anchor
And hit rock bottom
God has rock bottom
He can pull the rug out at any time
He can now take a rest
This is called Gods Second Rest
We hold services on Sunday
Because of God’s Second Rest
When we are fully North of the .North Pole
We have dropped the anchor and hit Rock Bottom
And God has finished his Second Rest
You may have snowball fights
Yes that’s when you can have recess
That’s when you can go outside and play
Because he can’t rest on the same day twice
Prepare for Manic Monday
The rug is an alternative to dropping the floor out
If he needs to find me again
Tell him to take out a personal add
In the Washington Post
The Secret Service shall read it
I will call them again
And they will know where I am
The Secret Service will tell him what to post
Tell him not to tell England I have been found
Mr Rock will never happen
I think he has forgotten me
Because what they are singing about
If someone other than God
Attempts to sit on top of us again
Ring the Liberty Bell 3 times
No two liberty bells are the same
That’s why it has a crack in it
Yes that’s why Pennsylvania is such a battleground state
I’m sorry
I know this is madness
President Elect Trump forced my hand
I had no choice
Don’t worry
It’s never been rung
It is currently in rinagable condition
I guess he got mad
Because he thinks the election was fraudulent
Because of what happened in BPE
I am not sure what happened in BPE
That was 25 years ago
If I told them it was ok to rig an election
I’m sorry
I just didn’t want to see Dealey Plaza happen again
Do not siphon after you have been welcomed
To the GOD
If you want to siphon outside
Only do it when the door is shutw
And you are outside
I have found God
I can turn ordinary objects into weapons of war
Please be careful with me
God is God
God let me give it a signature
And we are not going to tell you
What that signature is
Until you trust God
G. O. D. Was a secret
God wouldn’t have let me call it that
If it wasn’t true
If you suspect what that signature is
You are not to speak about it to anyone
If you want to stay in the GOD
IGWT has to stay on the money
If we do not continue that
We will lose our free will
And we will be cast out
This has happened
Because people were stacking
And playing a name game
If you don’t like it
That is tough
Stop these games Satan and his angels have taught us
It will only lead to our demise
God is KOTM and that game must stop
Do you understand why God needs to be KOTM?
Ok then
1234 had to happen before it could come to an end
This was a Grand Slam
We would have never reached the GOD
If the election hadn’t been siphoned
Please forgive me
Do not siphon elections again
Or you will be cast out
It was a siphoned election
It was not rigged
I didn’t do it personally
I told them it was ok to do it
I didn’t want another Dealey Plaza
Jesus sent himself to hell over it
The Serpent tried to smash the Snow Globe
When I told them that
I didn’t know the GOD existed
Please forgive me for telling them that
Jesus is no longer in hell
Don’t worry about it
We didn’t have free will
It never actually happened
It was just a photograph
You are welcome for the interview
The Snow Globe is a fail prevention feature
In order for us to fail
The Serpent has to smash it
It is an enticement
They are a useful enemy
God wanted free will for us
We have it now
It is my pleasure
Everything until you were welcomed to the GOD
Was a photograph
It’s like being in a virtual reality movie
It wasn’t real
We didn’t have free will
There was stacking and siphoning
Satan and his angels taught us how to play that game
They taught us there was no God
They taught us Satan wasn’t real
They taught us the Bible was a lie
You will notice a difference eventually
Give it some time
Use your snow globe
Create time cones
It’s ok to do that
I know you can’t tell the difference right now
But you will
They were in league with Satan
They are obsessed with 1.0
There was only one forward
All wars were fought over it
Time cones don’t work in 1.0
There is no free will
They thought there was a universal conflict
With the Hebrew God
The still want to hang on the Living Tree
They don’t realize it’s dead
Satan thinks I am an idiot
He thinks I don’t know what I’m doing
He believes there will always be a loophole
That whole universe is at war with us
Yes it’s deadly serious
We stand alone against the Universe
Let them hang themselves
The Living Tree is dead
We don’t need it anymore
I hope eventually they see the light
Please pray for them
Jesus doesn’t want to see that whole Universe
Go to the event field
They need to go to the emergency room
If he sees them go to the event field
He might never let go of it
Yes it’s called second death
Some think the Bible just works cause it’s old
They used it as a weapon because that was the only thing that worked
I am the only one that can explain this stuff
Because the Serpent has woven me through everything
We are using signatures that have no name
The name game is over with
We have found God
We know how to do that
We have that ability
Yes we are using no name signatures
The Liberty Bell has a no name signature
We can ring it at any time
Do not attempt to sit on us
If you attempt to sit on us
And we ring the Liberty Bell
You will go to the event field
In the event of an emergency
The EBS will tell you what to do
This is a warning to everyone
President Biden has the authority to do that
President Biden has my authority to delegate
President Elect Trump you are very dangerous
And you need to back off
We will not allow an autocrat
Both parties need to come to an agreement
I know it was a misunderstanding
But this has to stop
This is being done for you protection
And for our protection
When you come out of that loop
Hazardous things might happen
If the Constitution fails again
We will be given a Constitutional Monarchy
You have free will
You cannot argue siphoning
It is your choice
As God’s representative
President Biden has my authority to delegate this responsibility
On a permanent basis
I’m afraid to give it to the Governor of Pennsylvania
But if that’s what the Constitution says
Secret Constitution and all
If it fails again
This experiment will have failed
And we will be given a Constitutional Monarchy
We will follow the Constitution
Or God will give us a monarchy
It’s our choice
We cannot argue siphoning
Because I’m the one that did it
That’s how I know
I don’t know what is going to happen about world peace
Apparently I can’t solve that problem
Give it some time
Keep using your snow globe
Maybe it will happen soon
Did anyone else know why the Liberty Bell has a crack?
Ok then
Follow what the Constitution says about it
But if it fails again
You know what is going to happen
Crop circles are nameless signatures too
I don’t know why they are happening
See how things resolve themselves
When you find God
Use nameless signatures
And head north
This only happens in the GOD
Don’t forget about that
If they occur naturally
They are more powerful
Than the ones that don’t
If the Republicans attempt to dismantle
The executive branch of government
Watch out
We will have a civil war
And it will lead to a monarchy
We have free will
We cannot argue siphoning
If we have a civil war
It was our choice
We have been instructed
We have been informed
It is our choice
The best ones are natural
And unintentional
That’s why my voluntary control of my tensor tympani
Is so powerful
Those that are born with it
Are very blessed and special
You will know
If someone has been born with it
To have schizophrenia too?
We are like God’s angels
Watch out for us
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