Monday, July 11

cosmological uncertainty video and definition

cosmological uncertainty is the observation that quantum fluxuations leave their patterns on matter distribution and trigger formation of the largest structures known.

paraphrase m.turner chicago

Monday, May 2


It is the power we give falsification that makes our world what it is.
Falsification is the phenomenon we are here to experience.
We are waiting on the falsification of falsification.
Who will survive the coming of the lord.

Monday, March 14

what's going on

the people who need to know, know. My opinion is, Yes the people are being placated. I think the higher, higher ups feel it was an accident that got blown out of proportion, that i am not a bad guy, and that if they keep this quiet long enough it will go away. I hope it will go away as well. I don't think people would accept my theory of events anyway. obviously something ahead of me went terribly wrong. Perhaps several things went wrong

Thursday, January 13

weighing in

I think people who use darwin to say god does not exist are not
considering everything. there is uncertainty, entanglement, relativity.
I don't think they fully apreciate the implications.

Saturday, December 25

merry christmas

they say moses was a nutcase that got lucky. they say so many people go around saying the sky is going to fall, that its only a matter of time that one schizo gets it right. Last time it changed the world and monotheism of took root. Science and religion are both ment to protect us from different but similar flames. The ruin of self delusion or the turbulence of an unbalanced mind. we need science. we need religion. we need to understand both better.
thank you for being my observers and

merry christmas

Sunday, November 7

fortune cookie #1

your flair fo the creative taken an important place in your life

yeah the truth

Wednesday, August 11

shun him

how certain is certain? and what is the nature of certainty? and what does the possession of certainty entail?

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...