Sunday, October 5

Friday, October 3

as a matter of fact

we are ALL innocent!

who do i think i am?

an innocent man thats what i think i am

were not playing

we aren't playing head market games anymore
too many innocent people get hurt

merry christmas

we are in the light
and so is the whole milky way

who to bang

you don't dig a planet on the bang
you bang a planet on the bang

dig me?

i dont think that is a good idea
im caustic

i apologize

i apologize to those who are upset because i didn't ask
i hope you understand why that didnt happen

dont be scared

dig means opening up alternative history's
although mine cannot change
dont worry its the same time every time

and cornelia

gosh so many letters ginger this ginger that
how did you put up with it all
maybe you could give them to her if you still have them

thank yous

thank you allison for being my only wife and being with me and going along with my crazy ideas
thank you ginger apparently you took some real hell
thank you kim you know what you are thanked for
thank you those that have been in my life
especially Allison Ginger Kim
hopefully you will have a better life now
and maybe God can assist us to make things easier

the spirit world is angry

you cant dig a planet that is on the bang

decisions descisions

ill take my chances

Wednesday, October 1

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...