Wednesday, February 15

Schizophrenic = Perpetrator

BFIt's harder for things to evolve if you try to own them.
That's my opinion anyway.

I don't remember why I came to have that opinion.
If I did I would be trying to own it.

It is augmented.

My perp said he would cut off my nookie supply if I ever fingered him.
Imagine that.

Occam's razor says lead.

The closest thing to victim a schizophrenic is ever going to get.

Schizophrenic = Perpetrator

Giving new meaning to the word watergate.

I did not start out on the right.
Now that I know what left and right is about,
I am glad to be on the right.

It seems some looked into my ravings and profited.
I warned my dad that was going to happen.

I give my shit away for free,
Because I am on somebody's shit list,
And I am getting blackballed.

I have the right to exist and I am defending myself.

They make deals with the devil
And when they can't deliver or fall short
They blame republicans 

I am defending myself 
I don't have the luxury of an opinion.

I saw a sign between the bushes and I know I need to stop,
But I don't know if I can.

There is a better life out there that I can't have
If I keep doing what I am doing.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...