Monday, March 20

Obstruction of Office

Why are we singling out Russia?
Other nations have artists that sing about it from 20 years ago.

It seems one witch hunt just leads to another witch hunt
Progress gets made and roadblocks are put up

I was wanting to say something,
But I felt it would be offensive.

Mounted pedestrians?
Swiss guard?

I am having a windows nightmare.
I haven't seen a machine this sick since 1998

Apparently Intel and Microsoft are at odds over antivirus utilities 

Mcafee was telling me nothing was wrong and it was fighting me
Obviously something was wrong
Machines don't get that sick and nothing is wrong 

I just wanted it to do a scan for Pete's sake
It should be able to do a scan on command

Mcafee wouldn't do a scan
And it wouldn't let defender do a scan
I got to get control of this machine

Some people believe what the computer is telling them
Some people don't

I wrote one time that it was sad we spend hundreds a month on technology
While there are people starving in Africa,
And I think Bill took it to heart
I have no problems with Bill 

I was talking about bill gates
I think it's great Apple has made those apps free
I don't know anything about o'reily

How is it
Someone of his background
Just happened to be working at the school book depsitory?

How often does the king come that close to you?
How often does he come that close, and you have a rifle?

What I am trying to say is...
Kennedy came to Oswald
Not Oswald to Kennedy

It is something that is easy to do forward
But difficult to do backward

They are going to drag me before congress
Before I get a Nobel prize

What is the office of the president going to look like
After we chase President Trump from office

Do we really want our president over a barrel
To the director of the FBI?

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...