Sunday, November 7

we don't see the world as it is
we see it as our mind allows us to

This world is precious.
It would be selfish of me to do that.

There are 5 people in this world and I am one of them.
We love David.
We keep giving him gifts and he wont use them.
We told him it is not polite but he won't listen.

Let us blur the line so we can tell a story.

This is not about the consequence.
David is the consequence.

David is an answer.
David is a reflection of ourselves.

He has said it before.
We are the ones who need a solution, not him.

Because I don't understand paragraphs,
They seem so arbitrary.

If I didn't have to use people,
I would have done it already.

I am just an obstacle to her.
Someone to be gotten rid of.

She hired pest control to bring me down.

He was a bad shepherd.
It was divine providence.

I thought you wanted a Camaro.

Handshakes and bottlenecks do not mix.

let the actors handle it

There must be something more
if they were willing to let this happen

Why should I?
You are not the most approachable person on earth,

I don't entertain myself with psychiatry.

I don't care that this has never happened before,
this shouldn't happen to anybody.

If I had what I was worth things wouldn't be this way.

Configuration is not enough.
Things need to be made whole.
Things need to be understandable.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...