Friday, July 14

confederate circles

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I am sorry for what happened,
It was not planned or rehearsed

I have to stand public opinion.
People have been lynched for less.

I could have used better judgement.
I am sorry if she was traumatized.

We do have healthcare in America.
It is called bankruptcy.

How many people are being trickled out of the economy?

I thought they were talking about the election being hacked.
Having dinner is not hacking.

Has anyone else noticed they have changed the subject?
Why have they changed the subject?

Was information exchanged over dinner?
Was that information gathered by Russian hacking?

My relationship with Jesus is nobody else's business.
I have my story.

The land of cruel jokes and missed opportunities.

We need to help people going bankrupt 
Over catastrophic or long term care.

Because the democrats don't care about the cruel jokes.

They think it's cool.
They think it's part of American life.

Things don't have to involve money to be wrong.

She was the senator for the state of New York,
What did she know say or do about it?

I think they knew what they wanted to stick him with from the beginning
And there was collusion to have a special prosecutor 
To obtain that objective.

People are thinking this.

Do honeybees know they are pollinating?
Is it like tickling your throat to make yourself gag?

Was there collusion between Comey and the Hillary Clinton campaign?
Was the special counsel appointed honestly?

I am sorry.
It looks like a flea flicker to me.

It's wrong.
It's stupid.
It's wrong and stupid.

It is genuine.
It is strong.
It is genuine and strong.

Why should I get angry?
It is a game that doesn't get you anywhere.
They think you are stupid.
You are being played.

If they can keep you in that anger,
They can control you.

You are forced to accept anger,
Because it makes you predictable.

Am I the only one who understands?

I guess we better start planting trees again.

they are going to be called confederate circles,
and they are going to be a bigger draw than the monuments ever were.

I don't want to Nostradamus the whole thing
But as an egg,
Seeing over the horizon is my job.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...