Thursday, April 18

Strange Opinions

Yeah and it ain’t her either

They tried to put the president in a paranoid tail spin.

They thought they could jet wash the president.

It was the Spanish Armada 
It was millennial hysteria 
Move on
Get over it

Clearly something did not go her way

He had problems keeping his composure 

They are terriers
It is clearly a political thing now

Go fry an egg

I think Attorney General Barr is trying to heal the country 
There is no good to be had in pursuing impeachment 

Media outlets have vested their sacred honor to bring down this president 
I fear the roads we are headed down 

They can’t do a u-turn
It just ain’t going to happen

A great deal of political capital has been spent 
It is not just going to go away

The president does not have to prove he is innocent.
If they are going to charge him, they need to go ahead and do it.
Wasn’t there something about a speedy jury?
Why does the president have less protection than I do?

You don’t get to be president by picking cherries.
Everyone knows that

The president deserves a speedy indictment 

Why do they have a Grand Jury if they can’t indict someone?
Isn’t that the purpose of a Grand Jury?
This needs to come to a head,
Or it’s not going to be good for any of us.

This whole thing is leaving me confused and angry

If he isn’t there to exonerate,
And he cannot idict 
Then it isn’t justice

Apparently congress isn’t allowing the president to be exonerated.

Apart from the Attorney General,
Who has the right to exonerate in this country?

Once a report is released,
There needs to be a shot clock

An impeachment needs to be more timely than five years

How can criminal charges against the president occur?
The president has been exonerated by the chief law enforcement officer of the United States!

If you don’t take action now,
The more political it is going to look.

Even if you indict him 5 years from now,
The first witness will be Barr

It will be more difficult to prosecute after what Barr did

Does a statute of limitations
Mean you can sit on something for 5 years?

I feel the president deserves a fair and speedy trial
If they are not going to impeach him, and soon
I feel that should be the end of it

There are people who have opinions on this matter 
Who don’t even know who Andrew Johnson is?

He tried to rush reconstruction 
And the congress refused to seat the delegates he supported 
And he ended up getting censured
Impeached, excuse me.

Andrew Jackson was the president who was censured 
I am not familiar with that

I know indigenous peoples in America do not like Andrew Jackson

He was responsible for the “trail of tears”.

Does it go through the AG or not?

What would yo do if you were a juror 
And the chief prosecutor made a statement like that?

I think the best that would happen was a mistrial.

The DOJ is at war with itself,
This is going to be ugly,
I feel for America.

If the Titanic had hit the iceberg head on,
It has been said it wouldn’t have sunk.

Would Barr have been able to announce the president guilty?

If he had used language that the president was culpable 
Would that be fair to the president?

The whole idea of an independent council
That can’t bring charges is dysfunctional.

How could you go into a trial 
Where you have already be declared guilty?

Is it a policy?
Or is it a law?

I think AG Barr was a jury of one
I don’t think he had a choice 

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...