Monday, April 22

Madison Avenue Puppets

People are going to drive themselves 
And brew their own tea

I starting to believe I can brew tea

It is turning into a whole tea ceremony 

The can was kicked 
That is all I am going to say about it

Why is it so important?
You win another day.
We are getting a sideshow.
I need to be quiet about it.

They can’t even get adequate housing,
And we are worried about whether they can vote?

Everyone is nimby about where these people live,
And we are worried about their voting rights?

Do they have an opinion?
Or do they live and die statistics?

If you lie or don’t participate in polls or encourage others not to,
Are you attacking our democracy?
Would you have people in jail?

You can’t have an opinion without a dissertation.

We tell you what your opinions are.

Do you hide behind issues you don’t really care about,
Just because you want to win?
What is winning?
Who benefits if you win?

We might determine who is right and who is not,
But I don’t think anyone is going to win.

It is nobody’s fault,
It is my own stubbornness that got me here 

I have been a loser my whole life.
Winning is not my motivation.

I don’t think lawyers are used to compromising.

If you say well the constitution says this,
Or the constitution says that,
Then it may be an issue for the Supreme Court.
That is probably why they don’t mention it.

It is not my call.

Are other people jamming?
Or is it just me.

Reduce your exposure to reverse phraseology.

Just another Madison Avenue puppet.

It certainly felt that way.

I guess reading would help.
I just plow through and I don’t retain anything.

They had a horse in the race?

You would not be able to silence your enemies by killing them.

I am going to stop apologizing for my music
It does what I want it to do.

The candidates that have won for the democrats
Have not been establishment candidates.

I guess I am more popular with the dead.
This is more than pareidolia

People are on George Noory for stuff that is barely audible 

If it wasn’t for evp 
I wouldn’t have the motivation to do anything 

The “bends” is a not so polite term for being politely asexual.

It would not be the first time something was not intended.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...