Some people have opinions about stuff that can’t be shaken.
They are terriers.
They won’t let go till the rats dead.
It is masochistic to even be interested in these people.
People have no respect for asexuals
Most don’t even consider it possible
Some of the strongest opinions people have
Is about sexuality
It is difficult
You don’t understand what it means to be sexual.
There are many who would gladly be asexual
It is a gift.
What I can interpret
I can not live that way.
I just shoved my hand in the rack and pulled her out
Trump is going to “win”
And this is the way things are going to be done from now on.
By what standard is anyone going to win?
It will be the Donald Trump playbook from now on.
I considered Venezuela to be part of mesoamerica
People have been watching this for years,
Waiting for someone to do something
I thought Mesosmerica was different than Central America
In that it included Columbia and Venezuela
Nobody asked me about it.
Why would we have two names for the same thing?
Clearly our troubles in the region include Venezuela.
Would they have allowed me to say Venezuela?
Jesus is not going to play word games with you.
It is dysfunctional
I know what it is to support abortion
Because you wish you had never been born.
I have shared a bucket of chicken with a Cohen.
Both of us caught the flu
Do an autopsy
It is a big deal
Whether things are independent or not
I just wanted to be an average joe.
I guess we are never going to Disney World.
Do you want to reveal to the people,
The whole nature of our reality?
Who is going to look bad?
Reverse phraseology is ubiquitous in America,
And no one is going to look good.
I can almost guarantee,
The truth is going to hurt both sides.
It has been out there.
I didn’t hide anything.
I have schizophrenia.
Who am I supposed to tell?
I call it “method voting”
I don’t know if it’s real or not.
Very simply it would be voters
Who vote against the incumbent party
And especially the incumbent party has already had two terms
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