Thursday, October 31

Rare Obsessional Coherence

I know
I need a beginning, a middle, and an end.
I am working on it.

Why does politics take all of our free time?
Aren’t we supposed to be producing something?


Even music is for money laundering 

God forbid you call anybody out.
They cancel your ass.

How do they deploy star gates to begin with?

The lower the frequency 
The less directional it is.
So you put the bass in the center 

What is going to happen to deplorable assets like me?

You end up crazy sad and alone.

Why should we have a mitochondrial ancestor?

Our species is defined by a mitochondria?
How many other species are that way?
Excuse me but that’s a big deal.

In some nations, they tell you what you are going to be.

We don’t allow people to be Ghandi anymore.
It is all a bold faced lie.

I am not liked.
I am taking everyone back to the stone ages.

We crossed the continental divide,
And all we saw was more mountains.

It’s bad for my karma,
And it’s the producers and promoters that make any money.
Thousands of people better than me

The dragon lady is going to have my neck.

Take all the abandoned Kmarts
And use them for homeless people 

I like Gwen’s Christmas album.
It is very uplifting and merry.
Not despondent and sad.

First it was computer as television.
Then it was computer as telephone.
I think a tablet is the first computer as a computer.

If you have supported my sister,
Thank you, we both appreciate it.

I think someone has made Bilderberg promises.

It is the idea elections are being taken for granted that bothers me.
How can we have freedom,
When they know everything you are going to do
For the next 40 years?

If even one vote can be taken for granted,
It is a failure of democracy.

I guess reciprocity is bribery.

Who do others have symbiotic relationships with?

The electorate is being milked.
There is no desire to represent.

Oppose them.
See what nasty things they say.

You lose your positivity.
You get negative about everything.

It is depressing,
And we decide what to incorporate anyway.e

Space time is a crochet?

They could cut a deal tomorrow and it still wouldn’t stop.

He took the wrong course at Hogfrogggles

She is a professional.
I should be low fruit for her.

They get pissed when they don’t win in four moves.

A four door mustang made in China?

Am I just supposed to give them four moves because I can’t win?

They need to win big.

Money goes where other money goes 
It is not going to stop collecting 
Just because you get rid of billionaires 

Is this “rotting in hell”?
I can’t do the blue lagoon thing forever.
I am going to start studying music production.

I guess you don’t need a ladder anymore.

It was stupid.
It is like trying to rediscover Algebra.
Why would you do it?

It is sad.
No one is ever going for the banana again.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...