Thursday, April 16

Of No Consequence At All

How do you know what I am being rewarded with?

Things are designed 

If it stays with it
We are going to have to rework the entire economy 


Money is killing people.
What is the use of a house
If it can’t weather a storm like this

Would America have been criticized 
If Ebola Reston had gone the wrong way?

I don’t think I will ever go back to spending
The way I used to spend

People have been buying what I buy for months

What is herd ignorance?

If we are in the “matrix”
Human diseases can be spread in the digital environment.

A human virus spread by computer 

Why not?
They can make you taste lemons.

You are a herd.
You are stupid.
You don’t think for yourself.

I don’t think China cares one way or the other,
They just want us to have a one party system like they do.

The whole world is tired of a bipolar America.
What do you think?

I don’t want to see the death of the Republican Party.
Or the Democratic Party  either.
But I think we are going to play cooties for a long time over this.

I don’t know why I am being so difficult.
All I have to do is play guitar.
I must be unhappy about something.

Me and secrets just don’t go well together.

Purists have a fit if it takes three hands to play it.

If this thing is killed by sunlight,
Is there a better color to wear?

I watch the news shows with the captions on.

The radio does a number on me.
I needed something to listen to.
I thought some people liked it.

Music isn’t setting people free anymore 
It is part of the program 

What are political derivatives?

Nobody was over concerned
When 19 year old soldiers were dying in Vietnam 

Burning is part of writing it?

They are statistical models,
And they aren’t just used with viruses and weather.

People’s world views have not kept pace

I like what that lady said,
“If my opinion doesn’t matter, why are you testing me?”

I don’t know how they can stay in denial.
Who is going to lose if magic thinking prevails?

Are officers trained that if you can talk you can breathe?

Just a few weeks ago they were cheering first responders,
Now we are on the verge of a race war?
I hope cooler heads prevail.
We have listened,
You made your point.

I wish I could snap my fingers and say
No one will ever die in police custody again,
But I don’t have the power to do that.

Part of me is three years old.
It is something I live with.
I am sorry if I offended anyone.

It is ugly
It is “bananas”
You think I don’t know that?
I did not write a script to screw people.
Black yellow red or white 

Has this been complied with?

Shit is already on the books and the government hasn’t complied with it?

A place to start?

That was the old third district 
I think rep Scott was my congressman 

I have been on both sides.
I helped restrain a woman strung out on pcp,
But I have been tackled and handcuffed myself.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...