Thursday, February 22

Seamless integration


I think time goes slower when you smoke.

What is seamless integration?

I'm sorry,
But the NRA needs to be proactive.

Don't forget...
It is very easy to become an irresponsible threat to society.

People are going to forgo getting mental health services.
If they aren't already.

Don't feel smug, it can never happen to you.
Because it can.

I am dumbfounded it was felt that needed to be done,
I guess I don't understand 

The only thing it has done is push me closer to God.

I have seen armed guards at the supermarket.

Wasn't the FISA court supposed to be about terrorists?

It is best to be parochial and grounded.

It's an LL Cool J video 
Biggest video since thriller.

I choose Miami Dolphins to win Super Bowl LIII

I am not an expert
But although some medications may alleviate psychosis
I fear some may introduce causality reversal
I was right about my tensor tympani 
I fear I am going to be right about this too

One percent of anything can be bad news.

Avoid group think 
Make them waste teraflops on you

It's not so much the noise 
As it is the percentile it puts you in

Does the yellow cardinal have a disease?
Or is he just being difficult.

You can't gloss over a yellow Cardinal.
You have to have the detail.
It is a sign of quality.

We don't even make our own bicycles anymore.

It used to be, some would buy the metals and make their own frames.
Now they can send the dimensions to China and have them made and shipped,
Cheaper than they can do it themselves.
That is scary.

I am glad president Trump has proposed to do something about it

There are people that do believe in God,
And if you leave it open like that,
They are going to claim it.

An ostrich bit me in the ass.

If we can't even make our own bicycles,
How are we going to maintain our readiness?

It means I am highly adept at ignoring people.

Once you fool around with it,
You are going to have to continually fool around with it.

I enjoy being creative.
It would be nice if it made money,
But it doesn't have to.

Thursday, February 15

Useful idiot

You You You You IYou 

Plant a tree every single Sunday
And eventually you have a grove
And for a while, maybe, you won't need 

This is not about etiquette.
There are very serious issues about gender roles
And our philosophy.

I understand how planting might work
But I don't understand what damage it might do.

Is it  better than sitting on bottlenecks?

Voodoo works better when it's yours.
Or I if God gave it to you.

They are in the business of selling insurance policies.
We were in a big universal joke.

It might alleviate a bottleneck?

It is a recovered memory 
I was a small child

The left shoves stuff too.

It was an act of desperation
Like a beached whale.

They can't fix society 
So they treat the individual 
And so the individual must solve the problems.

I feel I have been locked in a closet,
And forced to rediscover relativity.

We need to solve these problems,
Or we are going to end up under shariah law.

We can't keep taxing the individual for societal problems.

Why were a bunch of kids dealing with issues like that to begin with?

I don't consider anyone can appreciate what dissolution is like,
Unless they have been through it.

The guy who pioneered stealth,
America took him seriously,
Russia didn't.

I don't think things need to be perfect 
To ascertain if someone has been compromised or not.

I want to believe I am delusional or psychotic,
The something else happens.

I understand why I am a threat.
I don't want the be in the dark.

I am not a rubicks cube.

It is not my fault grandmas were not in your equations.

You can't cover everything.
Grandmas, doves, it's all the same thing.

I wouldn't watch Fox News
If there was anything else to watch.

I understand.
Women want their day.
The only thing men can do is drop bombs and shoot each other.

The NRA needs to solve this problem.
Or these kids are going to solve this for us.

Have clubs
Hold meetings 
Watch out for each other.

If they are going to stand in the way,
They need to lead the way.

Tasking mental health with this problem 
Is not going to work.

We can't call on the government to solve this problem.
The people need to solve this problem.
That is what the second amendment is about anyway.

I feel there are those out there
Who are playing curling with society
And its not for the better either 

It's obvious someone who knows a great deal about humanity,
Is in charge of our situation.

Monday, February 12

What grandmas are for

IUIt You You ,I

I was willing to accept I was schizophrenic in 1985.
There are a lot of cousin Kevins out there who think it's funny.
I don't know what else I could have done.

Don't play with me like that.
It is a cousin Kevin
It's not doing any good.

Because I think, that's why.
I am sorry if that is a problem for you.

I was already in salvage mode.
It wasn't the phone call I planned to make.

You insist you can't do anything,
But it's your book,
You wrote it.
The whole future David Mallory thing is yours.

Ignore what you think you know
Treat it as the first time and it will be

It would be contrived 
It would be fake for me to respond in that manner.

Channel the anger.
Make the anger work for me.

People go through years of therapy to learn how to solve things without their fists.

If you are this way
They are going to want you that way
If you are that way
This way
In the end it's all about control
You can't win.

It's reductionist 
I don't buy it.

I know I am being difficult.
The way things are is not going to last.
Good people need to be rewarded.

I am trying to be more polite.

It doesn't help to blame somebody.

I don't think grandma likes what you are doing.
She must have had a reason.

what do I know?
Y'all are the ones having a tug of war.
I am just the rope.

And y'all are complaining about men.

It's checkmate
She has Sunday
There is nothing I can do.

Just because I don't have a black eye,
Doesn't mean I am not battered.

Caught between 2 terriers.
I need a good girl, like sunshine

We are being forcefully separated.

I was pushed full of this crap
When you knew nothing was wrong with me.

It's all being held together with bubble gum and voodoo.

I can't do anything.
She can kill me.

You just sift and find the nuggets.
I don't know where I get my information from.

Dreams conjecture 2+2=4
I want to know how can we live in the same world.

The world is fractured.
I don't understand what makes it work.

She said any woman could make me feel that way,
And if I wanted to feel that way,
She could provide

Saturday, February 3

Dave the axe murderer

IYou You You IYou You I BY

It's like drinking the ocean
There is never more than a couple hours 
Before the stones start falling 

I've been down Broad St once.
It goes on forever.

When they start talking about me on CNN
That is the beginning of the end
Let's hope that never happens.

I feel like one of Harry Mudd's Robots 
She wants me to blow a circuit
I just want my sanity.

It wasn't what she wanted.
She would have found a reason to end it.

Why do I need you?
I caused the Big Bang.

You are always going to be expecting something.
It is never going to be enough with you.

If you don't want the same things
You let go, you move on
But you won't let me
You think you are saving the world from an axe murderer or something.

Time travel is always a desperate act.

So is listening to the radio.

It just feels foreign to me,
And it is.

You are into heavy metals.
I am not.

I don't see how they can diagnose people,
When they don't even know what normal is.

I'm just a GUY in this world
Cause that's all lead will let me be.

They know
They are so scared an undescended testicle will cause wwiii
That they don't care.

I admire Trump
He is so rich he doesn't have to put up with this shit.

That is the phenomenon,
That is why he is who he is.

They won't let people be Ghandi anymore.

You have no reason to be upset.
You are just being difficult.

It is some adolescent fantasy,
But he is the president 

When you stop rewarding good people
That is what happens.

I thought you would be there
I really did.

Me me me me me
Ok I get it

I guess there were times when I should have been there too.

I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...