Thursday, February 15

Useful idiot

You You You You IYou 

Plant a tree every single Sunday
And eventually you have a grove
And for a while, maybe, you won't need 

This is not about etiquette.
There are very serious issues about gender roles
And our philosophy.

I understand how planting might work
But I don't understand what damage it might do.

Is it  better than sitting on bottlenecks?

Voodoo works better when it's yours.
Or I if God gave it to you.

They are in the business of selling insurance policies.
We were in a big universal joke.

It might alleviate a bottleneck?

It is a recovered memory 
I was a small child

The left shoves stuff too.

It was an act of desperation
Like a beached whale.

They can't fix society 
So they treat the individual 
And so the individual must solve the problems.

I feel I have been locked in a closet,
And forced to rediscover relativity.

We need to solve these problems,
Or we are going to end up under shariah law.

We can't keep taxing the individual for societal problems.

Why were a bunch of kids dealing with issues like that to begin with?

I don't consider anyone can appreciate what dissolution is like,
Unless they have been through it.

The guy who pioneered stealth,
America took him seriously,
Russia didn't.

I don't think things need to be perfect 
To ascertain if someone has been compromised or not.

I want to believe I am delusional or psychotic,
The something else happens.

I understand why I am a threat.
I don't want the be in the dark.

I am not a rubicks cube.

It is not my fault grandmas were not in your equations.

You can't cover everything.
Grandmas, doves, it's all the same thing.

I wouldn't watch Fox News
If there was anything else to watch.

I understand.
Women want their day.
The only thing men can do is drop bombs and shoot each other.

The NRA needs to solve this problem.
Or these kids are going to solve this for us.

Have clubs
Hold meetings 
Watch out for each other.

If they are going to stand in the way,
They need to lead the way.

Tasking mental health with this problem 
Is not going to work.

We can't call on the government to solve this problem.
The people need to solve this problem.
That is what the second amendment is about anyway.

I feel there are those out there
Who are playing curling with society
And its not for the better either 

It's obvious someone who knows a great deal about humanity,
Is in charge of our situation.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...