Thursday, February 22

Seamless integration


I think time goes slower when you smoke.

What is seamless integration?

I'm sorry,
But the NRA needs to be proactive.

Don't forget...
It is very easy to become an irresponsible threat to society.

People are going to forgo getting mental health services.
If they aren't already.

Don't feel smug, it can never happen to you.
Because it can.

I am dumbfounded it was felt that needed to be done,
I guess I don't understand 

The only thing it has done is push me closer to God.

I have seen armed guards at the supermarket.

Wasn't the FISA court supposed to be about terrorists?

It is best to be parochial and grounded.

It's an LL Cool J video 
Biggest video since thriller.

I choose Miami Dolphins to win Super Bowl LIII

I am not an expert
But although some medications may alleviate psychosis
I fear some may introduce causality reversal
I was right about my tensor tympani 
I fear I am going to be right about this too

One percent of anything can be bad news.

Avoid group think 
Make them waste teraflops on you

It's not so much the noise 
As it is the percentile it puts you in

Does the yellow cardinal have a disease?
Or is he just being difficult.

You can't gloss over a yellow Cardinal.
You have to have the detail.
It is a sign of quality.

We don't even make our own bicycles anymore.

It used to be, some would buy the metals and make their own frames.
Now they can send the dimensions to China and have them made and shipped,
Cheaper than they can do it themselves.
That is scary.

I am glad president Trump has proposed to do something about it

There are people that do believe in God,
And if you leave it open like that,
They are going to claim it.

An ostrich bit me in the ass.

If we can't even make our own bicycles,
How are we going to maintain our readiness?

It means I am highly adept at ignoring people.

Once you fool around with it,
You are going to have to continually fool around with it.

I enjoy being creative.
It would be nice if it made money,
But it doesn't have to.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...