Thursday, January 8

Abandoned and Harassed

it is not too smart to make the computer talk
don't try this at home

God didn't create us to be a slave race
We are supposed to be able to do stuff like that

there is a right way and a wrong way
this is the wrong way

What am I to do?
My own kind says I am not one of them,
and I can't fit in with everyone else.

I have been abandoned and harassed,
If someone decided to keep you,
you would be on their train too.

It is not fun to be abandoned and harassed.

I am in some sort of netherworld where I don't belong anywhere.

Burning Revelation...
I was frightened.
I got scared of what I saw.

I am sorry we have to talk in public like this,
but I have a tendency to flip out.

You guys are setting this whole thing up,
trying to give me a normal life,
and it is not working.

Mother Nature has a hold on me,
and she won't let go.

Just let me live on.
In Jesus's name I pray.

Everybody is blaming everybody,
and it is not doing any good.
Just blame nature and time, and live on.

I wish I would have thought to do this earlier.

We are supposed to have mastery over that math business.
There is a right way and a wrong way.

It is the immediacy, I feel it needs to be posted right now.

I guess it is not too hard to ask for some punctuation.
I didn't know the solution was this easy.
God I must be dumb.

Sometimes the solution is right there and you don't see it.
God I have been a brute.

Vines and trees don't like each other,
Because vines will grow on a rack of dead events.

People chop down trees to make racks for the vines,
mainly because money doesn't grow on trees.

They can't get anything useful from the tree.
They are an annoyance.

Now if it is a cherry tree, or an apple tree, it is alright.
but some useless evergreen, it is chopped right down.

We are suffering from a lack of old growth right now.

They should have known.
Gasoline and paper money don't mix.

I said it would happen at 3 dollars a gallon,
but it happened at 4.
Take that as a lesson.
I am notorious for saying stuff that almost comes true.

Apparently the limit is 400%
I thought it would be 300%
If it goes over 400% again,
we will have to change values.

The dollar thing?
That has be going on for ages.
That did not cause this.

I said it.
It is in here somewhere.
I said the dollar was 300% energy at the time.

You can't help if nobody says anything,
or if the solution isn't already there.

That is why this shit is so important.
I say shit.
Somebody needs to do it.

I am a messenger.
This is what we do.
It is very dangerous.

People get pissed.
They think you talk too much.
They don't understand the need to talk.
But there has to be a solution, a warning, or some indication.
We make things possible.

It is all about solutions, warnings, and indications.

You don't give messengers authority,
that is not what they are for.

America was born in Israel.
Israel made America.

She might be a bastard,
but she is loved.

It is called causality reversal,
it happens deal with it.

It is like a fault line.
The frames build and build until it snaps somewhere.
Would you rather it be somebody else?

They ain't dragging people into the streets to sodomize them.
I think they have some moral identity.

It is frame dragging
It is just going to build and build until it snaps somewhere
would you rather it be somebody else?

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...