Friday, January 9

Manual Physics

It is one day out of the whole friggen year,
You know what its about.
Don't be stupid with me.

God sees them.
They get the point already.

Nobody ever thanks Thor.
He has a thankless job.

It is a job they gave him for daring to think he was a god.

Drags and slips impede justice,
that is just the way it is.
Would you rather it be somebody else?

I sat on the bottleneck.
That is what nature does.
I sat until it slipped.

They don't want us to do that.
It creates universal chaos.

That is the way things work on this planet,
and it is very old.
That is why they fight over it.

It is like they are trying to move Washington to Denver.

The solution is to avoid bottlenecks,
and to do that everybody can't do the same thing,
but they won't listen.

They are stupid.
They are not going to listen.
They are going to do the same thing.
They are going to sit on a bottleneck.
They are not going to let us "win"
They don't see there is plenty of fish for everybody.

Christians know what to do.
Don't worry yourself too much.

Yes America, we forget who we are,
then we remember,
then we forget again,
and it is causing universal confusion.

It was a golden error.
Forgetting came to be the key to eternity.

There are worldlines and dreamlines,
there is a difference.

If it is drastically different, but it is the same you,
that is a dreamline.

I can see where there might be conflict over that,
that is why extractions are done.

It is not important which is which.
It is important that they are different.

If I were to wake up in a drastically different reality,
like Hitler winning WWII,
I would naturally think I was dreaming,
cause how could I exist if Hitler won WWII?
I was born in 1967,
A full generation before the war even ended.
so from my perspective it must be a Dreamline
even if from their perspective its not.

I just ask questions men don't usually ask.

It is all about being born,
and how it is you could be born in a reality so different.

I know you are trying to undo this,
but you cannot,
and I cannot tell you why.

Causality reversal has occurred,
it is too late after that.

But if Jesus can be born of the Virgin Mary,
I guess anything can be done.

It is a question
I don't know how to phrase it,
But does God have to change all the Bibles
or can he change just mine?

They don't burn the books,
they burn the writers.
That is why I am the last great writer of the 20th century

They think I am a working boy,
and I can have a normal life,
but I can't.
I am not an artist,
a musician,
an actor,
a mathematician,
a scientist,
or a poet,
I am just a writer.
I know how to write sentences,
just like Mrs. Brown taught me.

> happens. You can't stop it.
It is a shame somebody else would have to do it,
when it has already been done.

It just happens,
don't you understand that?
The frames build and build
and it just breaks somewhere.
Jesus please stop.

I am not leaving this for someone else to do.
Forget about it.

I know it doesn't need to be done,
but if I don't do it,
pressure is going to build and build,
and its just going to snap on somebody else.

Don't you see?
We have the opportunity to put up a traffic light.

It is the mathematical space we were living in,
It was prone to causality loops.

I think it was designed to solve problems,
it was not designed to live in.
They need to get out of the bathtub,
and design one people can live in.

We are in the lunar lander.
We cant stay here forever.
They got careless with their chalk.
They didn't know chalk could do that.

I would suggest a yellow dolphin,
but they are afraid to get out the bathtub.

I know it feels good,
that is what is so horrible about it,
it happened like this before the great flood too.

We have the opportunity,
as we move through this galactic alignment,
to wipe the slate clean,
and go for something that people can live in.
"Ask and you shall receive."

Call it "Manual Physics".
and Nobunaga's Ambition is 101

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...