Tuesday, January 13

You are not a cockroach

Something horrible has happened to me.
I am very sick.

You weren't there.
I needed you.

This is more than just lovelorn,
I got messed up in some serious shit.

Where were you?
Don't you even care?

Damn reptilians and Satan think I am in denial about it.

It doesn't matter.
This is now the wait and be responsible agenda.
That was the Clinton Administration.

That war chest thing was 1995.
This is now the wait and be responsible agenda.
The Hopi are no longer my observers.
I am sorry that shit happened.
I shouldn't have mixed religions.
Christians are watching out for me now.

They operate without a floor.
That is how they operate.
They are very good at it.
But it is not for everybody.
Everybody can't live like that.

I am David.
I am a messenger.
Does it matter where I came from?
This is the wait and be responsible agenda.
We are waiting for peaceful separation.
Everybody can identify with that.
This is not a religion.
This need not be a religious agenda.

It is not a good job for me.
The Hopi are not meant to be observers.
It is not a good job for them.
This is the wait and be responsible agenda.
This is recourse.
Should it be necessary to change course.
I speak should it be necessary to change course.

You need to cooperate and find a job.

I am good at talking.
So this is for me.
You are good at operating without a floor,
Find what is good for you.
I am sorry I mixed religions.
Everyone can find a place here.
There is plenty fish for everyone.
There is no reason for the spirits to fight over us.
Fighting is for those who are doing it wrong.
This is the wait and be responsible agenda.
This is recourse.
I am here should it be necessary to change course.

You manufacture a floor,
These people already have one.

Being observers is not good for those that manufacture their own floor.

I am sorry if I talk like I know everything.
You are right I don't.
I don't know what you are here for,
or what you do,
or what you've been through,
and I don't think I want to know.
but thank you for whatever it was.

Please don't get hung up that this is an American,
a Christian, or a Republican agenda.
I have thunder on the left,
and I need a job.

I need a job to keep me out of trouble.
It is just a job.

What can I do?
It isn't going to just go away.
I need a job that keeps me out of trouble.

Please let me have this job.
I know I can do it.
We should be willing to wait.
All of us.
Conflict is for those that are doing it wrong.
I wish for us to peacefully separate.
The world, as a community, needs to demonstrate it is willing to wait.
Many things will be possible if we only wait.

Squeeze in there and find a job.

We landed people on the moon 40 years ago.
Technology hasn't stopped.
You can sand someone with an 8080.
You know it.
Nobody has to tell you.
You feel it.
All that is required is the willingness to wait and be responsible.

You know that recourse is possible.
I don't have to tell you that.
You know it.
You feel it.

All things come to those who wait.
He wants to know if you are willing to wait.

You can sand someone with a Game Boy for Christ's sake.
You know what is possible.
Nobody has to tell you.
You know already.

You know the government is a balance machine.
You know we are pests and we muck things up for them.
Nobody has to tell you.
You already know it.

Don't be discouraged by those that say you are only one person,
That you can't do anything.
You know that is not true.
Each of us can save thousands.
The tools are there.
You know how to use them.
This is not science fiction.

You know what the traps are.
Don't be stupid.
You are not a cockroach.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...