Monday, May 18

The Lily White Alternative

That is what I have been trying to tell him.
There are people down there.
I am the only one who ever goes down there.
They think I am the only one that cares about them.

When things go south you go south.

I go south.
I consider it my job to go as far south as I can go.

I don't care if you don't care about them,
I care about them.

Ok they need to rock out.
I won't worry about them anymore.

That happened to me several years ago.
I thought you knew.

That happened back in 97.
I started wondering if it didn't happen
or did I just not remember it.

I take what people give me,
and turn it into weapons to vent my hostility.

In the wrong hands
these atypicals are like weapons grade plutonium.

I guess schizophrenics
are people who insist they remember everything.

When the doctor said I had quadrophrenia
I thought he knew I thought syphilis was an imaginary disease.
I came about that by thinking I might not remember everything.

I tried to claim the blog was just mine,
indicating Henry wasn't involved.

I meant it to be both of ours,
but he is hung up on copyrights and wouldn't contribute.
I told him no one reads those darn things,
but he won't listen.
He is hung up on copyrighting everything.

I don't know.
God is mad at him.
The computer wouldn't let me do it.

I don't think God thought David was here.
I think he thought David was purely JJ.

These are the times.
This is the way people communicate now.

What can I say?
He is a firm believer in the lily white alternative.

It is a struggle to be lily white,
and it shouldn't be ignored and ridiculed.

Nobody believes in the lily white alternative anymore.

They are itching for a fight.
They don't understand why I don't stand up and fight the asshole.

I am not God.
He can do things I cannot do.
I am sorry he is so political.
He is set firm and I don't want to get in a conflict.
If you don't want, need, or deserve a God,
Tell him yourself.

You think God is a crutch for weak minded fools.
I know you.
Now know yourself.

It is a rampant disaster.

If you are anthropic,
nothing happened until the sixth day.

Some quantity that must be produced for things to split like that?

For a universe to give off another universe
takes a certain amount of decision energy?

Decision energy is the idea
that if the many worlds interpretation is correct
there is enormous energy involved in our decisions.

Is it dark energy?
Because energy can neither be created or destroyed,
There would be an enormous amount of uncharacteristic energy
that could only be seen mathematically.

I agree,
it is dangerous for dreamers to fool around with this shit,
but maybe it needed to happen.

If God is mad at you, that is between you and God.
It is not my place to intercede on your behalf.
You have Jesus for that.

I am the beloved unlucky man.
That is all I am.
I feel for people who are living with lemons.
Even if it is their fault.

I didn't do it to pick a fight.
I had a frightening vision and got scared.

But the world does revolve around me.

I know that is offensive.
I wish it wasn't true.
I didn't always feel that way.

I guess that happens when you go this far south.

I am a victim of what I am studying.

The Sun doesn't create energy,
it releases energy.

Maybe I did
Maybe the time wave did not hit me.

If I do end up being the Antichrist,
There is a lot of people who really know me are going to be pissed.

Either way I won't have to do this again.

It isn't a light cone.
It is an event cone.

You cant be serious.
Lord what an idiot.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...