Sunday, January 13

Hyper Bucket

When it comes to repetition
Study those that get away with it

Learn intervals and tones
Learn your keyboards and frets

Find an apple loop that sounds good,
And use a quarter of it

Tap something out monotone
And paint it

You can't get muscle memory from osmosis 

It is amazing I can even live on this planet

I think the music is negative and stale

It is very easy to cut and paste in GarageBand

It effectively quantifizes everything
Makes it very easy, forgiving, and productive

Apple has been waiting for me to GarageBand since the 00's
I am sorry it took so long

I can't be anything
They have built a little Idaho just for me.

I just rot here and know never to do this again

I am not into sex puzzles

I know why they do 15 bars now.
Should I keep making my loops?

Why did I become a pet project to begin with?

Paranoia and vanity are not the same thing.

Trying to cure me of narcissism I guess.

Sooner or later you are going to smoke that last cigarette.
If you ain't ready for it, you ain't ready to quit.

It is addictive predatory behavior I tell you
It is wrong 

Everyone is strung out on lead
It is not supposed to be this way

It is prophylaxis 
This is what happens 

All it takes is one person.
And they don't even have to be memorable.

You cant have everything.

I feel a need to differentiate.

Do you think things would have gotten this far
If I was trying to pull a scam?

I feel like you want me to die.

I did sorrow 
I did dementia 
I did joy
I did regret

Self important ugliness 

Computers can be sensitive to sub space communication?

It has been put to me as well

I don't think Russia got Trump elected

I have tackled a lot of things
That in some cases have been fueled by the medications 

They didn't promote me to higher math
Because I wouldn't do my homework 

I would not do homework or papers
And I would get away with it

Something needed to be left undone 

I have given up on some things
But I ain't going to just sit here and rot
I am going to make the best of it
And I may forgive 
But I ain't going to forget a damn thing

It is a similar method I guess.
I didn't know she did things that way

I am sitting on the edge of a superstitious nightmare.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...