Saturday, July 6

Buried Sentiments

Why can’t people learn to film in landscape?

How do male calicos happen?

Somebody needs to stand up.
Customs and Border Protection is not a relief agency.
Time is going to blame all of us.

Many Americans feel,
How they vote,
Is the sole determinant,
Of what side of history they will be on.

We need to start cooperating now.

Am I being too partisan?

I don’t want to be in the situation,
That many more die,
Because we won’t cooperate.

 I doubt you are going to hear it from anyone else.

All we needed was one more push,
And we would have been over the edge.

I am holding no great wisdom.

You should be proud of your performance,
It was very good.

I don’t know what makes people consider preposterous things.
It seems to come with age.

Would you have believed it when the world made sense?
Why do you believe it now?
How does it pertain to other people?
Do they need it?

What is more likely?
Quantum bubbles
Or old age.

It is out there.
You can believe it if you want to.

They see an unpopular president as an opportunity to go left.
I don’t blame them.
I would too.

I am not trying to deny anything,
I just think it doesn’t do any good.

I can understand chemistry 
Give me something I can understand 

I cannot deny I have attachment issues 
But I don’t fully understand 

People want things to be pretty.
Life is not like that.

People act like they themselves have been hurt by my parents.
It just simply is not the case.

I witnessed at least three families that practiced  corporal punishment.

I never considered approaching my parents with it.

Is it pathological that I couldn’t talk to my parents?

I have some attachment pathology.

Americans have elevated fears in general 

You try to get help,
And the first thing that happens is your life falls apart.

What are the odds of successfully navigating getting help?

I had a breakdown because I felt safe to have one?

I remember switching from Ritalin to Wellbutrin 
looking at the chart
And thinking 
This would be an opportune time

Please don’t make me the poster child for misogyny 

I thought if I lived in France 

My perps hurt a lot of children 
I am the only one that ever reported anything.
look what happened to me.

I am a convenient, easy target.

What children did I hurt?
Who benefits?

Beauty means something in China.

Schwartzman notes that the expected form from usual Latin phrasing would be sexadecimal
but computer hackers would be tempted to shorten that word to sex.[27] 

I have read a few books

The Chronicles of Narina
The Amityville Horror
Endless Love
Some Arthur C Clark
Some Isaac Asimov
The Stand
The Long Walk
Some Michael Crichton 
The Good News Bible
Books on UFOs and aliens
A Brief History of Time
On The Road
Wuthering Heights
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

I don’t know why I stopped reading.
You really have to trust the author.

Who am I going to be when I wake up?

I come from nowhere?
I make myself exist?

There is no original.

Is that just settling an argument?

Where does beauty come from?
What makes something beautiful?
Are origins humanistic?

Not like this.
I have accomplished too much to go back now.

Narcissism is an ugly name,
That provides little incentive,
For people to have empathy.

She is very aware of her image.

The number of frames depends upon the angle.

If we were worried about what works and what doesn’t,
I don’t think America would have gotten done.

Apparently iOS thinks it is a phone number.

I forgot the argument.

Taking a list and marking it up,
Should be a simple thing to do.

It sounds like I know what I am doing.

I can’t, with good conscience, continue to support president Trump.

It was offensive.
I am not lock step.

I am not going to take heat for him.
He needs to come to my community and say that shit.

This was not meant to be a political blog.
I am sorry I have strayed from what I originally intended.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...