Thursday, August 8

Limbic Justifications

Maybe it should take two or three people to buy a gun.

I don’t care what it sounds like.
It makes me feel better.

A lot of people think mental illness is a character issue.
That there is something the individual can do about it.

I feel like I have robbed a bank.
The whole thing is just wide open.

I have been listening to Shania Twain
And Lindsey Sterling 

Artists have been taken of for advantage for centuries.

Mental health is treated like heartburn.
It is not.

People think you can take a pill,
And the whole problem goes away.
It doesn’t.

Google hardly gives me anything at all.
If it doesn’t push me to myself,
What is it pushing to other people?
Bing pushes me to myself.

Other people are going to take the idea and run with it.
No one is going to know where it came from.
Wouldn’t be the first time.

I would probably flip out anyway.
I probably have a reputation for flipping out.

I thought the test was about Earth.
I thought the test was about America.
I didn’t know the test was about me.

I am starting to get a feel for playing the keyboard with two hands,
But I have not tried it yet.

I don’t know what the hell she is doing,
But it is just making it harder on me.

They don’t want us to be a first planet.

It would govern what they could do,
And what they couldn’t.
Satan doesn’t care if the damn thing breaks.

I was right.
If things were going to get done,
95 was the time to do it.

Turn the volume down,
Turn on the captions 
Plug into some music
And jam

I think Marconi would cry.

Jesus ain’t had me make all these ringtones for nothing.
There are people that know what to do with them.

I loved pookie.
I am sorry if I blew his mind out.

I like looking at their heads.

You could go half way there, every day forever.

There are ways to do things,
That you don’t have to give up all your information,
To some centralized authority.

The birdhouse was not the objective.
Building it was.

This is not an academic pursuit.
This is free association.
I have myself on the couch.
I don’t know why I delve  into the subjects I do.
I apologize, and you should call me out.
If you can’t,
That’s a whole different story isn’t it?

I feel like I am being stoned to be happy.
It needs to stop.

They want people to be limbic junkies.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...