Thursday, January 23

Diet Soda and Chocolate Chip Cookies

You think government knows the truth?
What makes you think they now more than we do?

They are never going to endorse ancient alien theory.
We are lucky to have it on television.

Is it the same as everyone else,
Or is there something different about it?

It was just number salad.

It wouldn’t be the first time one of my salads 
Ended up meaning something 

I guess it is the oops you can’t do that song.

I am not going to do rock and guitar,
If they are going to give me a hard time.

Hearing Party Girl in my head for three days.

I wanted to have my a+ certification,
But I thought if I was going to spend that kind of money to learn something,
I would rather it be music.

Is the president going to gloat?

They have to bring in generators
Because the power ain’t right.

I want less industry
And more community 

If I wasn’t getting a paycheck,
Maybe I would be more serious about it.

Society has just decided it doesn’t need people like me.

I want to be the lead figure,
But it just ain’t happening.
I would like to be part of a team that needs someone like me.

In order for me to get it into the music app,
I have to upload it, download it, put it into iTunes, then sync.
So why not?

I was just trying to get it into my music app.

I wouldn't do that.
there was something genuinely wrong

Pandemics can go around the world 3 or 4 times.

I don’t know about you,
But people’s pets have been dying for months.

What is the common cold virus.

I don’t think anyone seriously thinks
He would ship people to Siberia 

I’m screwing things up.
We got the Dave factor going on.

I am too soft and stupid for hip hop

First you think it is true,
Then you settle that it’s not,
Then you find out it really is true.

If you see digital noise when you rub your eyes,
You may need to ground yourself.

If you use it and it works for you,
Tell other people.

I don't remember,
but I think Christians were being gassed.

Why were people listening to me to begin with?

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...