Sunday, July 26

A Chromatic Mess

They think men can only solve things with violence.
You are playing right into their psyop agenda.

They will give you everything you want,
Then they will take it all away.

It is called Pump and Dump.

They manufactured the issues 20 years ago.

It is always a scenario.

Are you ready for it?

Violence is not going to win.
It will just decide what the next scenario is going to be.

They sell sundaes in Portland too.

There are millions of people out there
Waiting for something to do

Obligated even

If there was any promise in it,
It has been worked out by now.

If the goal is for everyone to be indispensable 
We ain’t there yet.

There is going to be civil conflict 
And they are going to come to the rescue 
And put us all on medication 

Your not smart enough.
Your just one person.
It would take the second coming to stop this now.

Can the federal government build communities?
Is it the president’s job?

The presidency is not some magical office that is going to solve everything.

I sent them a letter that I was under attack.

If I say too much it won’t be there for other people.

I think there is a romantic hangover 

I ain’t messing with no one
I just want to gather myself and move on.

People ain’t ready for instant karma.

Are you ready for immediate consequences?

Things are built layer on layer,
And I consider we run the risk of exposing the magma.

It is a drop box 
It helps me cope

Burn it like a candle

A paranoid person is a paranoid person.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.
If it is consuming your life,
You should seek treatment.

What about the Washington Sturgeons 

Portland needs to deal with Portland 
Chicago needs to deal with Chicago 

I can’t very well bitch about outsiders in Richmond,
Then get involved with Portland.

I gave Democrats my vote in 2018 because they said they needed it
I hadn’t voted for 20 years
What did they do with it?

They are giving me riddles to determine where my information comes from.

How do you have a discipline you can’t directly talk about?

My birth certificate is a notarized microfiche.

It probably wouldn’t be up to par.

It’s true because it makes itself true.

If you construct a law,
It is going to get tested.

Why are you here to get pissed off about it to begin with?

This is not Facebook 
This is a drop box

I put things because I am paranoid
And feel the need to talk to the television.

What is your excuse for reading it?

It is delusional.

It doesn’t matter.

I was spamming compuserve before I knew www even existed

My first windows machine did not even come with a modem

It all started with a chromatic mess.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...