Thursday, July 9

The Equalizer

Men went off to war and never came back,
Even in a body bag,
Or if they did, lame or addicted.

They didn’t buy the farm either 
Homes were foreclosed 
Widows were evicted 
Mind you women were considered frail back then

We don’t get the story of reconstruction.

That is what my father told me.
If that is racist I guess I need to work on it.

If it is organized and shared,
It is not considered delusional.

I like the idea of beef hotdogs,
But I think the chicken and pork ones taste better.

I don’t know.
I am sure it means something.

I want people to know,
That the truth has nothing to do with it.

What is a paranova?

I feel disconnected from the sensitivities 
Of the African American community.

It just wasn’t in the front of my mind,
Like Geico or Progressive.

It is these corporations spending millions of dollars
To be at the front of your mind
That are the problem 

Bunch of screen time junkies,
Don’t even know how to make tea.

You do things for yourself,
You are involved in it

I don’t know how they stay ahead of me.
I can’t come up with anything original.

Save some of it
You may need it sometime 

The not knowing,
Combined with the not knowing,
Among the not knowing 
Really has done a number on me.

I didn’t know what the thunder was,
And, as an adopted person, my genealogy
And no one having any answers for me

If Jordy was involved in the development of warp travel,
Then where did warp travel come from?

It was an education.
I did not know black people felt that way.
We need to be mindful 
That everyone feels included 

There was something wrong with society,
That it needed ******* to begin with

I am out of touch.
I am talking about Star Trek.

If it’s about what black children see,
Then let’s do something about it.

You cite a higher power,
When the origin cannot be traced.

It happens.
You have a better name for it?

It doesn’t matter who you vote for,
The winner is going to be China.

Because China is going to benefit either way.

America is short sighted.
We think we have won the game,
But we have been played the whole time.

I think people appreciate that you say something genuine,
As opposed to just winning them over.

I felt I was loosing it,
I felt I needed to reign myself in,
I decided the ball was in her court.

I belonged to MTV.
I didn’t have a page.

MTV gets in trouble if they don’t deliver.

You don’t belong to me.
I am not going to suffer if I don’t deliver you.
Keep that in mind.

I saw it in Bpe
I saw them complaining about the Bush victory
Their indignation that the polls seemed inaccurate 
Concern about who was going to be in power
When information about the Kennedy 
Well you know
It is too deep for me to understand what side I am on

What really gets me,
Is they think they are doing a patriotic thing

I can understand how having someone have your back,
Can be a big deal right now.

I understand why we need science as a tool,
But I don’t think it answers everything.

I understand how someone that can thumb their nose,
Can be attractive.

He is above psychiatry,
And that is scary for people.

Is this going to be an issue?

The pendulum has swung way left
And there is a lot of resentment on this issue.

Are you mad at psychiatry?
Do you think Joe Biden is going to do anything?

What we are doing is wrong,
And if we don’t stop,
We are going to end up under sharia law 

The idea that the president is above psychiatry,
Is a big issue.
He is a hero for millions.
And I understand it.
Do you?

What are you going to do
If it happens again?
Which it assuredly will

You need every single person,
And is just not going to happen 

I am angry about what has happened to me.
People should be able to get help
And not be worried about how they will support themselves 

I mean
I couldn’t get help until I lost everything.ep

I guess I am not making the world safe for atheists anymore.

Atheists and people who don’t go to church or read the Bible 
Are not the same thing
Christianity is about how we treat one another.

It is not just do no harm.
It is also do to help people.

The Mayan calendar changed the western calendar 
And I think voodoo changed America too.

I love my mother.
I don’t think anyone called it right.
And I knew it all

I guess there is a difference 
Between a big old tom cat
And a dandy.

He looks like a Patrick Blaine 

They sprayed museums and galleries.

I don’t think a mob from Richmond would do that.

I am afraid some of us are being used to manufacture blind spots.
And I fear it has become cultural.

It is dangerous for me to talk about this shit
And there is nothing I can do about it.

I stitched myself to the bang.

Even if I was,
I am not someone who is delusional or doesn’t remember anymore.

God forbid there be something you don’t understand.

I don’t have to prove anything 
My objective has been met

Then let them be careful who they fuck with.

It is an equalizer 
And they don’t want that

The equalizer has been there for over 20 years!

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