Friday, August 14

More Than A Choke

No attention to a key

I can’t keep track of everything I am delusional about.

Not playing enough notes to know what key it’s in.

They made some comment on msnbc I didn’t like

I am just saying,
It has become a sad state of affairs,
If this has become a blog of note.

It was a left field observation that had nothing to do with her eligibility 

The biggest obstacle to time travel,
Is that the women are always right.

Some bozo caused an accident 
And the women had to take over

They don’t know when to stop

It’s not an anti Biden thing

This is why I have thought maybe I shouldn’t vote.

you know that the MostHigh rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will

Government certainly can’t fix the problem.
Nothing is going to work.
We are stuck with it.

Not believing makes the problem worse.

Google God

We need another social welfare program 
On the backs of future generations 

That being said,
We can’t have a permanent underclass on the basis of race

I can’t look to the government to effectively change anything.

We are going to go several rounds with this

I wish I had the clarity of purpose others seem to have.

My life experiences have left me broadly disillusioned.

I believe there is going to be an equalizer that will stop the cycle of violence.

There is a tremendous amount of information out there,
And people are using Facebook 

It disables the air bags
And keeps you going for the show

I don’t feel fully responsible.

Kellyanne Conway was the best person President Trump had.

If no one is going to have a say, it is okay?

God forbid, I don’t belong to mtv.

When you first learn about nationalization,
You think that is what should happen,
We should support that,
But it is the atheism that doesn’t work.

People are romantic, and want it to work,
But it just doesn’t,
No matter who you blame.

Because atheism is a complete lie and they know it.
It is thought God is a homicidal maniac.

They know better than God.

If you are depending on websites to get things done, good luck.
It seems they always hang up on something.

God is real
He gets involved in personal lives.
He is not just someone you are going to be accountable to when you die

Be ready
I think he is going to be in peoples lives
And they are not going to like it.

We probably have more 80 year olds.

I hope that God will let people use it if they need it.

All the anger people had about Hinckley and Chapman got put on me.

I tried to drop it and move on but people wouldn’t let me.

I do feel I am the face of schizophrenia now.

I am all for the separation of church and state,
But God is God
And I fear he is going to be in people’s heads,
And people need to be ready for it.

I can tell you what I fear
But I am not going to make predictions 
Or try not to anyway

We have known for decades that election years are difficult 

When you find your cognac 
You don’t want anyone else to find it

The type of music you make when you are looking for something.

It got me that they drove by the guy that just killed two people.

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...