Wednesday, September 2

Africa From Space

Sometimes I work two hours on something 
That sounded better in the first 15 minutes 

Nobody is going to be a police officer anymore.
We are going to have to draft people 

I fear it is going to become a federal responsibility 
And people are going to get drafted

I hear that we need leadership,
I hear that there is systemic racism,
But what is the president’s role in a solution?

There are no clear lines like there were in the 1860’s

I fear an increase in federal authority 
A power grab that isn’t going to help anyone.

What is America going to look like after things get done?

I told them to go south
I told them don’t stop

That change would require a life of protest 

Let’s be real
It might be put off another 4 years
But short of an apocalypse 
It’s the black community that is going to determine what America is going to become 

There are plenty out there,
Who would welcomingly court the apocalypse 

Russia is white
They would rather give it all to Russia I guess.
Rather that than pay reparations 

I don’t know what makes me think these things.

Milk us to death and leave us with a dead cow.

Nobody listens to me,
I have been canceled since the 80’s

Don’t mind me,
I am just the tooth fairy.

I ain’t crazy about President Trump,
But I am supposed to believe 
MSNBC is better than FOX News?

CNN did a better job with the conventions than the other two.
More convention and less commentary.

Some have a heart,
But they seem overly concerned about a Pulitzer 

Are you going to work together as a team,
Or are you going to throw people under the bus?

They lied about the hantavirus.
What would have happened if that had gone the wrong way?

There is a lot of esoteric stuff in psychiatry,
The whole discipline depends on secrets.

You don’t solve things by using big words.

When it comes to human behavior,
Give us one word we have found a solution for.

There is no solution.
It cannot be fixed.
We are stuck with it.

Our ability to name things,
Out paces our ability to solve them.

Once you hear one thing,
It is hard to hear anything else.

I dream about Biloxi all the time.
It is one of the top 3 things I dream about.

It has been different,
But I don’t think osmosis is any easier.

It is a dark age way to do things I guess.

I dream about having another year,
But it never does any good.

I would think people would be happy for me,
But somehow it is an affront 

I slowed something down,
And it just sort of fell in my lap.

If you get stuck by lightning,
Do you blame the lightning?

Can you go without television for 24 hours?

She was playing golf.
She knew what the hazards were.

He doesn’t want to hear me cry anymore 

Some type of hysteria is going on.

I wish I could sue the Boy Scouts.

I guess I had some walk on part in a nuclear holocaust.

I don’t understand how that is a bad thing.

I may be able to walk people through a Holocaust,
But I can’t solve everything.

I guess voter fraud is only real in Georgia.

I watched a whole documentary about it.
I think it was PBS.

I consider people think
That because nothing happened 
No work went into it.

You have nothing to contrast.

It is known what you believe.
You are blueprinted.

It is ok
That is the way America works.
Your opinions were known 30 years ago

You mean to tell me,
There are no futurists at the pentagon?

It is very difficult to be original anymore.

He really did something.
The aliens had to give us a plague to get rid of him.

His privilege attracts people.

I think people failed to understand 
How attractive privilege can be.

I have been trying to be a redneck my whole life.
Ghandi is a joke to these people.

Nobody failed me.
It is this postmodern world we are living in.

What is new doesn’t work.

The scientific method,
Is just another modernist tool that doesn’t work.

There was supposed to be a utopia,
And it didn’t happen.

Why does it get to happen now?
It has failed.

All this 19th century good ideal stuff simply does not work.
Why should we keep trying it?

Love is in hell.
What can you say?

If we had psychiatric care for everyone who needed it,
The system would be overwhelmed.

Everyone has their love affair with it,
But it just doesn’t work.

They think it hasn’t worked because America has been in the way.

America is an engine for the elite 

They want to bring down America,
So they can remake the world.

People think this socialist utopian dream is dead.
It isn’t.
It is hard not to be romantic about it.

How many people are successful at this?
Isn’t it just personality types?
Seems judgmental to me.
Desirable traits?
Desirable to who?

I don’t want to feel like a failure when I die.

I guess I have the need to feel accomplished.

Thousands of people being sold pipe dreams.
But the real revolution is going to be in the way people learn.

It is very threatening.
There is a lot of money involved.

It’s easy to layer stuff when there’s only 3 tones
5 tones is difficult 

If people go through what I went through in 2008,
It’s going to be a rough ride.

Don’t get caught up in it.
Vote early.

I don’t know about Q
But I do believe sex magic and reverse speech are real

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