Sunday, November 29

Talking to a Dead Fish

If you don't die well 
It can send ripple effects
Down your whole life

It doesn’t do well for people to think they are being punished for days on end.

America spent ten years and 12 million dollars developing a pen that would work in space,
When Russia just used pencils.

Millions didn’t sound big enough.

I think they were both positioned.

Frames drag
Pressure builds 
And somewhere it slips

Was there involvement
Or did it just happen that way?

Like eating cookie dough 

Boost your oximetry with folate?

I put myself in the electorate,
And President Trump did not win.
Maybe next time.

Don’t get me involved in this.
It is not mine to win or lose.

What is the alternative?
What are we going to have a war every four years?

Everyone has things they understand,
That no one else seems to appreciate.

More a description, than a solution.

I am wondering if it is therapeutic.

I used background humm

Hocus pocus less in focus.

There is a whole industry of tones that aren’t helping people.

I don’t know
If I get cocky this thing is going to kill me.

Use something topical and resist the urge to scratch 

What if I really did reach thousands of people?
What would she do?

I am watching my oxygen levels,
And I am trying not to start coughing.

This thing gets you to hack when you don’t need to.

We need to bring England into the fold.
If she goes down, we go down.

I don’t like giving advice because I am not a doctor,
But this is simple stuff.

Wearing a mask, even at home, may help you keep moisture.

Every day you can avoid hacking,
Is a day in your favor.

People are afraid of getting sued if stuff doesn’t work.

Everyone needs to be treated like they have reached 10000 people.

We are treating people like it is the 80’s
And it is not.

An enormous amount of time and energy is being spent.

We need to accept that the world has changed.

The individual is no longer the individual we accept individuals are.

We reach more people 
Bottom line.

Wes told me to take vitamins.

This thing makes you hack when you don’t need to,
And you need to be ready for it.

You don’t have to like me.
I am not asking to be liked.

I don’t know
I have been dealing with congestion I can’t clear for years now.

I have never been able to bring mucus all the way up anyway.

People think they know schizophrenia 

Americans are learning the wrong lessons,
And they run into trouble if they try to do the right things.

What the use is technology,
If there ain’t no content?

Everyone is at war if there ain’t no content.

Is it content or conflict?

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...