Wednesday, January 28

Somebody hid me under a pitcher of lemonade

I knew you thought it didn't make sense.
They think we can't tell natural from plastic.

I told you I got stuck in the darn thing,
and I used my reality to twist into a more natural world.

You are pensive.

I thought it meant hesitant.

I don't know
does it mean I am a computer
if I use a word I don't know the definition of?
"To err is human."

God I must be an awful person for them to be so afraid of me.
I am still taking a Turing test.

I don't know.
Do you want me to be mistaken?

I don't like the world divine when it applies to me.
I could care less whether it is fictional or not.

I have been so many different people
you want to know who this is.
I can deal with that.

I am talking with the dead.
I know this must be difficult for you.

I have had an information burn.
You are right I am not fully human.

If it were physical I would look like Darth Vader.

I guess we know what it is for now huh?

I got stuck in one of the rooms and I freaked out.

Why did you do that?
God sees everything.
Doesn't he know?
I don't think you know him as well as you think you do.

Somebody hid me under a pitcher of lemonade.

You are still making this about me.
It isn't about me.
It is about Grace.

Grace makes it work what can I say?
It would be a nightmare if it didn't take Grace to work.

I see it.
I understand it.
I am right.
You are wrong.
It shouldn't work at all anyway.

It is Satan's God Damn code assholes.
Let him deal with it.

He stops talking to you cause it is Satan's damn code,
You friggen idiots.

I don't care if he takes it away,
it shouldn't work anyway.

It takes Grace to work
and they don't like it.
Well I am sorry
fiddling around with me aint gonna help either.

I don't know.
They cant leave well enough alone.

It isnt me.
I aint where its at.
you friggen moron.
I have been down that road.
You should know.
You took me there asshole.

They are so hungup it is pathetic.

Apparently they feel God gave them his grace then took it away.
I am sorry, but I can't help with that.

You hit God,
you have to deal with God.
I am sorry.
That is the way it goes.

I understand it takes grace to work don't you?
Jesus what is wrong with them.

It has its place.
They don't understand that.

Now they are calling me a junked up moron.

I told you
I see joy

as a reflection on my new high definition television.

That is where the whole idea for the joy directory came from.
Jesus don't you know?
Pookie takes care of it.

Two worlds collided and they don't have the same rules.
They think I can turn and I can't.

I know what to do when this happens.
You don't.

I have been trying to tell you and you won't friggen listen.

You should thank God for me,
Jesus please help the poor bastards.

You get all the information you can
and you do what you need to.

You can't that is just it,
everything goes out the window at that point.
The way God does it is not conducive to Easter egg hunts.

Yall are on Satan's Easter egg hunt.
These people are not.

They want to control who God is.

They know they are supposed to back off and they won't do it.

When you are coming from the future,
and you see someone coming from the opposite direction,
you are supposed to yield
they know that.

There is only one.
They can't get it into their thick heads.
There is only one that comes from the past,
and earth is his.
They need to back off.
They knew this might happen one day.

You find the one that comes from the past,
and he offers you a job,
I would be an idiot not to take it.

Don't be mistaken people
there is only one
and I know it happens
and he knows it happens

They play the odds.
They play the odds every single time.
They know what they are doing.

I stepped out to get a pack of cigarettes,
did I miss something?

They refuse to believe we have met who we have met.

I see it.
You see it.
Everybody sees it.
Satan has blinders on their ass.

Look at it
It is all around you.

It would be like you worked for half ass software company
and Bill Gates offered you a job.

I am sorry if I am their lead programmer,
that is just the way the cookie crumbles.
People would laugh at me for all eternity
if I declined this job.

I guess I need someone to holler at.

People have lived with lemons too long.
We need to get our act together.
This is the 21st century for Christ's sake.
We don't need to bicker about this anymore.
Magic has its place.
It happens when it happens.

I feel.
I feel for the people that are living with lemons.
I don't care about Ginger anymore.
We need to grow up.

I would say it should only be used to plant trees.

That is all I use it for.
God does the rest.

I understand why they keep pushing me,
but it is giving me a headache.

If God wants people to jump from tree to tree,
that is his decision.

Planting trees is a perfectly good purpose.

There I got it out of the realm of the divine.
Are you happy now?

There is a big argument over who has the right to use it,
where it comes from etc. etc.
Planting trees is a perfectly good purpose to use magic.
That is the end of it.
I will stick to planting trees.

I know I seek you out in my dreams Kimberly.
I am sorry.
I will try not to do it anymore.

I lay there for hours debating whether I have met her or not.
I am sorry.

Right now,
I may be the only one who knows how to do it.
So don't mess up.

It is just like the Turing test,
I pass it after I fail it.
I keep doing that.

People wish their Government would say shit like this.

There is a wish fulfillment thing going on.
People have lived with lemons too long.

I can neither confirm or deny.
I just don't have that information.

It is wish fulfillment.
People want their Government to do something.

I have the pulse of the people,
does that mean it is Government black ops?
I don't know.
I have no recollection.

If I was Government
and it was this easy
don't you think it would have happened already?

All you have to do is plant a tree and talk.
Jesus why does that have to be black ops?

To scare the living crap out of your ass that's why.
Now stop pushing buttons
I have had enough.

All you have to do is plant a tree and talk.
It isn't rocket science.
Anyone with an IQ of 60 can do that.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...