Tuesday, February 17

Satan is real

Satan is real
and the medicine is not fair play.

You think some piece of paper
is going to get you off the hook of civil disobedience,
you are wrong.

Because they think some piece of paper is going to solve it,
and the problem is bigger than that.
Satan does that shit.

I took it upon myself
to explain to people who are atheist or agnostic
what God and Creation are about.
God is there because game theory doesn't belong,
and Creation is a world that comes out of information theory.

Satan wants to make this about me,
but it isn't about me.
This is Grace.
This was a natural reaction to time reversal.

They laughed at me for wanting to be Ghandi.
There is serious pressure to leave your values around here.

Our generation is screwy.
We came up at a time where everything was known,
Where everything had been done.
There was no frontier.
You got laughed at if you turned the other cheek.
Everybody wanted to have a good time.
Nobody wanted to tackle
anything more serious than presidential kneecaps.
It is sad.

I decided to tackle something serious.

I have two good friends and both of them are atheist or agnostic.
They were laughing and joking about Christians disappearing.
They were like "I have never seen a miracle have you?"
I remember just a few years ago,
one was talking seriously about civil war in the United States.
I care about these people,
but there may come a time where I have to leave them behind.

That is the thing
it aint got nothing to do with QED or Relativity
its all information theory.

Uncertainty is here to stay.

We have had a rouge wave.
The economy is never going to be the same again.

It is silly to even try.
We need to emulate the bible.
We need to set a forgiveness date and move on.

The rich cant keep getting rich forever.
It doesn't work that way.

As the interest rates vary with the forgiveness date,
it would encourage a predictable cycle of saving and spending.

The way things have been,
people double their equity in ten years anyway.

This king of the mountain shit is for the birds.
We don't need to be king of the mountain.
There already is one.

Set a forgiveness date
jack the interest to 11 or 12%
and be done with it.

Uncertainty is here to stay.
We need to modify the economy.
We need predictable patterns.

If we don't move to a cyclic economy,
the only thing that will get us out of this
is war, pestilence or famine.

If socialism or communism can nationalize whole industries,
we can move to a cyclic economy.

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I’m worried about the bloodbath that’s going to happen if he does get elected again. I’ve been though this before  We may find a comfortable...