It is inappropriate
In evolutionary terms
It was only yesterday we were worshiping idols
I don't know what is being fought over
Or who's side I am on,
But as long as that damn door is open,
There is a war going on.
Sanity is fluid
At best it is made of glass
We are just rejected people
That is the sad irony of it all
I want to be creative enough
That it is their loss if they are going to sit on me
I consider it might be the valley of the shadow of death
I can't go back
Give me a few minutes everyday
And listen and to whatever you want to
It is called jamming.
There are beings that don't belong on this plane
That need you to believe in them
If there ain't no rules
There ain't no contracts either
I ain't against nobody
I am just for the middle ground
Am I to follow her wherever she goes?
Am I to accept what she has assigned for me?
I have been broken
I am not scared to be alone anymore
I don't think they appreciate what they are trying to unplug.
We wouldn't be here if Robert faced the other way.
You would have to be at a crossroads in history to understand.
I haven't sought to impose my will on anybody.
I was 17
I belonged to them
They are pissed
Other people are going to go through this
And they are going to be
"You don't want to be like Dave do you?"
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