Monday, November 5

The luxury of an accident

I like that Shania Twain video 
I wish someone felt that way about me.

You have a mandate.
Please do something about mesoamerica.

it is difficult to have blue waves
when we have these 80%  districts.

If you are looking for one that is different,
Don't waste your time.

according to the Washington Post
These were the battleground districts for this election

would you buy that network?

I object to people being modeled like the weather.
Uncertainty is bad for the economy 
But that doesn't mean modeling the electorate is innocuous.

Because I thought I had a future

If you use a word that is on the fringe of your vocabulary like that,
It means someone is reading.

You cannot have democracy without grace.
Without grace there is no democracy.

I am still trying to answer shit that happened 30 years ago 

Why you trying to work on me?
We ain't got forever.

I am the way my family brought me to be,
That ain't right?

I am sorry if you had an accident,
You shouldn't be doing that shit to begin with.

I don't know where you get your information from,
But you act like we have lifetimes to get it right
And I don't think we do.

I have to talk.
There are too many going through this
That don't have the luxury of an accident 

Professor Hawking used to make that hole sign.
It is some inside joke.

I don't think it was a racist thing.
Some kind of where's Waldo 

I have never had much luck with upgradable 
You can't change what generation something is

Maybe Astra Zeneca can help

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  Wining is a fools game I telling you the only way to go through this thing Is to let fucking go of it The whole objective is to have free ...