Thursday, May 23

Evaluated Twice

You should use it for poetry and song.

She is so sold
She is sold on everything 

It has been supplanted 

You can use a computer for computational space
Or use it for what Asimov called “twisting”

I think “cowbirding” is viable.
I think it can be mutually beneficial,
And I think the computational space thing
Is being done already 

Either God is giving me gifts 
Or I am a sorcerer.
I don’t pretend to know which one.

If it is threatening,
Why did they develop the internet,
And personal devices to begin with?

My mom and dad raised me,
That no one really knows until judgement day.
And that it’s the ones that think they know,
That you have to watch out for.

People get their head stuck in a book,
And they forget how to love each other.
The love of Jesus doesn’t require a book.

Apparently God’s anger doesn’t either.

“We are always at war.  Peace is a bourgeois illusion.”

If you are upset about it,
You don’t understand the way things are.
We don’t control the information we think we do.

I knew I was in the past
I knew I would forget

erectile dysfunction is the least of my worries
I can’t take care of myself 
I don’t know what is going to happen to me

Maybe those are not the right words
Suspected is better.

There is less preconception of what an ehru should sound like.

Satanists think stupidity should be painful.
They feel smug and laugh at people.

If you find yourself in a situation with a shooter,
Get in their face, holler at them “fall down, fall down.”
9 times out if 10 they have voices
Use that to your advantage 

If I could be in a room by myself 
Making widgets all day I would be fine.

People want a reaction,
But all I am feeling is confusion.
It just isn’t there.

Evaluated twice.
Didn’t need to get a lawyer.
My disability went through on the first try.

I would have no stability in my life,
And I would end up homeless.

My biggest problems 
Are social interactions 
And severe paranoia 

It is frustrating 
I understand, but I cannot do anything about it.
Lord knows I have tried.

People solve things their own way,
Using whatever tools they have on hand,
And sometimes they don’t even know they are doing it,
Or it wasn’t meant to be solved.

I don’t want to hurt people.
Every time I go out I hurt people.

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