Saturday, May 15

Trivial Lead Theory

I am worried we are going to get blindsided by some variant from hell.

Whoever was responsible for for getting opaque burger listed again 
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Four years can feel a long time.
I don’t think young people are going to care about 2020 election fraud.

Can they keep it up for four years?
Is it still going to be pertinent?

I am centered on lead
I think lead is the cause of everything.

Think 88 to 92
Or 2004 to 2008

Is Trump the end all be all of our democracy?
Surely there are other conservative leaders out there.

I give him credit he beat Hillary,
But that was 2016.

I am looking for the republicans to move on.

I don’t think the Hillary folks and the Biden folks are the same people.

The Democrats woke up and moved to the center.

I remember in third grade, I didn’t do my homework.
My teacher was going to flunk me,
And I had to do the whole book.

Lead is a bigger problem than is admitted.
It is thought it will just become the new normal and no one will notice.

I don’t know about aerial phenomena,
But there are beings that want to work their way into our lives,
And the only way they can is if we allow them to.

They should not be confused with aerial phenomena.

Is it just schizophrenia?
I don’t know.

Look at QAnon.
Look at the power they are giving Q.
Is that schizophrenia?

Dangerous antediluvian entities.

It is difficult to talk about without being confused as to which side you are on.

Maybe that is why we have a new covenant.

I am schizophrenic.
I think weird stuff.

It is not just lead in the water,
Burning leaded gasoline has put a layer of lead on the whole planet,

And I was out there riding my bike in it,
Playing in the dirt where dad used gasoline to clean his paint brushes.

I might have done things wrong,
But I can’t fix that shit.

I don’t know,
She has some entitlement
And I am supposed to fix it.

I don’t want to get caught up in something,
I am never going to fix.

These kids are going to make their own blockbusters
By the time they are 50

I didn’t mean to dump anybody.
It was stimulation that I could not handle.

They put me in a padded room because I couldn’t handle buzzers.
How am I supposed to handle dove shots, or the radio?

Not interested in solving anything.
Just want to punish people.

We had a tinderbox of prisons and nursing homes 
And we are worried about how this virus started?

I am less than professional,
Because I don’t take myself seriously?

People see the stage being set,
And they are not being rational.

Can lead poisoning cause psychosis?

Children and adults who inhale the fumes from leaded gasoline may develop symptoms of psychosis in addition to typical symptoms of lead poisoning. Some symptoms may diminish if exposure to lead is stopped, only to worsen again if exposure is resumed. The diagnosis of lead poisoning is based on symptoms and a blood test.

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