Tuesday, January 4

Out of the Can

Maybe one elected office for 326 million people is not a great idea.

It doesn’t make it right,
But does any consider the riot if Biden had lost?

Biden wouldn’t have been responsible,
But I believe there would have been civil unrest.

There are at least 35 million voters who don’t feel represented.
Half of the people who voted for Trump.

I don’t know what civil war would look like nowadays,
Because there are no clear cut boundaries.
I feel it would be more like civil anarchy.

It only takes a few seconds to download it and listen the way it was meant to.

Perhaps if he had told them to stop.
He would have admitted his culpability in starting it.

The audience is far more sophisticated than I considered.

I just.
Trump thinks in terms of what he can get away with.

We have to do something with downloading,
Or we are going to lose the ability to do it.

Everything is either going to be streamed,
Or from the App Store 
There are going to be no “files” as we know them.
And only a select few will have something physical 

I had an instacart nightmare 
I am not using them again.
It arrived 24 hours later,
And someone stole the foods
I guess they need it more than I do

Musician is a trade,
It is like being a plumber.
I wouldn’t call myself a plumber.

I appreciate cautionary tales,
But people are stealing my damn food.
This is sad.

Now to top it all off,
They are charging me twice.

They refunded me quickly.
Maybe they had a busy time.

I shouldn’t slam Microsoft too bad,
I do like Bing and Edge,
I use them all the time,
Even on my iPad 

I have finally learned how to do sections 
Maybe I can open up a bit.

Wireless energy would mess up the atmosphere?

I have the tendency to think my stuff is really really good,
When maybe it is not.

Good old boys, worried about state secrets in 2008.

I like McDonald’s breakfast.
They don’t charge you 2 dollars for a cup full of ice and hardly any soda.
Which means I don’t have to make a separate trip to 7 11.

They said on television,
That once the aid groups arrive,
They never leave.

Me and Jasmine used to get stopped every time we left the Richmond area.

I need more information.
Am I not allowed to use GarageBand on TikTok?

I am just one guy.
How am I to know what crosses the line and what doesn’t?

Apparently it may not be authorized to use GarageBand for slideshows.
I guess they may be considered sound beds.
If this is true I have no reason to be on YouTube or TikTok 

There is no reason to be on TikTok if you can’t have visuals.

One picture is ok
But four or five aren’t?

I used a loop straight out of the can.
I don’t usually do that.

The most snow I have seen is about 18 inches.

Jasmine thought things didn’t actually happen,
That this was some amusement park.

Tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes 
If it’s country it’s country 

If it is largely ceremonial and can’t do anything,
What is it there for?

Apparently, someone decided this shit needed to stop.

I don’t know
I just don’t want to be another looney with beatle Issues 

Just because you can handle it,
Doesn’t mean you would be responsible with it.

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