Tuesday, May 10

Nasty Pop

People chose Barabbas 
It is a human fault.

I was centered around A and skipping the 2nd and 6th
Not knowing what I was doing.

I have resigned myself.
I don’t miss people much anymore.

I am not trying to get people to taste raspberries.

I make it first for me.
I am literally jamming.

I don’t know.
I am experimenting with X-rays.

Side b didn’t go over so well,
But I learned some stuff.

I still like Meat Paradox the best.

I thought it might sound better with a long attack,
So I just flipped it.

I like m4a because it comes with the cover photo.

I don’t know why they stopped listing Opaque Burger,
I had a good thing going.

I wish they would bring it back.
I guess it threatened the centralized order.

I don’t know.
Peers become hubs, and it disrupts everything.

I don’t know.
They keep trying to clear me,
And I keep stopping up.

There is some type of energy that flows through me
There is no need to be upset about it.

I try to hold back.
I try to be normal.
People get upset.
Think I am trying to skate.
Think I am not doing my best.

We really don’t know,
But let’s just say Satan picks on people,
Based on their name, birthday, family, or birthplace.
That’s all we can really say.

In a perfect world I guess it wouldn’t matter,
But it seems to matter to somebody.

There is no place for magic.
It is troublesome.

It is like the psychiatrists say
They know it when they see it,
Or hear it I guess.

It is difficult to have traffic in a sustained way.

I guess babies are worth more than men are.

Like I said, in a perfect world it wouldn’t matter.

Satan is tying a knot and blaming it on me,
It ain’t my fault,
I ain’t the fix of this shit.

What is organic paranoia?

25 years?
Yeah I guess something is wrong with me.
I can imagine as a kid what I would think.

It just ain’t happening I guess.
You can’t have everything.

Force me to act out
It just ain’t happening 

Asexuality is a real thing.
And conversion therapy doesn’t work on us either.

Is Neil making fun of me,
Or is he sending me a message.

I wish things could be out in the open.
I don’t understand how people function this way.

I am fruitful.
I do multiply.

According to the many worlds interpretation,
Every time I choose  y over z I have split the world in two.

I believe if we could harness the power of this thing,
We wouldn’t have wars anymore.

I guess if someone wants a war you can’t stop them.

It is sad for us to have a war now.
We are almost at the place where it is unnecessary.

What are they trying to accomplish?
Why won’t they stop?

Downloads are important.
They are probably more important than the charts.

I don’t think Frank would have liked me very much.

The thunder made me paranoid and think big.

I guess I share characteristics with bad people.

Instead of spending all day on TikTok, I create something.
It is not such a bad thing.

It is more interesting when it is almost symmetrical.

Safari seems to do psychosisb better.

I don’t know.
If this happened every day for a month,
Maybe they would do something.

I am not giving TikTok my best shit anymore 
People reverse engineer my shit and claim copyright

I don’t understand how they can do that 
I have as much right to use an apple loop as anyone else
Even if someone is already using it

Maybe you could use my mandalas for trauma victims.

I have made the mandalas available at Opaque Burger.
Somebody Is going to need this stuff someday

I guess it ain’t happening.
Well it gives me something to do.

I don’t know why they would bother listing it if it only had one view.

I have either crashed Typito or they don't want to be associated with me.

If YouTube gave me a few dozen views I would give them more stuff,
Stuff shows up on Bing,

What is the deal?
I guess they think I might flip out.

I am not happy with heavy vinyl.
I haven’t had one that didn’t have a nasty pop in it somewhere.

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